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课时跟踪检测28(B5 Unit 1)


1.He ________ some safety measures at the meeting for the 2010 Shanghai Expo. A.put forward C.put down

B.put up D.put off

答案与解析:A put forward“提出”;put up“张贴”;put down“拉倒;拆掉房子”;put off“脱掉;推迟;拖延”。

2.The President ________ his intention to retire before the next election. A.announced C.informed

B.told D.promised

答案与解析:A 考查动词词义辨析。tell“告诉”;inform“通知”;promise“答应”,均不符合题意。announce的意思是“公开地宣布”,故选A项。

3.Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A.contribute to C.attend to

B.relate to D.devote to

答案与解析:A 句意:假期要注意!喝酒太多会导致心脏病,造成高血压。contribute to“导致,造成”;relate to“涉及,与??相关”;attend to“照顾,处理”;devote to“把??用于,致力于”。

4.I'm sorry, but I can't go with you to the cinema because I have to ________ my sick brother.

A.refer to C.lead to

B.attend to D.stick to

答案与解析:B attend to“照料”;refer to“言及;提到”;lead to“引致”;stick to“坚持;坚守”。

5.—________ busy schoolwork, the children also have to take arts, music and sports classes in their free time.

—I wonder what they will become. A.Rather than B.Owing to C.Except for D.Apart from

答案与解析:D apart from在句中含“包括”的意思,而except for则是以保留的方式对整个句子的内容进行细节上的修正。如:Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.除了一些拼写错误外,你的作文很棒。


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6.When I came in her room, Mary was ________ in her book. A.absorbed C.exposed

B.controlled D.devoted

答案与解析:A be absorbed in“全神贯注于??”。

7.David ________ from the analysis of the traffic accident that it had been caused by human error.

A.announced B.acknowledged C.concluded D.considered

答案与解析:C conclude“得出结论;断定”;acknowledge“承认,认以为真”;announce“宣布”;consider“认为”。

8.Our team ________ their team in the match, that is, our team ________ the match. A.won; won

B.defeated; defeated D.won; defeated

C.defeated; won

答案与解析:C defeat的宾语必须是人或一个集体,而win表示在较激烈的竞争中取得胜利,其后跟的宾语不能是表示人的名词。

9.The girl student is very naughty and has formed some bad habits. I think the teacher should ________.

A.cure them of her B.cure her of them C.treat them off her D.treat her off them

答案与解析:B cure sb. of sth.意为“治好某人的??”,且还可引申为“纠正某人的??”。后半句意为:我认为老师应该把她的那些不良习惯纠正过来。

10.Finding information in today's world is easy. The ________ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.

A.ability C.challenge

B.competition D.knowledge

答案与解析:C 句意:当今社会,获取信息很容易,如何辨别得到的信息是否有用才是对你的挑战。challenge“挑战”,符合题意。ability“能力”;competition“竞争”;knowledge“知识”。

11.________ of being involved in the attempted murder, she was questioned by the police. A.Convinced C.Charged

B.Suspected D.Confirmed

答案与解析:B 句意:由于被怀疑和那起谋杀未遂案有关,她被警察叫去询问。suspect sb. of...为固定搭配,意为“怀疑某人??”,suspect与主语she构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词充当状语。convince“使相信”;charge“指控”,常与介词with连用;confirm“使


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12.It was not the cyclist but the driver who ________ for the traffic accident. A.was blamed

B.was to blame

C.was to be blamed D.were to blame

答案与解析:B 句意:这个司机应该为交通事故负责,而不是那个骑自行车的人。be to blame意为“应(为??)承担责任;应(为??)受到责备”,for后跟原因。这种用法中的blame不用于被动语态中,因此B项正确。

13.Though the situation is rather serious, financial leaders are still ________ about global economy.

A.positive C.active

B.negative D.passive

答案与解析:A 句意:虽然形势相当严峻,但是经济领导者们仍对全球经济持乐观态度。由though引导的让步状语从句和前半句中的serious可知A项正确,positive“肯定的;积极的”。negative“否定的”;active“活跃的;积极的”;passive“被动的”。

14.—Why didn't you attend the party ________ in the hall the other day? —I just wanted some quiet time by myself. A.held

B.being held D.holding

C.to be held

答案与解析:A 句意:——你为什么没参加前天在大厅举行的那个晚会?——我只是想独自静会。由时间状语the other day可知这一动作发生在过去,同时the party与动词hold存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词held。

15.Do remember to be ________. We must avoid any possible risks when doing this dangerous chemical experiment—burns, poisonous gases or cuts from broken tubes.


B.thoughtful D.curious


答案与解析:A 句意:记得一定要仔细。做实验时我们必须要避免任何可能的危险,包括烧伤、毒气以及被破试管割伤身体。cautious意为“谨慎的;小心的”,符合题意,thoughtful“体贴的;关切的”;considerate“考虑周到的”;curious“好奇的”。


With a group of colleagues, I travelled to the north of Thailand. I loved the heat, the streets, the busy markets and the smell of Thai food.

One day, I set off from my __16__ to find a temple that interested me. When I walked past some buildings, I was __17__ as I glanced between two unfinished buildings. There, an old woman in __18__ clothing lay on the dusty stones. The terrible thought crossed my mind __19__ she might be dead.