英专 大三上学期 期末综英翻译句子 下载本文

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大三 上学期 期末 综英翻译句子 Unit 6,7,9,10

Unit 6

1. 假如你要去英国度假,那么你在与天气打赌。(take the chance) You take the chance on the weather if you holiday in the UK.

2. 只要超级大国减少核战争的危险,我们便将进入一个较为安全的时代。 (insofar as)

We will be entering a safer era insofar as the danger of a nuclear war between the superpowers were reduced.

3. 面对如此高的死亡率,政府终于下定决心,关闭无证煤矿。(put the brakes on) Faced with such a high mortality, the government is determined to put the brakes on unlicensed coal mining.

4. 这条路沿海岸线延伸了几英里,然后转向内陆。 (cling to)

The road clings to the coastline for several miles, and then it turns inland. 5. 持续多年的内战已使国家走向赤贫的边缘。(destitution)

The civil war that lasted for years has driven the country to the verge of destitution. 6. 随着这些孩子在社会温暖的关爱下渐渐长大,孤儿生活的痛苦记忆也就渐渐淡忘了。(fade away)

As the children grew up with the warmth of social care, memories of the bitterness of their orphanhood faded away.

7. 上了岁数的人要与过去的条条框框决裂,显得不守旧,着实不易。 (break out of old restraints)

It is astonishingly hard for the aged to break out of old restraints in order not to appear conservative. 8. 据报道,与海外华人的捐赠相比,国内富足一族为慈善事业掏出的钱少得可怜。 (pitifully)

It is reported that what the rich at home have contributed to charity is pitifully insignificant, compared with the donations made by the overseas Chinese.

Unit 7

1. 不要让自己陷入没完没了的考试准备之中。(bog down) Don't let yourself get bogged down in endless exam preparation.

2. 我小心地把花放在靠窗的地方,这样它可以得到充足的阳光。(position)

I carefully positioned the flower near the window so that it could get plenty of sunlight.

3. 没人能猜出这场纠纷何时会结束。(hazard a guesstimate)

No one would hazard a guesstimate of when the dispute would come to an end. 4. 这个月开销很大,不过下个月我们会有更多的进账,所以这阶段的收支会平衡得很好的。(balance out)

It seems a lot to spend this month, but we will get in a lot more next month, so it'll balance out over the period.

5. 他足智多谋,富有创意,令人惊叹,对我的事业举足轻重。(resourceful) He is amazingly incomparably inventive and resourceful, and plays a major role in my career.

6. 乐队调试好音准后,指挥走上了舞台。(tune up)

After the orchestra had tuned up the conductor walked up onto the stage. 7. 现代军用飞机使用计算机瞄准目标。(zero in)

Modern military aircraft use computers to zero in on their targets.

8. 她想出了一个绝妙的主意来劝说老板给她双份工资。(come up with) She's come up with a brilliant idea to persuade her boss to double her income.

Unit 9

1. 总的说来,这个公司的前景显得相当美好。(outlook) Overall the outlook for the company seems fairly rosy.

2. 我不赞同儿童玩电子游戏的一个原因是其中有太多的假想的暴力场面。(make-believe)

One of reasons why I disapprove of kids playing video games is that there tend to be too many make-believe scenes of violence.

3. 一天又一天做同样形式的练习会让学生厌倦这些练习。(tire of)

Doing the same type of exercises day after day would easily get students tired of them.

4. 我已安排好周四同他共进午餐,届时我将向他透露我的计划。(unfold)

I've arranged a lunch with him next Thursday at which I'm going to unfold my proposal.

5. 请填好所附表格,尽快寄往所示地址。(at one's convenience)

Please fill in the form attached and send it to the address shown at your earliest convenience.

6. 美国总统竞选中最厉害的奚落语之一是“他绝不是杰克· 肯尼迪”。 (put-down)

One of the biggest put-downs of the American presidential election campaign was the comment that he was \

7. 一位英国学者最近在《自然》杂志上撰文指出,人类的一切行为都是为了引起他人的注意。(engage one's attention)

Recently a British scholar wrote in Nature, pointing out that all the human acts are intended to engage others' attention.

8. 为了帮助他们的孩子获得社会竞争的信心,家长经常在家庭游戏比赛中故意输给孩子。 (gain confidence)

In order to help their kids gain confidence in social competition, parents often pretend to lose in games at home.

Unit 10

1. 没有必要装出一副受到伤害的表情——是你理亏。(put on)

There's no need to put on that injured expression — you're in the wrong. 2. 我一直认为快乐和知足比金钱和名望更重要。(count)

I've always believed that pleasure and self-contentedness count more than money and fame.

3. 压力很容易使人作出错误的决定。(lead sb. to do sth. )

Being under pressure can easily lead people to make the wrong decisions.

4. 精英一族似乎满足于只在他们那个小圈子里打交道。(content) The elite seem content to socialize with the small circle of their own. 5. 学生在英语学习中必须强调培养交际能力。(lay stress upon)

Stress should be laid upon the training of students' communicative competence in their English studies.

6. 董事会对公司在最困难的时刻收到的来自各方的经济援助表示谢意。(acknowledge)

The board of directors acknowledged the financial assistance received from all sources at the company’s most difficult time.

7. 反对党抗议那是由执政党操纵的舞弊选举。(rigged)

Opposition parties protested that it was a rigged election manipulated by the ruling party.

8. 他几十年前作的许多预测现在都被印证了。 (turn out )

Many of his predictions made decades ago have turned out to be true now.