ݷʱ : 2025/3/12 1:06:42һ µȫĶ
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With the coming of the informationization and the advent of the knowledge-based economy era, the file management has become one of the absolutely necessaryeach management project for every company and institutions essential. How to be properly managed and used effectively to build a modern archive management system,has be a essential issues. From that standpointa student archives management system based on bar code is presented.And in the process of the preservation and transmission we implemented a information security strategy based on the key exchange to effectively improve the system's operating efficiency and data security and reliability.
The system is a students archives management system using the C/S structure, we choose Delphi and SQL Server 2000 as the development environment.According to the software engineering methods, at first we do a system needs analysis and then using UML modeling technology, we make the use case diagram of the system gradually, and do the overall design of the system. Then by dividing the system into five part, which are the user login module, students archives management module, students archives inquiries and management module, students archives type management and archives cabinets data management module, students borrow / return archives management module, and other five major modules for the detailed design of the system, we do the system design in detail including the interface and the database design. And then the ids of archives are matched with the bar code numbers, as we do the bar codes encoding, reading and printing. System uses an information security strategy that is to make the digital signature of the upload data based on the RSA encoding algorithm and SHA-1 abstract algorithm, and in the transmission process use IDEA encoding algorithm to encode the data. Thereforein the system the safety and reliability of information in the data transmission has been effectively protected,at the same time, the operation and management of the workers is facilitated because of the use of bar code technology.
Key wordsFiles management information system Bar code
Information security Database system
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ժ Ҫ ............................................................................................................... I Abstract ........................................................................................................... II 1
1.1 о .................................................................................. (1) 1.2 оſ .................................................................................. (2) 1.3 ĵҪо .......................................................................... (3) 2 ؼо
2.1 Delphiɿ ........................................................................... (4) 2.2 뼼........................................................................................... (5) 2.3 ǩ .................................................... (δǩ) 2.4 UMLģ ..................................................................................... (5) 2.5 С ............................................................................................... (6) 3 ϵͳķ
3.1 ҵ .............................................................................. (7) 3.2 ϵͳ ................................ (δǩ) 3.3 ϵͳ .................................................................. (9) 3.4 .................................................................................... (11) 3.5 ǩ ................................................ (δǩ) 3.6 ݿ .................................................................................... (12) 3.7 С ............................................................................................. (13) 4 ϵͳʵ
4.1 ѡ ................................................................................ (14)
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4.2 ϵͳģʵ ............................................................................ (14) 4.3 ݿʵʵ ............................................................................ (19) 4.4 ϵͳ ............................................................................................. (22) 4.5 С ............................................................................................. (24) 5 ϵͳ
5.1 ............................................................................................. (25) 5.2 Ի ................................................................................ (25) 5.3 Է ................................................................................ (26) 5.4 ............................................................................................. (27) 5.5 ܽ ................................................................................ (28) 5.6 С ............................................................................................. (28) 6 ܽչ
6.1 ȫܽ ............................................................................................. (30) 6.2 չ ............................................................................................. (30) л .......................................................................................................... (32) ο...................................................................................................... (33)
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