高一英语下学期unit 9教案 下载本文

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Model Three Unit Nine Lesson3 the Clean Machine

福建泉州七中英语组 苏超群

Analysis of lesson3: This lesson includes reading practice and grammar teaching. It is a dialogue about solar car racing. Present Perfect Continuous is naturally used through the dialogues; it is shown via the description of Marie Logan’s experiences.

The sixth period: words studying and text reading

Teaching aims:

? To learn the new words of lesson3 ? ?

To observe the use of Present Perfect Continuous

To learn to describe one’s experiences using Present Perfect Continuous

Teaching difficulties:

? To understand the core meaning of present perfect continuous ? Teaching Aids:slides ? Teaching procedures:

Step I. Review: quickly review what were learnt in the former class.

Step II. Words study:

(The teacher will lead students to learn the new words through a discussion about “solar car”) New words to study: solar, petrol, fuel, gas, impression, reliable, sun light, The possible discussion: (The teacher shows students the pictures of solar car on slides. Meanwhile some of the new words are shown on the slide. These are written in blue below)

(Pictures used in the lesson: )

T: Good morning, class. Do you know the name of the cars on the slides? S: solar cars. (“solar car” appears on the slide )

T: Great. I am sure many of you have known solar cars before. So, what’s your impression of “solar car”? What’s the differences between solar cars and the ordinary cars? discuss with your partner for one minute. (“what’s your impression of solar car” appears on the slide ) (after a minute)

T: what’s your impression of “solar car”? What’re the differences between solar cars and the ordinary cars? For example, the fuel.

S: well, solar cars use the energy of sunlight as the fuel while the ordinary cars use petrol /gas as the fuel.

T: anything more? Which one is more reliable?

S: I think the ordinary cars are more reliable because sun light can’t be got every time everywhere. T: yes. Solar cars are not so reliable as the ordinary cars. They are not widely used in the world now. But some people are in favor of solar cars. Do you know why? Read this text and do exercise 3. (The question is asked to raise Ss’ interests)

Step III. Reading

Ss read the text quickly and do exercise 3.

T: OK. Now let’s check the answers of exercise 3 together. You tell me true or false and point out where the answers are shown. The first one XXX

S: true. In the third question ”you’ve been designing solar racing cars for a long time” T: correct. What’s the sentence mean in Chinese? S:…

T: yes. It means” 我从以前到现在一直设计太阳能赛车” now, the second question XXX S: False. In Answer4 “we’ve won two of them”. In Chinese it means 我们只赢得两次 T: correct. The third question XXX

S: False. In Answer7 “I have been building a new car… but we haven’t finished yet”. T: correct. What’s the sentence mean in Chinese? XXX S: “我们最近一直在造一辆新车,但还没造好” T: correct. The fourth question XXX

S: False. In question 8 “you’ve been writing a book about solar cars.” And “I’ve only written the first few chapters.”

T: correct. What’s the sentence mean in Chinese? XXX S: 最近一直在写,但才写了头几章节 T: correct. The last one. XXX

S: true. “…even in cloudy weather”

T: good. You have done a good job. Now read the text again and underline the language points that are important or difficult.

Step IV language points studying

T: now let’s learn the language points together. Please write your puzzles and the important

language points you picked on the blackboard..

(Ss go to the blackboard and write down the important and puzzling points.) T: excellent. Now, let’s study the language points together. The teacher writes down the important points concisely on the board. points: 1. Mean, mean to do, mean doing (Line2) 2. Worry, worried, worrying (L5) (L) 3. So far(L10) 4. Take part in, participate in, join in, (L11) 5. Take place, occur, appear, happen, come out不用被动的词(L14) 6. Cross, through (L15) 7. Impress, impression(L26) 8. Persuade sb of, persuade sb out of (L28) (The teacher paraphrases the language points in detail. This may take up the rest of the time)(具体语言点讲解略)

Step V Backup: finish the table according to what we learnt today T: please fill the table according to what we have learnt today. fuel advantages disadvantages Your other impressions Solar cars The energy of Sunlight No pollution, clean and safe Slow, not reliable Ordinary cars Petrol/gas Reliable, fast Cause pollution Homework: recite words for dictation; do exercise 5 on page 41.

教学反思: 本课的优点有三点:1.将单词教学融入语境,在操练中学单词、用单词,展示图片时还将目标词汇放到屏幕上,进行视觉刺激,并在本课结束之际再次复习单词;2.通过开始的口语讨论,锻炼学生用英语表达对太阳能车的看法,并与普通车进行了比较,符合真实性对话;3.语言点讲解先调动学生积极性,让找出该讲的语言点,避免了教师单方面讲,学生被动吸收的低效教学。

几个问题:1. 语言点讲解是否尽量用英文?中文的使用如何把握?2. 练习三其实更可以用于语法讲解部分使用,因为答案的出处多为现在完成时和现在完成进行时。3. 本课虽为阅读课型,但似乎没能较好地进行阅读训练。