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owned by the Japanese. Kevin 2020 is a porter in a hotel for wealthy Europeans and Asians. Public education stops at the sixth grade. Americans have long since stopped demanding good education for their children.
19 The last person Kevin 1990 sees in his dream is his own grandson. Kevin 2050 has no useful skills. Machines built in Japan do all the complex work, and there is little manual work to be done. Without education, without discipline, he cannot earn an adequate living wage. He lives in a slum where there is no heat, no plumbing, no privacy and survives by searching through trash piles.
20 In a word, he lives much as Kevin Hanley 1835 did in Ireland. But one day, Kevin Hanley 2050 is befriended by a visiting Japanese anthropologist studying the decline of America. The man explains to Kevin that when a man has no money, education can supply the human capital necessary to start to acquire financial capital. Hard work, education, saving and discipline can do anything. \is how we rose from the ashes after you defeated us in a war about a hundred years ago.\
21 \Brazil defeating the United States would sound in 1990. Kevin 2050 swears that if he ever has children, he will make sure they work and study and learn and discipline themselves. \to make a living by one's mind instead of by stealing,\
22 When Kevin 1990 wakes up, next to him is his copy of The Wealth of Nations. He opens it and the first sentence to catch his eye is this: \faculties of a man is, if possible, more contemptible than even a coward.\ 凯文1990醒了过来,身旁放着他的那本《各国的财富》。他打开书,跳入眼帘的第一句话就是:“一个不能恰当运用人类智力的人极可能比懦夫更可鄙。”
23 Kevin's father walks in. \ 凯文的父亲走了进来。“好了,儿子,”他说,“咱们去看耳机吧。”
24 \ “抱歉了,爸爸,”凯文1990说,“我得看书学习了。”
Do you think the use of calculators in learning math is a good idea? If you do, perhaps this article will change your mind.
Ditch the Calculator
Diane Hunsaker
1 I sigh inwardly as I watch yet another student, this one a ninth grader, struggle with an advanced math problem that requires simple multiplication. He mentally battles with 5×6, looks longingly at the off-limits calculator on the corner of my desk and finally guesses the answer: \
2 The growth in the use of calculators in the classroom amazes me. The students I tutor tell me regularly that their teachers allow unlimited access to this tool. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics actively encourages its use. Recently I attended a math seminar where the instructor casually stated that teachers were no longer reluctant to permit calculators in the classroom. Now \agrees on their importance, she said. (1)The more I hear from the education establishment about the benefits of these devices in schools, the less surprised I am when middle- and high-school students who have difficulty with arithmetic call for tutoring in algebra and geometry. Having worked six years as an electrical engineer before switching to teaching, I often suggest to my students that they consider technical and scientific careers, but I'm discouraged when I see an increasing number of kids who lack simple math skills.
课堂上使用计算器越来越多,这令我惊讶。我辅导的学生常常告诉我,他们的老师允许无限制地使用这一工具。全国数学教师协会积极鼓励使用计算器。最近我参加了一个数学研讨会,会上一位教师随口说,教师已不再不愿意让学生在课堂上使用计算器了。目前“人人”都认识到了计算器的重要性,她说。(1) 我听到教育机构谈论学校里使用这些工具的好处,听到越多,对于算术有困难的初、高中生需要家庭教师辅导几何、代数一事,我就越觉得不足为怪了。由于改行教书前我曾当过六年电气工程师,因此常常建议学生将来从事技术或科学工作,但看到越来越多的孩子缺乏基本的数学运算技能,我不由深感失望。
3 Educators have many arguments in defense of calculators, but each one ignores the reason that we teach math in the first place. Math trains the mind. By this I mean that students learn to think logically and rationally, to proceed from known information to desired information and to become competent with both numbers and ideas. These skills are something that math and science teach and are essential for adolescents to become thinking, intelligent members of society.
4 Some teachers argue that calculators let students concentrate on how to solve problems instead of getting tied up with tedious computations. (2)Having a calculator doesn't make it any easier for a student to decide how to attack a math problem. Rather, it only encourages him to try every combination of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division without any thought about which would be more appropriate. Some of my elementary-school children look at a word problem and instantly guess that adding is the correct approach. When I suggest that they solve the problem this way without a calculator, they usually pause and think before continuing. A student is much more likely to cut down his work by reflecting on the problem first if he doesn't have a calculator in his hand. Learning effective methods for approaching confusing problems is essential, not just for math but for life.
有教师争辩道,计算器使学生集中精力解题,而不为繁琐的运算拖累。(2) 计算器并不能方便学生确定解数学题的方法。相反,计算器只会鼓励他乱试加减乘除的各种组合,而不去考虑哪种组合更加适当。我的一些小学生一看某道应用题立刻就猜测加法是正确的运算方法。当我建议他们不依赖计算器用加法解题时,他们往往在继续运算前先思考一番。如果手里没有计算器,学生更有可能停下来先对问题思考一番,以减少运算工作。学会用有效的方法解决复杂的问题是必要的,不仅学数学如此,在生活中也一样。
5 A middle-school teacher once said to me, \him a calculator, and he'll be fine.\problem solving fell to such a low priority in education circles. How could we possibly communicate with each other, much less create new ideas, without the immense store of information in our brains? 一位中学教师曾对我说:“学生不会运算长除法又怎么样?给他个计算器,他就有办法了。”我不敢苟同。我不知道,从什么时候起,背诵和反复解题在教育界变得如此不受重视。没有大脑中储存的大量信息,我们如何相互交流?更不用说创新出主意了。
6 Math is as much about knowing why the rules work as knowing what the rules are. A student who cannot do long division obviously does not comprehend the principles on which it is based. A true understanding of why often makes learning by rote unnecessary, because the student can figure out the rules himself. My students who view the multiplication tables as a list of unrelated numbers have much more difficulty in math than those who know that multiplication is simply repeated addition. Calculators prevent students from seeing this kind of natural structure and beauty in math.
7 A student who learns to handle numbers mentally can focus on how to attack a problem and then complete the actual calculations easily. He will also have a much better idea of what the answer should be, since experience has taught him \numbers.
8 A student who has grown up with a calculator will struggle with both strategies and computations. When youngsters used a calculator to solve 9×4 in third grade, they are still using one to solve the same problem in high school. By then they are also battling with algebra. (3)Because they never felt comfortable working with numbers as children, they are seriously disadvantaged when they attempt the generalized math of algebra. Permitting extensive use of calculators invites a child's mind to stand still. If we don't require students to do the simple problems that calculators can do, how can we expect them to solve the more complex problems that calculators cannot do?
一个伴着计算器长大的学生既要对付解题策略又要对付实际运算。三年级时借助计算器算出9×4的孩子到了高中仍在借助计算器做同样的运算。届时他们还得应付代数。(3) 因为他们在孩提时代对数字计算从未感到过轻松,当他们试图攻读代数这一广义数学时就会处于极其不利的地位。允许广泛使用计算器会使孩子的智力发展停滞不前。如果我们不让学生做那些计算器能代劳的简单的运算,又怎么能期待他们去解决计算器解决不了的更为复杂的问题呢?
9 Students learn far more when they do the math themselves. I've tutored youngsters on practice SAT exams where they immediately reach for their calculators. If they'd take a few seconds to understand the problem at hand, they most likely would find a simpler solution without needing a stick to lean on. I have also watched students incorrectly enter a problem like 12 + 32 into their calculators as 112 + 32 and not bat an eye at the obviously incorrect answer. After all, they used a calculator, so it must be right.
学生自己进行数学运算所获得的收益远比依赖计算器多。我辅导过孩子做学业能力倾向测试的模拟试题,他们一坐下就拿计算器算。如果他们对手头的题目略加思考,就很可能不需要倚靠拐杖就能找到一种更简单的解题方法。我还观察到学生错把12+32 当作112+32输入计算器,对算出的明显错误的答案连眼都不眨一下。毕竟,他们用的是计算器,所以,一定没错。
10 Educators also claim that calculators are so inexpensive and commonplace that students must become competent in using them. New math texts contain whole sections on solving problems with a calculator. Most people, including young children, can learn its basic functions in about five minutes. Calculators do have their place in the world outside school and, to a limited extent, in higher-level math classes, but they are hardly education tools.
11 Many teachers as well as students insist, \shouldn't we use calculators? They will always be around, and we'll never do long division in real life.\math. Not many of us need to figure the circumference of a circle or factor a quadratic equation for any practical reason. But that's not the sole purpose of teaching math. (4) We teach it for thinking and discipline, both of which expand the mind and increase the student's ability to function as a contributing individual in society: the ultimate goals of education. 不少老师以及学生坚持认为,“我们为什么不能用计算器?计算器永远就在身边,我们在实际生活中根本不会做长除法运算。”这或许是事实。大多数数学运算也都如此。我们当中没有多少人会出于实际需要而计算圆的周长或求解一项二次方程的因子。但那并非数学教学的惟一目的。(4) 我们为培养思维和训练而教数学,这两者都能扩展思维,增强学生为社会作贡献的能力:这是教育的终极目的。