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Module1 Hobbies

Unit1 听说课


1. 谈谈你自己的爱好?你的父母、亲友、朋友的爱好又如何? 2. 运用已学的时态询问别人的爱好;

3. 运用“W”开头疑问词及how进行问答; 二、学习重难点

能够熟练交流自己及其他人的爱好 三、学习过程


1.同桌间进行词汇的英汉互译和拼写。 2.根据句意完成单词

1.)I like listening to music because it brings me great e__________. 2)Would you like to enter that s_______high school,Linda? 3)The little girl showed me her doll__________(collect). 4)His mum has no ________(兴趣)in his hobbies. 5)Your room is u_______.You must clean it up.

6)It’s difficult_________(remember)so many words.

7)He wants to be a_________(职业的)basketball player like Yao Ming. 8)Alice, you are so c_______, where did you learn to draw like that? 9)The boys like all kinds of __________(activity). 10)It’s__________(remember)to learn English well. (二)、听力训练 、完成听力练习 1.听材料一完成a1

2. 听材料一完成a4,再听一遍,将文中不明白的地方标出 3. 听材料一完成a6

(三)展示听力结果,并将画出的部分展示给小组成员,小组解决。 三 精讲点拨

1.Which hobby do you think takes up the least space? (Unit1. P2) takes up 表示 “占据时间或空间”.如:

The piano takes up too much room.钢琴占据了太多的空间。 2.I’LL tidy up the table and chairs. (Unit1. P2) tidy up表示“整理,收拾”。如:

Tidy yourself up before you go out. 外出前要整理仪容。

When are you going to tidy your room up? 你打算什么时候整理自己的房间? 3.I have a collectiong of dolls. (Unit1. P2)

注意在表示“收集某东西”时可以用动词collect, 也可以用have a collection of 4. Do you really? (Unit1. P2)


Do you really collect bus tickets and train tickets? 5.I often listened to him play the violin. (Unit1. P2) ①短语listen to 与某些感官动词,如see,hear,look at, watch, feel 还有let,have,make等词,后面可以接不带to的动词不定式,表示听到、看到、听见、感觉到、让某人做某事。


I saw her walk into the hall. Don’t let him go away.

②当play后面接表示乐器的名词时,需要在该名词前加上定冠词the ,当play后面接表示球类的名词时,不需要在该名词前加定冠词the,如:

Play the piano play the violin play basketball play football 五,达标测试


As a result as well as tidy up look after such as come out As well be interested in not only…but also find out 1. In spring ,many flowers_____________.

2. My sister made many mistakes in the exam,________,She couldn’t pass it . 3. He can speak English and he can speak French__________.

4. We have many subjects to learn,__________History,Chemistry,Science and so on. 5. _________Lily_________Daming went to see the film. 6.___________animals is not a easy thing . 7.We must________the truth of the matter. 8.________the girls________outdoor sports.

9.Boys and girls,please___________the classroom after the party. 10.You should take notes________listen. 六 反馈拓展


Unit2 读写课

一、 学习目标

1谈谈你有什么特别的爱好?你的父母、亲友、同学又如何? 2试举例说明同学的爱好;

3 运用“W”开头疑问词及how进行问答; 二、学习重难点

语言知识点的把握及应用 三、课前自主学习

(一)复习Unit1的有关知识点(组长检查) (二)自主学习


2.快速阅读课文,找出文章的main idea.

3.再读课文,完成a3并且找出有问题的单词或词组 (三)交流合作、组内交流出现的问题

(四)学生展示,将问题展示到黑板上,能解决的问题进行组间解决 四、精讲点拨

1.such as 用来列举同类中的几个事物,“例如、。。像这种的”。如: I visited several cities such as Beijing,Huangzhou,and Jinnan.

I have such things as iron,silver,and gold我有铁、银和金这一类东西。 2. for example”例如”用来举例说明,一般是一个例子。

I’d like to keep a pet—for example, a dog. 我想要饲养宠物,譬如说养条狗 3.as well as 表示“也,还,而且”、如:

We all want to visit Beijing as well as Jinan. Tom as well as Lucy goes to the cinema.

I like playing basketball as well as football.

4.Imagine 后面可以跟that 引导的句子,其中that可省略,也可以跟sth/ doing sth. Can you imagine (that)he is cleaning the floor? I didn’imagine becoming a writer in my childhood.

5.come out 的意思是“出版”还有“出来、结果是、传出等”的意思。 When did the new book come out ?新书什么时候出版? The moon has come out .月亮已经出来了。

The answer to the queston came out wrong.这道题的答案结果是错了。

6. as a result. 表示后面的句子和前面的句子在意思上构成因果关系,前面是因,后面


He got up late, and as a result, he was late for school.他起床晚了,结果是上学迟到了。


①spend sth. On sth“花费时间或金钱等在某事上”。如: I spent 20 yuan on the book.

②spend…in doing sth. “花费时间或金钱做某事”并且in可省略。如: He spent 25 minute(in )cleaning the floor. 7. maybe

maybe“或许、大概”是副词,可用于句首或句末。如: Maybe it will rain tomorrow.明天或许会下雨。 He is 23,maybe.他大概23岁了。

②may be “可能”是是情态动词may + be如: