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OpenWrt MediaTek AP Router wpa wep-open wep-shared open


Read the example in “SSID” section first, then you can:

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[n].key=x

1.2.4 Add new SSID (When multi-SSID is enabled)

Read the example in “SSID” section first, then you can:

uci add wireless wifi-iface

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[n].device=chipname uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[n].ifname=ra1 uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[n].network=lan uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[n].mode=ap

uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[n].ssid=newssid uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[n].encryption=psk2 uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[n].key=11111111

N is the new index, which is current index increased by 1.

1.2.5 Remove SSID

Read the example in “SSID” section first, then you can:

uci del wireless.@wifi-iface[n]

N is the index which you want to remove.

1.2.6 Wireless Mode

uci set wireless.chipname.wifimode=n n could be:

0: Legacy 11b/g mixed 1: Legacy 11B only 2: Legacy 11A only

3: Legacy 11a/b/g mixed 4: Legacy 11G only 5: 11ABGN mixed 6: 11N only 7: 11GN mixed 8: 11AN mixed 9: 11BGN mixed 10: 11AGN mixed

11: 11N only in 5G band only

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OpenWrt MediaTek AP Router 14: 11A/AN/AC mixed 5G band only (Only 11AC chipset support) 15:11 AN/AC mixed 5G band only (Only 11AC chipset support)

1.2.7 Radio On/Off

uci set n could be:

0: Disable 1: Enable

1.2.8 Channel

1) Fixed channel:

uci set wireless.chipname.autoch=0

uci set # n is the channel number.

2) Auto channel:

uci set

uci set wireless.chipname.autoch=1 # or 2, different algorithm.

3) Auto channel with channels skipped uci set

uci set wireless.chipname.autoch=1 # or 2, different algorithm. uci set wireless.chipname.autoch_skip=”1;2;3;4”

1.2.9 Operating Mode

uci set wireless.chipname.ht_opmode=n n could be: 0: Mixed Mode 1: Green Mode

1.2.10 Channel Band Width

uci set n could be: 0: 20MHz 1: 40MHz

2: 80MHz (5G only)

1.2.11 Guard Interval

uci set wireless.chipname.ht_gi=n # 2.4G n could be: 0: long GI 1: Auto GI

uci set wireless.chipname.vht_sgi=n # 5G n could be:

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OpenWrt MediaTek AP Router 0: Disable 1: Enable



uci set wireless.chipname.ht_mcs=0;....;1;0; bitwise data, bit index equals to the MCS index.

1.2.13 Reverse Direction Grant

uci set wireless.chipname.ht_rdg=n n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

1.2.14 Space Time Block Coding (STBC)

uci set wireless.chipname.ht_stbc=n #2.4G n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

uci set wireless.chipname.vht_stbc=n #5G n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

1.2.15 Aggregation MSDU (A-MSDU)

uci set wireless.chipname.ht_amsdu=n n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

1.2.16 AP Power Saving (APSDCapable)

uci set wireless.chipname.apsd=n n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

1.2.17 WMM

uci set wireless.chipname.wmm=n n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

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OpenWrt MediaTek AP Router 1.2.18

Decline BA Request

uci set wireless.chipname.ht_badec=n n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

1.2.19 HT LDPC

uci set wireless.chipname.ht_ldpc=n # 2.4G n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

uci set wireless.chipname.vht_ldpc=n # 5G n could be: 0: Disable 1: Enable

1.2.20 BG Protection Mode

uci set wireless.chipname.bgprotect=n n could be: 0: Auto 1: On 2: Off

1.2.21 VHT BW Signaling

uci set wireless.chipname.vht_bw_sig=n n could be: 0: Disable 1: Static 2: Dynamic


Beacon Interval

uci set wireless.chipname.beacon=n n could be: 20~999


Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)

uci set wireless.chipname.dtim=n n could be: 1~255


Fragment Threshold

uci set wireless.chipname.fragthres=n n could be: 255~2346

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