2019年雅思写作:Essay Writing Coherence(2) 下载本文

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2019年雅思写作:Essay Writing Coherence(2)

雅思考试中,写作经常是让很多考生头疼的部分。譬如,有的学生因对作文的topic不熟悉而无话可说;有的学生因词汇量不够而限制了自己的独特见地等等。于是,很多学生将背范文当成了自己的“救命稻草”。 其实,多背几篇范文对自己写作水平的提升确有协助,比如,它能够协助考生熟悉topic,从而不至于看到题目无话可说;还能够协助考生扩大词汇量等。但单纯依赖于背范文并不是一个万全之策,有很多考生,辛辛苦苦地背了很多篇范文,拥有了丰富的词汇量,同时还拥有了自己独到的见解,而写的作文却未必能拿高分。 原因何在?

也许你应该思索一下你的文章是否像那些范文一样条理清晰,结构严谨,逻辑严密.而这与一篇文章的组织结构有很大关系。所以说,要想在雅思作文中拿高分,考生一定要熟悉作文的结构,在背范文时也要注意范文是怎么安排段落的,段落之间以及句子之间是怎么连接在一起的,使用了哪些衔接手段等等。 一篇文章的组织结构是很重要的。因为思维方式的差异,我们会发现,外国人的文章都是简单明了的,一般是让你看了它的第一段就知道他要说什么,甚至就知道了文章的组织结构。所以,一定要在文章的组织结构上下点工夫。 Introduction 例一: Question:

Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. Blood sports should be banned. To what extent to you agree or disagree?


Despite the fact that killing animals for sport is

popular in modern society, it remains a contentious issue. I believe that blood sports are cruel and uncivilized and so should be banned as soon as possible. Paraphrasing

注意:不要抄袭问题中的句子! Further Examples 例二: Question:

Science and technology have helped the world make many advances. The Arts, such as painting, theatre and dance, to name just three examples, however, are also valuable.

What things do the Arts provide to the world that Science and Technology do not? Answer:

Societies have developed rapidly over time due to the many advances in science and technology. However, the arts are also very important and provide our world with many things that science and technology cannot. 例三: Question:

According to a recent study, the more time people use the Internet, the less time they spend with real human beings.

Some people say that instead of seeing the Internet as a way of opening up new communication possibilities world wide, we should be concerned about the effect this is having on social interaction.

How far do you agree with this opinion? Answer:

A recent study has shown that as people use the Internet more, they are spending less time with human beings. I believe that although this has increased the communication around the world in positive ways, it has also led to negative effects on the day-to-day social interaction of human beings. 例四: Question:

Unemployment has become an increasing problem in the recent past.

What factors contribute to an increase in unemployment and what steps can be taken to solve the problem? Answer:

Over recent years, the level of unemployment has been increasing at an alarming rate in many countries around the world. This essay will discuss the reasons for this increase and consider what practical solutions are available. 例五: Question: