内蒙古乌兰察布市2018届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版 下载本文

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第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共60分)


1、You can improve your English _____ listening to the tapes. A. by B. with C. for D in 2、He had trouble ______ model planes. A. making B. to make C. make D. made 3. He suggested shopping.

A. going

B. went

C. goes

D. go

4. I enjoy playing computer games, but I can't _______ too much time _______ that. A. take ; doing B. spend ; doing C. spend ; for doing D. take ; to do 5. _______ me, can you tell me where I can post the letter? A. Suggest B. Request C. Pardon D. Tell

6. Nick is ______ busy ______ he has no time to have a meal with his family. A.such,that B.too,to C.so,that D.enough,to 7. Please tell the students ________ too much noise in class.

A. to make B. to take C. not to take D. not to make 8. As we know, England is ________ European country and Singapore is ________ Asian country.

A. an ; an B. an ; a C. a ; a D. a ; an 9. His grade in the exam put him the top students in his class. A. between B. over C. among D. above

10. They have a _________daughter and the girl is very good at her school work. They all take pride_________ her.

A. 15 years old ; with B. 15 years old ; in C. 15-year-old ; with D. 15-year-old ; in 11. —Peter has changed a lot, hasn't he?

—Yes. He used to ________ the guitar, but now he is more _______ in playing soccer. A. plays ; interested B. play ; interested

C. play ; interesting D. playing ; interest 12. Could you please tell me how to________ my shyness?

A. deal with B. come up with C. agree with D. play with 13. _____ nice the ice cream looks! I can’t wait to taste it. A. How a B. How C. What a D. What

14. —Excuse me. Could you tell me ___ get to the nearest post office? —Sorry, I am new here.

A. how can I B. how I could C. how to D. what I can

15、Don’t _________ making mistakes in grammar when you make sentences.

A. afraid of B. be afraid to C. be afraid of D. afraid to 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

A jobless man wanted to apply (求职) for the position of “office boy” at Microsoft. Staff manager interviewed him and then gave him a 16 : clean the floor. The man passed it; he cleaned it very well.

“You are hired (雇用),” the manager told the man. “Give me your email address, and I’ll send the chart to 17 . I shall also send you the 18 you come to the work.”

The man replied, “I don’t have a 19 , or email!”

“I’m sorry,” said the manager. “If you don’t have email, that means you do not exist (存在). And we cannot 20 persons who do not exist.”

The man was very 21 . He didn’t know what to do. He only had 10 dollars with him. Once that was 22 , he wouldn’t have any money to buy even food. He went to the supermarket and bought a box of tomatoes with his 10 dollars. He went from door to door and 23 the tomatoes in small bags. He doubled his money.

He 24 this three times, and returned home with 60 dollars. He realized that be could continue to live this way. He started to go earlier every day, and return later. He doubled or made even three times his money every day. Soon, he 25 a cart, then a truck. In a very short time, he had his many delivery (递送) trucks.

Five years later, the man became one of the biggest 26 sellers in the country. He started to plan his family’s future. He called an insurance (保险) broker, a man who sells


insurance. At the end of the 27 , the broker asked him for his email address. The man replied, “I don’t have an email.”

Hearing that, the broker felt very 28 . “You don’t have email, and yet have succeeded in becoming so 29 . Can you imagine what you could have been if you had email?” he said aloud. The man thought for a while, and replied, “an office 30 at Microsoft!”

If you just lost your job or just failed an interview, don’t worry, think of the positive (积极的)... Good days are on the way and something better will happen to you. 16. A. job

B. hand C. chance D. test

17. A. check out B. put up C. fill in

D. write down

18. A. name B. date C. address D. ticket 19. A. computer

B. screen C. website D. letter

20. A. believe B. pay C. accept D. refuse 21. A. pleased B. excited C. embarrassed D.upset 22. A. exchanged

B. spent C. wasted D. lost

23. A. divided B. showed C. kept D. sold 24. A. repeated B. reminded C. tried D. counted 25. A. borrowed

B. repaired C. received D. bought

26. A. truck B. insurance C. food D. door 27. A. introduction B. conversation C. business D. story 28 A. worried

B. satisfied C. upset D. surprised

29. A. clever B. healthy C. rich D. confident 30. A. boy

B. secretary C. cleaner D. head



In my opinion, famous people should be able to speak good English. I feel crazy when I hear some of our singers or sportspeople speak. Clearly, they may sing or play sports well, but English is where they never shine. Marc, France Personally I think that pop groups in my country shouldn't sing in English.