新概念英语第二册87课课后习题详细答案 下载本文

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新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 87

练习答案 Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案

A The man said that he was travelling on the eight o'clock train to London at the time the murder was committed. The inspector asked him if he always caught such an early train. The man said that he did because he had to be at work at ten o'clock, and that his employer would confirm that he was there on time. The inspector then asked him if a later train would get him to work on time. The man supposed that it would, but said that he never caught a later train. The inspector asked at what time he had arrived at the station. The man said that he had arrived at the station at ten to eight. He added that he had bought a paper and waited for the train. When the inspector asked him if he had noticed anything unusual, the man said he hadn't. The inspector suggested that he was not telling the truth and that he did not catch the eight o'clock train, but (caught) the eight twenty-five, which would still get him to work on time. The inspector pointed out that on the morning of the murder, the eight o'clock train did not run at all, as it had broken down at Ferngreen station and had been taken off the line.


1. c

根据课文第5行和第14行,可以判断只有c. he arrived at work on time 是极好的不在犯罪现场的理由,其他3个虽然都是课文所涉及到的情况,但都不是充分的不在犯罪现场的证据。所以选c.

2. d

从课文最后一段可以看出d.与课文内容相符,而其他3个选择都不是课文中提及的内容,所以应该选d. 3. c

表示“在某个城市”应该用介词in, 因此只能选in 才符合语法,而其他3个选择都不符合语法。 4. d

前一句He catches an early train (他乘早班火车)是用的一般现在时,表示现在习惯性的或经常的动作,因此只有选d. always does 才能与前一句的含义相吻合。 a. use to 不合乎语法,也不合乎题目意思;b. used to 表示过去经常性的动作,与前一句时态不一致;c. is accustomed to (习惯于)意思不完整。 5. a

前一句中的not telling the truth 意思为“不讲实话”,本句应该选a. telling (说谎)才合乎习惯用法,并与前一句含义相符。其他3个选择b. saying (说);c. talking (讲话,交谈);d. speaking (讲说)中,虽然都有“说”,“讲”的含义,但不用于“说谎”,或“说实话”这类短语中,只有tell 常用于tell the truth, tell a lie 这样的固定短语中,所以应该选a. 6. c

在钟点前面要用介词at, 所以应该选c. at 才合乎语法,其他3个选择都不能用在钟点前面。 7. c

a. can't catch (不能赶上) 是现在时,与前半句的动词(broke down)时态不一致。 b. mightn't catch (可能不会赶上) 表示现在或将来的概念,也与前面的时态不一致。 d. mightn't have caught (不应该或不可能赶上) ,一般might + have done 表示对过去发生的事情的猜测,语气是不肯定的。

只有c. couldn't have caught (不能赶上)是对已发生的事情推测或判断,语气比d 更肯定,所以c.是最符合前半句的时态和题目意思。 8. a

前半句是个直接引语,是对某人提问的一个简短回答,它后面需要一个动词做全句的谓语. a. replied(回答), b. responded(作答,响应,答复), c. returned(返回,归还,回报), d. told(讲,说),这4个中只有a. replied比较通俗常用,而b.虽然也有回答的意思,但比较正式,往往用在正式场合.其他两个选择都不符合题目意思,所以选a.是最佳答案. 9. d

a. assure(使信服,使……确信,担保), b. be sure(肯定,对……有把握),c. make sure(弄清楚,查明,弄确实),d. certify(证明,证实)中,只有d.最符合这个句子的要求,而其他3个选择都与原来句子中表达意思不符合,所以选d. 10. a

本句需要选一个同前句中的形容词unusual(不寻常的,异常的)含义相同的词或词组. a. out of the ordinary(不寻常的,特殊的); b. unused(不使用的,新的); c. unaccustomed(不习惯的);

d. inquisitive (好询问的,好奇的); 这4个选择中,只有a.同unusual意义相同,所以选a. 11. a

本句需要对前面的疑问句做出肯定、简短的回答,a. certainly (无疑地,当然),b. surely(确实,有把握地),c. Doubtlessly(无疑地),d. truly(正确地,的确)中,只有a. Certainly 常单独使用,并与not 连用,作出回答,符合习惯语法。 12. d

a. lost (丢失);b. didn’t find (没有找到);c. escaped (逃跑);d. missed (漏掉,错过,没赶上)中,只有d. missed 与前一句中的didn’t catch (没赶上)含义相同,所以选d.