2019年秋人教版英语必修二课后习题:Unit3Computers3.2(含答案) 下载本文

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Section Ⅱ Learning about Language,Using

Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip



as a result deal with go by arise from after all with the help of in a way watch over so...that... signal to 1.In many people’s opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant . 答案:to deal with

2.You should be patient to Jenny. she is only a child. 答案:After all

3. the soldiers,the people in the flooded areas had enough tents to live in.

答案:With the help of

4.I heard some children singing when I the room. 答案:went by

5.The speaker spoke fast I could only write down a few words. 答案:so;that

6.We helped each other with the homework and ,we became good friends. 答案:as a result

7.This problem our earlier decision.

答案:arises from

8.He me to follow him using his hat. 答案:signaled to

9.The task is very hard to complete ,but so long as you try your best,you can finish on time. 答案:in a way

10.Can you keep the goods until my partners come back? 答案:watching over




With science and technology 1. (develop) quickly,computers can 2. (apply) to so many fields 3. we can’t go without them.4. a result,people can calculate on computers 5. (solve) all kinds of problems,for example,6. (explore) the moon.In 7. way,computers have changed our life.8. ,many students become so crazy about 9. (computer) that they spend too much time on them.Therefore,some of the students fail in the exams.Anyhow,computers 10. (play) an important part in our life.

答案:1.developing 2.be applied 3.that 4.As 5.to solve 6.exploring 7.a 8.However 9.computers 10.play



(语言能力 思维品质)

A few days ago,I met a stranger in the street who stopped to ask me 1 .I decided to show him the way to the destination,but to my surprise,he coldly 2 my offer.I asked him why.Finally he told me he was 3 I would ask him for money if I 4 him in this way.

Money!I 5 into deep thought.Is it money that comes between us?There is no 6 with money;it cannot be 7 with good or bad.

The problem 8 what attitude we have towards it.

Nowadays,we have a more 9 material life than ever before,but we’re becoming more and more 10 .Why?In my opinion,the 11 is the change in people’s personal 12 .They wrongly think that 13 money should be their only aim in life,so they 14 all kinds of ways they can to 15 this aim.

They are afraid of being 16 and fooled.If everyone thinks like this, 17 will our society be like?Needless to say,money is becoming more and more important in our society, 18 it shouldn’t be the “be-all and end-all” of life.If a person only concentrates(全神贯注)on 19 ,he will be lonely and void(空虚),and even make very serious mistakes.

It is up to us to make our lives happy,not money.We should try our best to help others 20 and freely.If everyone does so,our society will be better and better. 1.A.questions B.directions C.problems 答案:B

解析:由后面“I decided to tell him how to get to the destination”这一信息可知,B项正确。 2.A.agreed C.received 答案:D

解析:由前面的“but to my surprise”和“coldly”这两处信息可知,D项正确,即他拒绝了“我”的帮助。 3.A.afraid C.sorry 答案:A

解析:句意:最后他告诉我如果我以这种方式帮助他,他害怕我会向他要钱。afraid“害怕的”;pleased“高兴的”;sorry“抱歉的”;curious “好奇的”。 4.A.stopped

B.helped B.pleased D.curious B.accepted D.refused D.instructions