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部分损失(Partial Losses)
第64条单独海损(Particular average loss)
64.(1) A particular average loss is a partial loss of the subject-matter insured, caused by a peril insured against, and which is not a general average loss.
(2) Expenses incurred by or on behalf of the assured for the safety or preservation of the subject-matter insured, other than general average and salvage charges, are called particular charges,
Particular charges are not included in particular average. 64.(1)单独海损损失是指某种承保危险造成的保险标的的部分损失,其并非共同海损损失。 (2)除共同海损和救助费用外,由被保险人或代表被保险人,为保险标的的安全或保存保险标的所产生的费用,叫做特别费用。 特别费用不包括在单独海损内。
第65条救助费用(Salvage charges)
65.(1) Subject to any express provision in the policy, salvage charges incurred in preventing a loss by perils insured against may be recovered as a loss by those perils.
(2) ‘salvage charges’ means the charges recoverable under maritime law by a salvor independently of contract. They do not include the expenses of services in the nature of salvage rendered by the assured or his agents, or any person employed for hire by them, for the purpose of averting a peril insured against. Such expenses, where properly incurred, may be recovered as particular charges or as a general average loss, according to the circumstances under which they were incurred.
65.(1)除保险单另有明确规定外,为防止承保危险发生以致造成损失而产生的费用可以像承保危险造成的损失一样得到赔偿。 (2)“救助费用”系指非合同救助人根据海商法可主张的的费用。救助费用不包括被保险人或其代理人或其雇佣的其他人为避免承保危险而提供具有救助性质的服务所支出的费用。此种费用的支出如属正当,则应根据提供服务的具体情况而将其作为特别费用或共同海损损失得到补偿。
第66条共同海损(General average loss)
66(1) A general average loss is a loss caused by or directly consequential on a general average act. It includes a general average expenditure as well as a general average sacrifice.
(2) There is a general average act where any extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is voluntarily and reasonably made or incurred in time of peril for the purpose of preserving the property imperiled in the common adventure. (3)“When there is a general average loss, the party on whom it falls is entitled, subject to the conditions imposed by maritime law, to a ratable contribution from the other parties interested, and such contribution is called a general average contribution. (4)“Subject to any express provision in the policy, where the assured has incurred a general average expenditure, he may recover from the insurer in respect of the proportion of the loss which falls upon him; and, in the case of a general average sacrifice , he may recover from the
insurer in respect of the whole loss without having enforced his right of contribution from the other parties liable to contribute.
(5)subject to any express provision in the policy , when the assured has paid, or is liable to pay, a general average contribution in respect of the subject insured, he may recover therefor from the insurer.
(6)In the absence of express stipulation, the insurer is not liable for any general average loss or contribution where the loss was not incurred for the purpose of avoiding, or in connection with the avoidance of , a peril insured against.
(7)Where ship, freight and cargo, or any two of those interests, are owned by the same assured, the liability of the insurer in respect of general average losses and contributions is to be determined as if those subjects were owned by different persons.” 66.(1)共同海损损失是由共同海损行为造成的或其直接后果所致的损失。它包括共同海损牺牲和共同海损费用。
(3)若发生共同海损损失,根据海商法规定的条件,遭受损失的一方有权从其他利益方得到比例分摊,这种分摊称为共同海损分摊。 (4)除保险单另有明确规定外,被保险人遭受的共同海损费用,可以按其承担的损失比例,从保险人处获得赔偿,而对于共同海损牺牲,被保险人无须先请求其他利益方进行分摊,即可从保险人处获得全部损失的赔偿。
赔偿限额(Measure of Indemnity)
第67条保险人对损失的责任范围(Extent of liability of insurer for loss)
67. (1) The sum which the assured can recover in respect of a loss on a policy by which he is insured, in the case of an unvalued policy by which he is insured, in the case of an unvalued policy to the full extent of the insurable value, or, in the case of a valued policy to the full extent of the valued fixed by the policy, is called the measure of indemnity.
(2) Where there is a loss recoverable under the policy, the insurer, or each insurer if there be more than one, is liable for such proportion of the measure of indemnity as the amount of his subscription bears to the value fixed by the policy in the case of a valued policy, or to the insurable value in the case of an unvalued policy. 67.(1)被保险人在其保险单项下能得到的损失赔偿叫做赔偿限额。对不定值保险单,赔偿限额是保险标的的全部保险价值;对定值保险单,赔偿限额是保险单中的约定保险价值。 (2)在损失根据保险单可以得到赔偿之场合,保险人(或两个以上的保险人中的任何一个)按其对保险单所认可的数额同保险单约价值(就定值保险单而言)或同可保价值(就不定值保险单而论)的比例赔付赔偿限额。
第68条全损(Total loss)
68. Subject to the provisions of this Act and to any express provisions in the policy, where there is a total loss of the subject-matter insured-
(1) If the policy be a valued policy, the measure of indemnity is the sum fixed by the policy; (2) If the policy be an unvalued policy, the measure of indemnity is the insurable value of the subject-matter insured.
68. 除本法另有规定和保险单另有明文规定外,保险标的发生全损的, (1) 如果保险单是定值保险单,赔偿范围是保险单所确定的数额。 (2) 如果保险单是不定值保险单,赔偿范围是保险标的的可保价值。
第69条船舶的部分损失(Partial loss of ship)
69. Where a ship is damaged, but is not totally lost, the measure of indemnity, subject to any express provision in the policy, is as follows:-
(1) Where the ship has been repaired, the assured is entitled to the reasonable cost of the repairs, less the customary deductions, but not exceeding the sum insured in respect of any one casualty;
(2) Where the ship has been only partially repaired, the assured is entitled to the reasonable cost of such repairs, computed as above, and also to be indemnified for the reasonable depreciation, if any, arising from the unrepaired damage, provided that the aggregate amount shall not exceed the cost of repairing the whole damage, computed as above;
(3) Where the ship has not been repaired, and has not been sold in her damaged state during the risk, the assured is entitled to be indemnified for the reasonable depreciation arising from the unrepaired damage, but not exceeding the reasonable cost of repairing such damage, computed as above.
(1) 对船舶进行修理的,被保险人有权获得合理的修理费用减去习惯扣减后的数额,但就任何一次事故所支付的数额不得超过保险金额;
(2) 仅对船舶进行部分修理的,被保险人有权获得按上述方法计算的该项修理的合理费用,以及对于未修理损坏所引起的合理贬值的赔偿,但是赔款总额不得超过按上述方法计算的修理全部损坏的费用。
(3) 未对船舶进行修理,且在保险期间未以其受损状态出售该船舶的,被保险人有权就未经修理的损坏所引起的合理贬值获得赔偿,但是赔偿数额不得超过按上述方法计算的修理此项损坏的合理费用。
第70条运费的部分损失(Partial loss of freight)
70.Subject to any express provision in the policy, where there is a partial loss of freight, the measure of indemnity is such proportion of the sum fixed by the policy, in the case of a valued policy or of the insurable value, in the case of an unvalued policy, as the proportion of freight lost by the assured bears to the whole freight at the risk of the assured under the policy.
70.受本保险任何明示规定的制约,在发生, 运费部分损失之场合,赔偿限额为:对定值保险单而言,按保险单上载明的保险金额或保险价值的比例;就不定值保险单而论,按被保险人遭受的运费损失与根据保险单被保险人处于风险中的全部运费比例。
第71条货物、商品等的部分损失(Partial loss of goods, merchandise, etc.)
71. Where is a partial loss of goods, merchandise, or other moveables, the measure of indemnity, subject to any express provision in the policy, is as follows:
(1)Where part of the goods, merchandise or other moveables insured by a valued policy is totally lost, the measure of indemnity is such proportion of the sum fixed by the policy as the insurable value of the part lost bears to the insurable value of the whole, ascertained as in the case of an unvalued policy:
(2) Where part of the goods, merchandise, or other moveables insured by an unvalued policy is totally lost, the measure of indemnity is the insurable value of the part lost, ascertained as in case of total loss:
(3) Where the whole or any part of the goods or merchandise insured has been delivered damaged at its destination, the measure of indemnity is such proportion of the sum fixed by the policy in the case of the valued policy, or of the insurable value in the case of an unvalued policy, as the difference between the gross sound and damaged values at the place of arrival bears to the gross sound value:
(4)“Gross value” means the wholesale price, or, if there be no such price, the estimated value, with, in either case, freight, landing charges, and duty paid beforehand; provided that, in the case of goods or merchandise customarily sold in bond, the bonded price is deemed to be the gross value. “Gross Proceeds” means the actual price obtained at a sale where all charges on sale are paid by the sellers.
71.货物、商品或者其他动产发生部分损失的,除保险单另有明文规定外,赔偿范围如下: (1) 如果定值保险单承保的货物、商品或者其他动产的一部分发生全损,赔偿范围为保险单确定的保险金额中的比例部分,该比例为灭失部分的可保价值占全部可保价值的比例部分。可保价值的确定与不定值保险相同;
(3) 若不定值保险单承保的货物、商品或者其他动产的一部分发生全损,赔偿范围为损失部分的可保价值,可保价值的确定与全损时相同;
(4) 如果被保险货物或商品的全部或者一部分以受损状态运抵目的地,赔偿范围以(该货物、商品的) 完好毛值与受损价值的差额占完好毛值的比例计算,在定值保险单情况下,是保险单确定的金额的该比例部分,或者,在不定值保险单情况下,是可保价值的该比例部分;
(5) “毛值”是指货物的批发价格,如果没有这种价格,则是货物的估计价值,不论哪一种情况,再加上已预先付讫的运费、卸货费和关税之后的价值;但是,如果货物或商品按惯例在关仓出售,那么关仓价格就视为毛值。“毛收入”是指所有出售费用均由出售人支付时获得的实际出售价格。”
第72条价值的分配(Apportionment of valuation)
(1) Where different species of property are insured under a single valuation, the valuation must be apportioned over the different species on proportion to their respective insurable values, as in the case of an unvalued policy The insured value of any part of a species in such proportion of the total insured value of the same as the insurable value of the part bears to the insurable value of the whole, ascertained in both cases as provided by this Act.
(2) Where a valuation has to be apportioned, and particulars of the prime cost of each separate species, quality, or description of goods cannot be ascertained, the division of the valuation may be made the net arrived sound values of the different species, qualities, or