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1. 我看见一叶扁舟顺河漂流。我不想像这小舟一样没有目标,随波逐流地了此一生。 I saw a boat drifting along the river. I do not intend to be like this boat, drifting through life aimlessly.
2. 山谷里的桃花全都盛开了,让她留恋忘返。在前面不远处,她看见一家农舍,从窗户内传来了美妙的乡村音乐。
The peach trees in the valley were in full blossom, making it difficult to tear herself away from them. Some distance apart from her, she saw a little hut with sweet country music drifting out of its window.
3. 结婚以后,我和朋友的来往慢慢变少了。而我夹在那些一起共事的商界人士当中十分不自在。他们说的生意经我厌烦透了。 After my marriage, my friends and I drifted apart a little, and I was completely out of my element among those business people I had to work with. Their business discussions bored me stiff .
4. 他们之间已经具有发生内战的所有要素。国际社会已向双方呼吁,希望他们和平解决争端。
They already had all the necessary elements for a civil war. The international community has appealed to both sides for a peaceful settlement of their disputes.
5. 很多人认为教会正在失去他的吸引力。虽然他积累了越来越多的财富。
Many people think that the church is losing its appeal although it has accumulated more and more wealth.
6. 扩大业务的主意对我很有吸引力。现在我们很多贸易伙伴的经济都正在开始加速发展。我们的国内市场估计明年也将好转。 The idea of business expansion appeals to me .Today the economy of many of our trade partners is beginning to pick up speed. Our domestic market is also project to recover next year.
7. 改革总是有风险的,但不改革风险更大。现在大多数人都希望进一步改革,尽管肯定也会有人反对。
Reform always contains some element of risk, but we risk a lot more without reform. Today most people find further reform appealing although there is bound to be opposition.
8. 他读到这封信的时候气疯了。他将信撕碎,扔进了废纸篓。他从衣服上撕下一块布,用自己的鲜血写下了他的最后一封信。 He was furious/infuriated when he read the letter. He tore it up and threw it into the wastepaper basket. Then he ripped a piece of his coat and using his own blood as ink, wrote his last letter.
9. 回想起来,我们大家都觉得当初把这个美丽的城墙拆掉是愚蠢的。
In hindsight/Looking back, we all feel that it was foolish to tear down/demolish this beautiful city wall. 10. 你在家等着,我七点左右开车来接你。你别担心,医生已向我保证,她会很快好起来。
You wait at home, I’ll come and pick you up at around seven. Don’t worry, the doctor has assumed us that her wealth will pick up soon. 1. 我家乡的气候挺宜人的,除了一月和八月之外。
The climate of my hometown is pleasant except in January and August. 2. 除了不舒服的气候,王宁每天都要慢跑约40分钟。
Except when he is unwell, Wang Ning spends about 40 minutes a day jogging. 3. 有关他的特别使命,他对家里人只字为提,只是说要出差一段时间。
About his special mission he told his family nothing except that he had to be away on business for some time. 4. 他的父母知道除了让他呈现真实的自我之外,他们不必多做些什么。
His parents know that they don’t have to do much for their son except to let him be himself. 5. 除了合法属于他们的东西之外,他们没有要求要其他任何东西。 They asked for nothing except what was rightfully theirs. Unit5
1. 统计数据显示,中国拥有总计为2.8万亿立方米的水资源,仅次于巴西、俄罗斯和加拿大,居世界第四位。但如果按人口总数分配,我们人均拥水量就只占世界平均数的四分之一左右。
Statistics show that China has a total amount of 2.8 trillion cubic meters of water resources, second only to Brazil, Russia and Canada, ranking the fourth (to be updated) in the world. But when divided by 1.3 billion, our average per-capita share of water resources only amounts to about one quarter of the world’s average.
2. 我们一直承受着缺水的沉重包袱。据说661个大城市中,有约三分之二都在遭受缺水之苦。北京是一个很好的例子。它不仅缺地表水,就连地下水位也降到十分危险的地步。据说地下水已经降到地下90米。有的学者建议我们应该考虑迁都到其他地方去。这计划当然没有可行性,但这给人们的信息是清楚的。
We have always been heavily burdened with the problem of water shortage. It is said that of the 661 large and medium-sized cities nationwide, about two-thirds are suffering from an acute shortage of water. Beijing is a good example in point. It not only lacks surface water, even its underground water table is dangerously low. It is reported to have dropped by 90 meters. Some scholars suggest we move our capital to some other place. This is of course unfeasible/unrealistic, but the message is clear.
3. 首先,我国的水资源从时间和地点上都分布不均。他不是太多,造成水灾,就是太少,导致旱灾。
Our water resources first of all are not evenly distributed in time or space. They are either too much, causing floods, or too little, causing droughts.
4. 尽管我们在过去的几十年里取得了很大的成就,但我们的江河湖泊还远远没得到有效治理。水土流失与荒漠化正日益严重的威胁者我们的经济和人们的生活。很多河流都已经断流。以黄河为例,1998年它断流的时间长达212天。
In spite of the impressive progress we have achieved in the past years, we are still far from effectively harnessing our rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Soil erosion and desertification are increasingly threatening our economy and people ’s life. Many of our rivers no longer flow to the sea. In 1998, the Yellow River failed to have enough water to flow to the sea for 212 days.
5. 我们的水资源绝大多数都被用来灌溉农田。可是近年来,越来越多的水备用在工业和生活中。所以严重的供不应求。
Traditionally our water resources have mainly been used to irrigate land but, in recent years, demands on water for industrial and domestic use have also been sharply on the rise. They have seriously outgrown supplies.
6. 现在短缺的水资源正在变得更加短缺,因为很多水被浪费在大澡盆,电热淋雨,抽水马桶和高尔夫书场上。不仅如此,很多水还被严重污染。
Today our scarce water resources are becoming even scarcer because a lot of water is being wasted on capacious baths, power showers, flush lavatories, and golf rinks. Moreover, a lot of water is being polluted.
7. 这两条河的水资源都在该国,这就使水的问题成为这两个国家之间的潜在争端的一个严重问题。
These two rivers both have their headwater in the country. It therefore makes water an issue for potential serious dispute between the two countries.
8. 近年来,我们把很大的希望寄托在南水北调工程上,希望这能一劳永逸解决南方的水灾和北方的旱灾。但是我们也听到来自一些学者的不同意见他们警告说我们不能假设长江能永远免遭干旱。
In recent years, we have pinned great hopes on the projects to divert water form the south to the north, hoping that it will once and for all solve our flood problem in the south and the drought problem in the north. But there are scholars whose opinions differ. They warn us that the immunity of the Yangtze to droughts cannot be taken for granted. 1. 要是得到更好的医疗,我爷爷本来是能活到80岁的。 With better medical care my grandfather could have lived to eight. 2. 即使是在枪杆子的威逼下,我也不会放弃我的信仰。 Even at gunpoint I wouldn’t renounce my beliefs. 3. 继续拖延会给我们造成更大的损失。 Further delay would cause us even greater losses. 4. 要不是有安全带,她在车祸中就会受重伤。
But for the seat belt, she would have been severely injured in the car accident. 5. 一个没有强烈正义感的人是不会提出这件事的。
A man without a strong sense of justice wouldn’t have brought the matter up. 6. 要不是有像她那样经验丰富的向导,我们很有可能会陷在丛林中出不来。 Without an experienced guide like her, we might have been trapped in the jungle. 7. 要是处在他的境地,我不知道我们中有多少个人会做同样的事。 I wonder how many of us would have done the same in his position. 8. 要是那时有一台更加先进的计算机,我们会等快完成这项工作。
With a more sophisticated computer we would have completed the job much sooner. 9. 如果没有顽强的意志,即使身体健康的人也无法在两个小时内爬到山顶。
Without a strong will, even a healthy man wouldn’t have reached the top of the mountain within two hours. 10. 一个不善于随机应变的人是不可能在这种不利条件下完成这个任务的。
A less resourceful person wouldn’t have been able to carry out the task under such unfavorable conditions Unit6
1. 听起来也许让人难以置信,我听说在机场一碗面要价40元。
Incredible as it may sound, I hear that they charge 40 yuan for a bowl of simple noodles at the airport. 2. 孙权最后说服大家同意让陆逊——一个年轻书生——来负责这个决定性的战役。
Sun Quan finally talked everybody into agreeing to put Lu Xun, a young scholar, in charge of^commanding this decisive battle. 3. 他因被指控犯有走私罪而被铺。但是依据法律,没有证据不能拘捕公民。
He was arrested on the charge of smuggling, but in accordance with the law, no citizen can be arrested without evidence. 4. 她把盘子扔在地上,但是它神奇的没有碎,连裂痕也没有。
She dropped the plate on the ground, but it miraculously did not break, without so much as a crack. 5. 我向你们保证,如果这里打的井足够深,肯定能找到水。所以如果大家不反对,我们就开始干。
I can assure you that if we dig a well deep enough here, we will strike water. So if you guys have no objection, let’s get started. 6. 她喜欢不停地挪动房间里的桌子和椅子,好让房间有一个新面貌。
She takes delight in shifting the tables and chairs in this room so as to give the room a new look. 7.我们经济发展的重点已经从东部沿海地区转移到了中西部地区。
The focus of our economic development has shifted from the coastal areas in the east to the central and western areas. 8. 他把车换到了最高档,一下子把所有的其他车都甩到了后面。 He shifted/changed to the highest gear, thus leaving all the other cars far behind. 9. 我主张禁烟,但他反对。因为烟草工业是政府收入的一个重要来源。
I maintained that smoking should be forbidden, but he disagreed because he said that the tobacco industry was an important source of government revenue.
10. 当地老百姓强烈反对在这座美丽的山上装缆车。
The local people raised a strong objection to installing the cable car over that beautiful mountain. 1. 都训练一上午了,该歇会吃午饭了。
We’ve been training for the whole morning. It,s time we took a break and had lunch. 2. 约翰逊夫妇拿定主意,他们40岁的儿子在该从家里搬出去了。
The Johnsons’ decided that it was high time their 40-year-old son moved out of their house. 3. 20年都过去了,我们两家的误会早就该埋藏起来。
Twenty years have passed,and it,s time we buried the past misunderstandings of our two families. 4. 是我们该公开抗议,对这个部门的性别歧视说”不”的时候了。 It is time we resisted publically and said no to sexist of the department. 5. 劳资双方该坐下来协商解决问题的办法了。
It’s time unions and management sat down and worked out a real solution to the problem. 6. 国家领导人是该给评估国家的资源状况,制定出切实可行的计划了。
It is time national leaders took stock of their nation’s resources and worked out realistic plans.