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Woman 3 / 5)red hair / good-looking

Man 1 / / 6)grey lovely/beautiful clothes/kind and


Man 2 7)slim 8)blonde hair blue 9)lovely

After you listen 5

Reference answers

1. The man I like should be strong and fit, without a beard. And he should not have long hair.

The woman I like most is someone who is slim and healthy. She should have long hair and big eyes. And I like girls who smile a lot. I believe everyone has something beautiful about them, regardless of age, race, gender, size, ability, etc. I don’t think being lighter or slimmer equals beauty. Instead, I think the inner self counts a lot more than outer appearance. Virtues such as honesty, hard-working, and willingness to help make one a beautiful person. / beauty is what we see and feel. So my idea of beauty is what is pleasing to the eyes. As long as it makes you feel good, it is beauty. So both inner qualities and body features are important factors to make one look beautiful. Of course, what one considers beautiful may not appear the same to someone else. That is why beauty standards are different from person to person, culture to culture and time to time.

2. The ideas of beauty have changed over the past several decades in China. Truly, on the one

hand, many still stick to the idea that one’s inner quality counts more than outer appearance. Honesty, hard-working, generosity, and kindness are considered inner beauty. On the other hand, more and more people think outer appearance is more important. Nowadays, many people, especially young people, hold some new ideas about beauty. For example, long straight black hair used to be thought as one feature of beauty, but now young people want to look stylish by having their hair curled and dyed. They follow the fashion tread and put fashionable clothes and wear make-up. More people are afraid of not looking attractive enough. So they go on diet to look thinner and receive some cosmetic surgeries to look better. Still many others realize that it is important to live a healthy lifestyle and learn to love their own body for its uniqueness.

3. I don’t think it is wise to judge a person by his/her appearance because appearance is

superficial. Sometimes the appearance of a person may mislead your judgment when it doesn't match well with the inner part of that person. For example, an ordinary-looking person can be a scientist, a hero, or a great thinker. Just as the proverb goes, “Never judge a book by its cover.”The greatness of a book lies in its content instead of its cover. So it is with a person. Instead of focusing only on one’s appearance, we should get to know more about that person’s education, life experiences and life attitude before we make any judgment.


Before you view 1

Reference answers 1. It is a music festival

2. It is held in the Isle of Wight every September.

3. I think people can enjoy the music at the festival and have fun with their families and friends.

While you view Scripts

V=Voice-over; W1=woman 1, etc.; M1=man 1, etc.

V: All over the world, festivals bring people together. But why do people go?For the music? The food? The fun and games? We went to Bestival in the Isle f Wight, England to find out. But the first question is – where do we sleep?

M1: I…I’ve got a beach hut up here to stay in, and I’ve got the key.. V: One man said it was like sleeping in the back garden.

M2: it’s like opening your back door, going down to the end of your garden, getting in your shed with your baby and wife, and then calling it a holiday.

V: You can stay in a hut, but most people here sleep in tents,. There are a lot of different people here – families, young people, older people. We asked: why do so many different people come to festivals?

W1: Well, I suppose it gives everybody a chance just to be themselves, and just to be free and be away from their normal jobs.

W2: people will respect each other and have… um… sort of some of those old-fashioned traditional values, but actually values that everyone really likes.

M3: The thing I always think about festivals is they’re just playgrounds for grownups.

V: And, of course, there’s one reason everyone’s here: the music. This really is a festival for all the community, young and old mixing together. In the tea tent these women are having a great time. Why do they go to festivals?

W3: The community getting together, the young mixing with the older people. We make cakes; we do pop festivals; we’ll go anywhere, do anything.

V: so, if there’s one answer to the question, why are you here? One thing that everyone talks about is this: being together. 2


The reasons mentioned in the video clip are 2, 4 and 6. 3


1. garden; baby and wife 2. traditional values; likes 3. being together

after you view 4

Reference answers

1. bestival seems a fun festival. People, young and old, can gather together, enjoy themselves,

and forget about their worries. I would like to go to a festival like Bestival because I like to be

outdoors, listen to music, and do activities with other people. Most important of all, I enjoy spending time with my family and my friends, so a festival like Bestival is the right event to attend. / I do not like to go to a festival like Bestival because I’m a person who prefers to stay alone. I do love music, but I like listening to music alone.

2. I like our University Music Festival best. It is a one-week festival held annually. It’s the

celebration of spring and one week unmatched by any other. There are singing competitions and concerts almost every evening. Students can also attend lectures on music and its production by famous professors. The most exciting thing is that at the weekend, famous bands will be invited to perform on campus. Every year, we can see different pop stars we like. That’s why the University Music Festival is appreciated by all of us and has become a festival that we all look forward to.

Speaking for communication Role-play Scripts

Conversation 1

W: OK…what do you feel like watching?

M: Hmm. I…I don’t know really. What do you recommend W: Um… Well, how about French Kiss? Do yo know it? M: No, I don’t think so. What’s it about?

W: Well, it’s a romantic comedy. It’s about an American woman. She goes to France and meets a French guy and … they fall in love. It’s quite old, but it’s really funny. M: Um, sounds OK, I suppose. Who’s in it? W: Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline.

M: Oh, I like Meg Ryan. Mm. do you think I’d like it?

W: Yeah, I think so. You like comedies, don’t you? And it’s very funny. M: Yeah, OK. Why don’t we get it then?

W: Great. Excuse me. Can we have this one, please?

Conversation 2

W: What was the last DVD you saw?

M: UM, let me think. Oh-I know, it was Speed. W:Speed? Is it new? What’s it about?

M: No, it’s a bit old actually. It’s an action film. It’s about a bus and it can’t stop. It has to go at top speed or… or it explodes. It’s great! W: right. Who’s in it?

M: Sandra Bullock and .. the guy is, the actor is, er … Keanu Reeves. W: Mm. do you think I’d like it? M: Well, do you like action films?

W: Mm… not really. I prefer romantic films and dramas.

M: Oh, then I don’t think you’d like it… Er, well. H, I know. I think you’d like that French film, you know, with the actress Jeliette Binoche. What’s it called? Oh, yeah: Chocolat.

W: Chocolat? Do I know it?.. oh, with Johnny Depp? Mm! now that is a good recommendation. Have you got the DVD?


Answers 1) feel like

2) What do you recommend 3) how about 4) What’s it about 5) Who’s in it 6) Do you think 7) Why don't we 2


The statements you here are 1, 4,5,7,8,9 and 10. 3

Reference answers

1) do you recommend 2) How about 3) What’s it about 4) Who’s in it

5) Do you think I’d like it 6) If you prefer 7) I think you’d like

8) Thanks for your recommendation 4

Reference answers 1

A: Next Friday is my birthday. I plan to invite my friends to dinner. Do you have a nice place to recommend?

B: How about the Sichuan restaurant beside the university gate? The food is delicious there!

A: I know the food is good there, but it’s a bit too crowded and their private rooms are not large enough because I’m inviting more than then people.

B: In that case, why not try the Sunset Restaurant? They have a large private room specially designed for activities like a birthday party. You can eat and sing karaoke there. They may even prepare a birthday cake for you. A: That sounds perfect. Thanks. B: MY pleasure. 2

A: I’m thinking of doing a part-time job to cover some of my tuition fees. What do you think I should do?

B: Well, there are quite a lot of part-time jobs both on and off campus. If you prefer to work on