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一、单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑. 1.﹣Could you spare me a few minutes of your time? ﹣_________,but I'll be free an hour later.( ) A.I'm afraid not

B.With pleasure

C.No way D.It's up to you

2.We had ____ really cold December this year.I can't remember ____ winter when it was so cold.( )

A.the; a B.a; the C.the; the

D.a; a

3.﹣The headmaster is said to be absent from school today. ﹣__________,we shall not visit him.( ) A.In that case B.As a result C.On the contrary D.What is worse

4.\,so it's normal enough not to remember what he had learned before that,\,_____ her brother.( ) A.to defend


C.having defended D.defending

5.We know that a smile is usually a sign that people feel friendly and happy,but _____ we don't know who the new person is?( ) A.what if B.how come

C.what about D.why not

6._____ the College of Medicine,I would be a doctor with much practical experiences now.( ) A.If I attended B.Had I attended C.If I should attend D.Were I to attend

7.Many road accidents _____ from careless driving,according to the recent reports from the police.( )

A.rise B.reduce C.increase D.arise

8.With no arrangements reached,the leaders in the six﹣side talks will spend another two hours,_____ in the hotel,discussing the nuclear problem of North Korea.( )

A.locking B.having locked C.locked D.being locked

9.It's thought that one's anxiety often occurs as a result of his unsuccessful ____ to the new surroundings.( )

A.expectation B.adaptation C.description D.reference

10.Over the years,while focusing on its own development,China _____ aid to the best of its ability to other developing countries with various difficulties.( ) A.provides B.is providing C.has been providing

D.will provide

11.The other day I went past an ancient tower,on _____ roof sat a very beautiful bird I had never seen before.( ) A.which

B.where C.whose D.whom

12.Though job applicants used to put salary in the first place,they now focus more on _____ they can achieve full potential in their new jobs.( ) A.whether B.why C.that D.what

13.My boss required so much of me,so I believed that he was ________ being satisfied with my job though I had tried my best.( ) A.next to B.subject to

C.far from D.away from

14.Time and money are of great importance to us all.Most people think there isn't enough of _____.( ) A.none

B.neither C.any D.either

15.Failure is unavoidable in our lives._____,many people viewed failure as the beginning of their struggle,rather than the end of it.( ) A.Lately


C.Fortunately D.Naturally

16.Life isn't meant to be easy and you have to _____ some pain to learn the skills to

move forward.( ) A.hold back

B.give away

C.go through D.turn down

17.Old John cannot hear well,so the salesman is trying to explain how to use the product _____ sign language.( )

A.by means of B.on behalf of C.in search of D.for fear of

18.She had a pretty _____look indicating that she had done something wrong to Jim.( ) A.innocent B.guilty

C.considerate D.disappointed

19.In 2015,a bill allowing every couple to have two children was _____ in China.( ) A.appointed


C.adjusted D.abandoned

20.﹣I feel so nervous about the results of the midterm exam. ﹣________.( )

A.I really envy you B.Take it easy C.You got it


21.Over the years,thanks to my life's obstacles(障碍),I understood the meaning of faith and the strong will to survive.It was Hurricane Ike that made me fully (21) the beauty of our strength and a human's motivation to (22) .

Mom had a two﹣week (23) in summer.While we enjoyed our holiday in Southeast Texas,we didn't realize the fact that Ike(24) cause months and likely years of\.By September 7th,the\more (25) ,making the typical mad rush for last﹣minute hurricane (26) .Two days later,both oil and ice were in (27) demand.

In the early hours of September 11th,some neighbors were planning to(28) the storm in their homes,(29) others were making final preparations to get

D.I couldn't agree more

away.At first,we decided to stay.But that afternoon,the Houston﹣Galveston area would be on the more (30)Mom and I packed some of our side of the storm.

most (31) belongings in the car and (32) the East Texas town of Lufkin.

As Ike pushed farther inland,we (33)On Sunday,our next power in Lufkin.﹣door neighbor told us via cell phone that our (34) had remained well.Our hopes could not have been (35)But a few hours later,the neighbors reported .that our brick chimney had (36) ,and it was sitting on our living room,(37) a hole in the roof between two skylights (天窗).

We wouldn't be allowed to return home (38) September 17th.I climbed

upstairs,and looked toward the hole in the roof which showed a beautiful blue sky.

Without hesitation,I shouted,\

My neighbors could not believe I was making jokes(39) crying,but (40) is always good medicine.It was with that joke that I knew,given time,everything would be okay. 21.A.observe 22.A.work 23.A.vacation 24.A.must 25.A.closely 26.A.adventure 27.A.basic 28.A.get through 29.A.since 30.A.dangerous 31.A.available 32.A.set out 33.A.provided 34.A.garden 35.A.clearer

B.appreciate B.apologize B.journey B.might B.constantly B.equipment B.high B.put away B.when B.abundant B.concrete B.headed for B.reduced B.house B.wilder

C.explore C.recover C.meeting C.should C.warningly C.supplies C.pure C.test out C.until C.peaceful C.precious C.settled down C.produced C.pool C.lower

D.improve D.change D.schedule D.would D.differently D.reports D.neat D.suffer from D.while D.awesome D.potential D.watched out D.lost D.yard D.higher

36.A.passed 37.A.leaving 38.A.by 39.A.in spite of 40.A.faith

B.stood B.digging B.before B.instead of B.will

C.gone C.filling C.until C.apart from C.strength

D.followed D.kicking D.after D.in terms of D.laughter.


41.There are many people you are well advised to treat kindly:Your child's teacher,your husband or wife,your boss and so on.

Until now,that best﹣behavior﹣required list has not included your Uber driver,or for that matter,taxi drivers.Old thinking:Hey,they're here to serve me.I don't have to make a special effort to be nice to them. Dangerously wrong.

A recent New York Times story told the instructive tale of a Uber passenger,Hussein Kanji,who says he's really not sure how he made his driver angry.All he knows is that his driver﹣generated rating went way down and the wait for a Uber car became hours instead of minutes.

Beware,Uberians:If you're feeling angry when you slide into the back seat and you give your driver the silent treatment,your reputation may get damaged in the driver﹣generated ratings.If you're among the people one Uber driver described as\,watch out.

Uber isn't the only front on this battlefield.The ability to rate someone's service is one of the successes of the Internet.It helps everyone weed out people with bad attitudes and worse habits.

These ratings should cut both ways.A while back,the auction site eBay made many of its sellers angry when it started preventing them from giving negative ratings to buyers.Until then,sellers and buyers had threatened each other with negative