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2015年春季八年级英语下册 Unit 4 A good read知识点归纳 (新版牛津版 8B Unit4 Welcome to the unit

1. Have you decided what to do with these books? 你已经决定如何处理这些书了吗?

do with = deal with 处理,对付what to do with…… = how to deal with…… 怎样处理

2.have to use them to reach the box on the fridge 不得不使用它们来够冰箱上的盒子

3.read a book about Germany in World War Ⅱ读一本关于第二次世界战争德国的书

4. What type of book do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的书?

5. What do you like to read in your spare time? 你空闲时喜欢读什么书?in one’s spare/free time 在某人的空闲时间里

6. I’m interesting in history books. They improve my knowledge of the past. 我对历史书

感兴趣。它们提高我的对过去知识的了解。 (1be interested in 对…感兴趣 = have / take interest in sth / doing sth. (2improve my knowledge of the past 提高我对过去的认识(knowledge 知识不可数 n — v know

7. novels by the French writer Victor Hugo 被/ 由法国作家维克多·雨果写的小说 8. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me . 那个丑人(加西莫多 Quasimodo 的故事着实打动了我。(1the story of the ugly man 那个丑陋男人的故事(2touch / move sb 感动/触动某人

9.国家国家人复数 Germany -German--Germans America --American -Americans Australia -- Australian-Australians Canada -Canadian -Canadians France -Frenchman--Frenchmen England -Englishman -Englishmen (中国人,日本人不变;英、法 a—e 10.我也是(不是Me too/ Me either


1. After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could. 在我们的船撞礁后,我尽可能快地身远处游泳。

(1crash against the rocks 撞到岩石 (against 介词紧靠,碰,撞;反对,违背

(2swim as far as one can / could = swim as far as possible 游得尽可能远;奋力前游 as+ adj. / adv.(原级+ as……,e.g. It’s not as difficult as I thought.这没有我想象的那


2.By the time I finally felt the land under my feet ,I was tired out . 当我终于感觉到陆地在我脚下时,我累坏了。

(1by the time = when 到……的时候

(2feel the land under my feet 感觉到陆地在我的脚下

(3be tired out 筋疲力尽 e.g.I was dancing all the morning, I was tired out. 我跳舞跳了一个上午,我筋疲力尽了。

3.I fell down on the beach and went to sleep. 我倒在海滩上睡着了。

(1 fall down on the beach 倒在沙滩上 fall down 摔倒;倒塌 e.g. The house might fall down in a few months.几个月内这房屋也许会倒塌。 fall behind 落在......后面 fall down 失败

(2 go to sleep / fall asleep/ be asleep 睡着、入睡

4. I woke up as the sun was rising ,but I found I could not move. 太阳升起时我醒了,但我发现我不能动了

as the sun was rising 正当太阳升起时 rise – rose – risen rise vi. 升起,上升 The sun rises in the east raise vt.提高,筹集,抬起 raise your hands 举手 raise some money 筹集钱

5.My arms ,legs and hair tied to the ground. 我的胳膊、腿和头发都被绑在了地直。

be tied to the ground 被栓/绑在地上 tie A to B 把 A 绑在 B 上

——被动语态: A be tied to B A 被绑在 B 上 The dog was tied to the tree. 这条狗被拴在了树上。 6. feel something on my leg 感觉某个东西在我的腿上

7. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face 它从我的肚子和脖子上移动,直到它站在我的脸附近。