内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/31 8:09:03星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
学 院 计算机学院
专 业 计算机科学与技术
摘 要
在今天,我们处在一个全球化的世界,我们需要的服务质量要求越来越高, 这种服务的质量要求包括:高效率,可靠性,精准性等。反映在人们日常生活中,我们希望每一次机械行为都具有较高的效率,我们希望能更快速地达到我们的目的。我们需要一个地理工具,一个适用于大众的便捷地图软件。未来生活中地图软件的使用会越来越广泛,特别是体现在移动终端上。地图在生活和生产上的应用将会提高我们的工作效率和生活质量,拉近人们之间的距离。所以地图应用作为一个崭新事物在互联网行业中将会越来越引起人们的重视,传统的企业融入地图应用元素具有战略意义,谁能有效地利用好地图应用,谁就能把握好知识经济时代的生产力。
论文描述的是基于云模型的数字城市模拟系统。首先阐述了移动端地图应用背后的大数据分析和存储的重要地位,基本思想,发展趋势,新时代的一些主要的特点等理论知识,分析了建立一个基于云模型的数字城市模拟系统的必要性和可行性,同时介绍了目前的软件技术,包括开发环境,数据库,百度map API,C/S框架,hadoop云框架和server端的原子性多线程原理。然后对基于云平台 简易地图信息系统进行了需求分析,总体设计和详细设计,以及系统的详细测试结果,探讨了大数据地图应用软件和后台系统的开发方法和实现技术。
关键词:android简易图应用软件,百度map API,TCP协议编程,大数据
Today, we are in a globalized world , we need more and more high quality of service requirements ,This quality of service requirements include: high efficiency, reliability , accuracy and so on. Reflected in people's daily lives, we hope to have every mechanical behavior of high efficiency, we hope to be able to more quickly achieve our objective . We need a geography tool , one for the convenience of the public map software . Map software for future use in life will become increasingly widespread , especially reflected in the mobile terminal. Maps on life and production applications will improve our work efficiency and quality of life , to narrow the distance between people. So as a new map application thing in the Internet industry will be increasingly attracted attention , traditional enterprise application integration map elements of strategic significance , who can effectively use a good map application , who will be able to grasp the knowledge economy era productivity.
Paper describes a simple map -based information system cloud platform . First elaborated the importance of mobile terminal map application behind big data analysis and storage , basic ideas, trends, some of the main features of the new era , such as theoretical knowledge, analyze the necessity of establishing a cloud-based platform for information systems and simple map feasibility , and describes the current software technology , including the principle of the development of multi-threaded environment , database , Baidu map API, C / S framework , hadoop cloud server -side framework and atomicity . Then a cloud-based platform for simple map information systems requirements analysis , detailed test results of the overall design and detailed design, and systems development methods discussed large data map application software and back-office systems and enabling technologies.
Paper in the form of a detailed description of the module comes to
cloud-based platform for simple map information system design process , this application is divided into two parts: the client and server. The main module clients include: user registration,User login, urban services address lookup , urban transport route display, map satellite map display, map zooming, user maps and other information-gathering operation . Service side of the main modules : receiving and responding engine services operating storage users daily maps , map users daily operation information analysis , the value of the information stored . Through rational design client and server , and achieve real-time and efficient information retrieval and map information map large data applications.
Key words: android simple diagram application software, Baidu map API,
TCP protocol programming, big data analytics, large data storage
目 录
1 绪论 ............................................................. 1
1.1 选题的背景 .................................................. 1 1.2 选题的意义 .................................................. 2 1.3 选题的研发内容 .............................................. 2 2 系统相关技术介绍 ................................................. 4
2.1 Eclipse ..................................................... 4 2.2 数据库 ...................................................... 5
2.2.1 MySQL ................................................ 5 2.2.2 MySQL 语言特点 ........................................ 6 2.3 ODBC技术 ................................................... 7 2.4 android 开发框架技术 ........................................ 8
2.4.1 框架直观图 ............................................ 8 2.4.2 框架介绍 .............................................. 9 2.5 百度map API接口技术 ....................................... 10
2.5.1 百度map API功能介绍 ................................. 11 2.6 TCP协议 ................................................. 12
2.6.1 TCP功能概述 ......................................... 13 2.7 多线程控制的原子性模型思想 ................................. 13 2.8 Hadoop分布式系统基础架构 .................................. 13
2.8.1 Hadoop基本介绍 ...................................... 13 2.8.2 Hadoop优点 .......................................... 14 2.8.3 hadoop集群系统 ...................................... 15
3 需求分析 ........................................................ 16
3.1 软件需求分析 ............................................... 16 3.2 系统需求分析 ............................................... 17 3.3 功能需求分析 ............................................... 18