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Unit8 Is there a post office near here 课后练习

主讲教师:朱文娟 北大附中英语教师


这儿附近有一个旅馆吗?是的, 有。在第五大街上。

_______________ near here? Yes, ___________________. It is _____________. 这儿附近有投币电话吗?是的,超市前面有一个。

___________ pay phones near here? Yes, there is one ______________________. 超市在那儿?在银行的隔壁。

________ the supermarket? It is ___________________ the bank. 机场在哪儿?在公园的对面。

Where ___________________? It’s ___________ the park. 图书馆在哪儿?它们在投币电话和邮局之间。

Where ________________? It is ______________ and ________________. 工作日,我喜欢在图书馆度过时光。

On weekdays, I like to _____________________.


这儿附近有一个花园吗?是的, 有。在第五大街上。

_______________ near here? Yes, ___________________. It is _____________. 这儿附近有邮局吗?是的,图书馆前面有一个。

___________ post offices near here? Yes, there is one ______________________. 银行在那儿?在学校的隔壁。

________ the bank? It is ___________________ the school. 图书馆在哪儿?在学校的对面。

Where ___________________? It’s ___________ the school. 邮局在哪儿?它们在投币电话和公园之间。

Where ________________? It is ______________ and ________________. 周日,我喜欢在电影院度过时光。

I like to _____________________ on Sunday.


There _________ not ________ orange juice in the bottle. A. are; many B. are; much C. is; many D. is; much _____________ a library near here? A. Is there B. Are there C. Has D. Have


There _________ not ________ bread in the refrigerator. A. are; many B. are; much C. is; many D. is; much


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___________ an apple tree over there? A. Is there B. Are there C. Has D. Have


__________ any books on the desk? A. There is B. There are C. Are there D. Is there

There ________ a hotel and two restaurants on this street. A. are B. have C. is D. has

We _____ a big family. ________ four people in my family. A. has; There is B. have; There are C. has; There are D. have; There is


__________ a post office in your neighborhood ? A. There is B. There are C. Are there D. Is there

There ________ some water in the glass. A. are B. have C. is D. has I ____ a fridge. _____ no milk in it.

A. has; There is B. have; There are C. has; There are D. have; There is

题七: 完成对话

A: Excuse me. Is there a bank ______ the neighborhood?

B: Yes, there is. Go _____ Six Avenue and turn right. It’s ____ from the library.

题八: 完成对话

A: Where is the post office?

B: Walk _____ the park to the next street. There is one ______ the supermarket and the library.


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Unit8 Is there a post office near here



Is there a hotel; there is; on Fifth Street; Are there any; in front of the supermarket; Where’s; next to; is the airport; across from;

is the library; between the pay phone; the post office spend some time in the library 解析:

1. “某地有某物”可以考虑使用there be句型。回答也要用Yes, there is/are.或No, there isn’t./aren’t. 2. “某地有某物”可以考虑使用there be句型。在......前面in front of... 3. “......在哪?”可以用where。next to挨着。 4. across from在......对面。 5. between...and...在两者之间。

6. spend some time...在......度过时光,花时间。 题二:

Is there a garden; there is; on Fifth Avenue; Are there any; in front of the library; Where’s; next to; is the library; across from;

is the post office; between the pay phone; the park spend some time in the cinema 解析:

1. “某地有某物”可以考虑使用there be句型。回答也要用Yes, there is/are.或No, there isn’t./aren’t. 2. “某地有某物”可以考虑使用there be句型。在......前面in front of... 3. “......在哪?”可以用where。next to挨着。 4. across from在......对面。 5. between...and...在两者之间。

6. spend some time...在......度过时光,花时间。 题三:D A 解析:

1. orange juice为不可数名词,用much修饰。排除AC。不可数名词用there is。 2.“某地有某物”使用there be句型。排除CD。a library为可数名词单数,故选A。 题四:D A 解析:

1. bread为不可数名词,用much修饰。排除AC。不可数名词用there is。

2.“某地有某物”使用there be句型。排除CD。an apple为可数名词单数,故选A。


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题五:C C B 解析:

1. 一般疑问句中be动词提前,books为可数名词复数,故选C。 2. there be句型中be动词的单复数取决于后面的名词的单复数。 3. have表示“拥有某物”,there be表示“某地有某物”。 题六:D C D 解析:

1. 一般疑问句中be动词提前,a post office为可数名词单数,故选D。 2. there be句型中be动词的单复数取决于后面的名词的单复数。 3. have表示“拥有某物”,there be表示“某地有某物”。 题七:in; along/down; across 解析:

1. in the neighborhood在附近。 2. go along/down沿着。 3. across from 在......对面。 题八:through; between 解析:

1. walk through穿过。 2. between...and...在两者之间。
