2011年5月CATTI英语二级笔译综合实务试题及答案 下载本文

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Bargain shoppers need to remember that buying a high-end luxury item on a little-known website is just as risky aspurchasing one on a street corner. The Internet is full of bogus deal sites that sell only counterfeit items.Any time you have an increase in shopping activity, you are going to have an increase in the predators who preyon shoppers,” If you?re looking for a Rolex watch, Louis Vuitton wallet or a pair of Louboutins, you?re best off patronizing the brand?s store, which often means paying full price for the item. It?s not only counterfeit goods that you need to be on the lookout for when buying gifts. According to the U.S. Secret Service, counterfeit money increases in circulation during the holiday season as “counterfeiters prey on both cashiers distracted by long lines, andconsumers juggling purchases and shopping lists.”?Tis the season for giving, which means it?s also the perfect time for phony nonprofits to coerce consumers out of their hard-earned cash. To avoid falling prey to their tricks, visit the Wise Giving Alliance website before opening up your wallet this holiday season. The website lists all the nationally recognized charities, while evaluating charities for consumers so they can avoid making any dubious donations. It?s not just your inbox that scammers are flooding, either. A warning issued by the FBI this November reminded consumers to be on the lookout for smishing scams. Beware any deals advertised via social media outlets, as scammers are just as savvy at imitating a retailers? fan page as they are at mimicking websites. McAfee Labs which specializes in virus protection, cites a NovemberFacebook scam that offered a “free $1,000 Best Buy gift card” to the first 20,000 people who signed up on a bogus Best Buy fan page. The scam urged consumers to provide personal information as they took a series of quizzes. Malware tweets and posts are even more prevalent than fan page ruses. You might remember this scam, which used the lure of a free iPad to get users to sign up for a premium cell phone service that cost $10 a week via both Facebook andTwitter.

2011年5月CATTI二级笔译翻译实务英译中 Passage 1

Farms go out of business for many reasons, but few farms do merely because the soil has failed. That is the miracle of farming. If you care for the soil, it will last — and yield — nearly forever. America is such a young country that we have barely tested that. For most of our history, there has been new land to farm, and we still farm as though there always will be.


Still, there are some very old farms out there. The oldest is the Tuttle farm, near Dover, N.H., which is also one of the oldest business enterprises in America. It made the news last week because its owner — a lineal descendant of John Tuttle, the original settler — has decided to go out of business. It was founded in 1632. I hear its sweet corn is legendary.



The year 1632 is unimaginably distant. In 1632, Galileo was still publishing, and John Locke was born. There were perhaps 10,000 colonists in all of America, only a few hundred of them in New Hampshire. The Tuttle acres, then, would have seemed almost as surrounded as they do in 2010, but by forest instead of highways and houses.


It was a precarious operation at the start — as all farming was in the new colonies—and it became precarious enough again in these past few years to peter out at last. The land is protected by a conservation easement so it can?t be developed, but no one knows whether the next owner will farm it. 就像所有新的殖民地上的农业一样,一开始塔特尔的经营也非常不稳定。在过去数年中,这样的不稳定状况旧病复发,最终导致农场一步步滑向破产的深渊。受到资源保护的限制(译者注:easement是地役权),不能对土地进行开发。但是没有人知道农场的下一位主人是否会继续耕作。

In a letter on their Web site, the Tuttles cite “exhaustion of resources” as the reason to sell the farm. The exhausted resources they list include bodies, minds, hearts, imagination, equipment, machinery and finances. They do not mention soil, which has been renewed and redeemed repeatedly. It?s as though the parishioners of the First Parish Church in nearby Dover — erected nearly 200 years later, in 1829 — had rebuilt the structure on the same spot every few years. 在“塔特尔农场”的网站上,塔特尔家族在一封致公众信中将“资源枯竭”作为出售农场的原因。他们所列举的枯竭资源包括:人力、脑力、想象力、设备、机器和资金,却压根没提被多次翻新并帮助他们树立威信的土地。这就好像多佛市附近、始建于1829年的First Parish Church的教区居民每过几年就在同一个地方重建教堂一样。

Passage 2

Youth unemployment across the world has climbed to a new high and is likely to climb further this year, a United Nations agency said Thursday, while warning of a “lost generation” as more young people give up the search for work.


The agency, the International Labor Organization, said in a report that of some 620 million young people ages 15 to 24 in the work force, about 81 million were unemployed at the end of 2009 — the highest level in two decades of record-keeping by the organization, which is based in Geneva.


The youth unemployment rate increased to 13 percent in 2009 from 11.9 percent in the last assessment in 2007.


“There?s never been an increase of this magnitude — both in terms of the rate and the level — since we?ve been tracking the data,” said Steven Kapsos, an economist with the organization. The agency forecast that the global youth unemployment rate would continue to increase through 2010, to 13.1 percent, as the effects of the economic downturn continue. It should then decline to 12.7 percent in 2011. 国际劳工组织经济学家史蒂文·凯普索斯说:“自从我们开始追踪年轻人失业数据以来,从未见过数量如此之大、比例如此之高的失业现象。”该机构预测,在全球经济持续低迷的影响下,年轻人2010年下半年失



The agency?s 2010 report found that unemployment has hit young people harder than adults during the financial crisis, from which most economies are only just emerging, and that recovery of the job market for young men and women will lag behind that of adults. The impact of the crisis also has been felt in shorter hours and reduced wages for those who maintain salaried employment.

国际劳工组织2010年的报告还发现,金融危机期间,年轻人失业率比成年工人失业情况更严重,就业市场的恢复也比成年工人慢。而且受经济危机影响,侥幸保住“饭碗”的年轻人,工作时间更短、工资更少。 In some especially strained European countries, including Spain and Britain, many young people have become discouraged and given up the job hunt, it said. The trend will have “significant consequences for young people,” as more and more join the ranks of the already unemployed, it said. That has the potential to create a “ ?lost generation? comprised of young people who have dropped out of the labor market, having lost all hope of being able to work for a decent living.” 在情况特别严峻的欧洲国家,比如西班牙和英国,许多年轻人已经对寻找工作气馁,甚至放弃了找工作。这种趋势将对年轻人造成严重影响,可能越来越多的年轻人加入到失业者行列。这些退出劳动市场、对寻找工作过上体面生活失去希望的年轻人,将成为新的迷失一代。

The report said that young people in developing economies are more vulnerable to precarious employment and poverty.


Passage 1


China has achieved remarkable progress in those 60 years, particularly in the last 30 years since reform and opening-up. China?s economy and comprehensive national strength have grown significantly and various social programs have made big strides. The Chinese people, once lacking basic living necessities, are now leading a moderately prosperous life, and the whole society is showing unprecedented dynamism and creativity.


We are keenly aware, however, that China remains the world?s largest developing country. The difficulties and problems that we face in development are rarely seen in any other part of the world in terms of their scale and complexity. We still have a long way to go before we can build, in a comprehensive way, a moderately prosperous society of a higher level that will benefit the more than one billion Chinese people, and then achieve basic modernization and bring common prosperity to all our people.