本科毕业设计--《了不起的盖茨比》中的修辞现象 下载本文

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divide the effect of rhetoric into aesthetic effects, emotional effects, behavioral effect, through the achievement degree of the purpose.

3.2 Emotional effects

Emotional effect refers to refers to cause a kind of emotional response and emotional experience through the rhetorical behavior of the recipient. Such as fear, anger, grief, resentment, shame, remorse, love, please, praise, joy. It is the result of accepting of behavior emotional and aesthetic information.(胡习之,2010:4). It is very important to get rid of the emotional competent of an individual when we write(王希节,2009:1). Therefore, it is very important for us to make good use of the rhetorical to achieve certain purpose of emotion. Whether in daily live or when writing, we often polish our language, it can also be called as rhetoric, the use of rhetoric in daily communication will produce a variety of emotional effects, smart people tend to re-think, before their speaking they often consider their language thoughtfully and carefully, their words are often able to achieve the desired effect. The words must be accurately enough to grasp the psychology of the communicator, which can touch the heart of them. Only in this way, we can satisfactorily achieve our communicative purpose.(吴礼权,1998:6)

3.3 Behavioral effects

Behavioral effect refers to the recipient produce some kind of action as the rhetorical behavior, these kinds of actions can be language or non-language.(胡习之,2010:4)The behavior effects are the continuation of emotional effect, only when we achieve the desired emotional effect, can it produce a certain behavior, and thus we can complete our purpose. You must let people feel the beauty and relaxed enough so as we can grasp the mind of the listener, as a result, we can achieve our purpose immediately.

4. Conclusion

This paper mainly discuss the application of rhetoric in The Great Gatsby, and discuss what the sentence that use the rhetoric express in the context, and analysis the theme of the article through rhetoric and background, and analysis the aesthetic, emotional and behavioral effect of rhetoric




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I would like to use this opportunity to express my heart-felt gratitude to my supervisor Professor Li Guifang, who has shown her precious time guiding me during my writing this thesis with patience and consideration. Without her help, I can’t complete the thesis before the deadline.

I also grateful to my parents for their love and friends who help me for this thesis, especially Lu Ting who helps me most, they gives me unfailing help for my academic pursuit.


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