《普通遗传学》习题集 下载本文

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联会复合体synaptonemal complex 受精fertilization 双受精double fertilization 胚乳直感xenia 果实直感metaxenia 无融合生殖apomixis 细胞周期cell cycle 无性生殖asexual reproduction 染色体组型karyotype复制子replicon遗传密码genetic code 简并degeneracy 中心法则centraldogma 转录transcription 翻译translation 完全显性complete dominance 不完全显性imcomplete dominance 共显性co-dominance 镶嵌显性mosaic dominance 显性转换reversal of dominance 基因型genotype 表现型phenotype 互补作用complementary effect 返祖现象atavism 积加作用additive effect 重叠作用duplicate effect 上位作用epistatic effect 显性上位epistatic dominance 隐性上位epistatic recessiveness 抑制作用inhibiting effect 多因一效multigenic effect 一因多效pleiotropism 遗传图(遗传图谱)genetic map 连锁群linkage group 性染色体sex-chromosome 常染色体autosome 性连锁sex linkage sex-linked inheritance 交叉遗传criss-cross inheritance 限性遗传sex-limited inheritance 从性遗传sex-influenced inheritance 整倍体Euploid 一倍体monoploid 单倍体haploid 二倍体diploid 同源多倍体autopolyploid 异源多倍体[双二倍体] Allopolyploid 非整倍体aneuploid 超倍体hyperploid 亚倍体hypoploid 缺体nullisomic 单体monosomic “Turner氏综合症” 三体trisomic 先天愚型 Down 氏综合征Down syndrome转导transduction 普遍性转导generalized transduction 转导体transducing particle 共转导cotransduction 流产转导 局限转导restricted transduction F+菌株 F- 菌株 Hfr菌株 F’菌株 质粒plasmid 附加体episome表现度expressivity 转换Transition 颠换Transversion 移码突变frameshift 同义突变samesense mutation 错义突变missense mutation 无义突变nonssense mutation 移码突变frameshift mutation细胞质遗传cytoplasmic inheritance 母性影响maternal effect predetermination 雄性不育male sterility个体发育development 全能

性totipotency 数量性状基因座quantitative trait locus,QTL QTL定位QTL mapping 遗传率heritability 广义遗传率heritability in broad sense 狭义遗传率heritability in narrow sense 近亲繁殖inbreeding 异交outbreeding 自体受精 自交或自花授粉selfing, self-fertilization 自花授粉植物self-pollinated plant 常异花授粉植物often cross-pollinated plant 异花授粉植物cross-pollinated plant 近亲系数 回交back cross 轮回亲本recurrent parent 非轮回亲本non-recurrent parent 基因频率gene frequency, allele frequency 遗传(基因)平衡定律Hardey-Weinberg law, Hardey-Weinberg equilibrium, genetic equilibrium law 遗传漂移genetic drift 迁移migration 物种species 地理隔离geographic isolation 生态隔离ecological isolation 生殖隔离reproduction isolation


1、有丝分裂的遗传学意义 2、减数分裂的遗传学意义 3、有丝分裂和减数分裂的异同

4、试述分离规律.独立分配规律和连锁交换规律的实质? 5、试分析孟德尔成功的原因,对你有何启迪?

6、Why are double-crossover events expected in lower frequency than single-crossover events?

7、Why does more crossing over occur between two distantly linked genes than between two genes located very close together on the same chromosome?

8、倒位的遗传学效应 9、易位的遗传效应

10、为什么在生产中直接利用异源四倍体多于同源四倍体? 11、试述同源多倍体和异源多倍体的主要区别?为什么同源多倍体结实率较低,而异源多倍体的结实率却比较正常? 12、同源多倍体的特征是什么? 13、你知道那些途径可以产生同源三倍体?同源三倍体在减数分裂中染色体的联会与分离有何特点?为什么会出现高度不育? 14、多倍体在远缘杂交育种上有何应用价值?


16、请阐明高等植物单倍体的主要特征及其在遗传育种上的意义。 17、Contrast the relative survival times of individuals with Down, Patau, and Edwards syndromes. Speculate as to why such differences exist.

18、What evidence suggests that Down syndrome is more often the result of nondisjunction during oogenesis rather than during spermatogenesis? 19、Contrast the fertility of an allotetraploid with an autotriploid and an autotetraploid.

试比较转化.接合.转导.性导在细菌遗传物质的传递上的异同? 20、Distinguish between the three modes of recombination in bacteria. 21、Describe the observations that led Zinder and Lederberg to conclude that the prototrophs recovered in their transduction experiments were not the result of F-mediated conjugation.

22、Define plaque, lysogeny, and prophage.

23、经典遗传学和现代遗传学对基因的概念有何异同? 24、请阐述基因是如何控制性状表达的。



28、为什么多数突变是有害的? 29、为什么多数突变是隐性的?


31、举例说明自发突变和诱发突变、正突变和反突变。 32、突变的平行性说明什么问题,有何实践意义?


34、你怎样区别细胞质遗传与细胞核遗传?为什么? 35、何谓雄性不育?它在生产上有何应用价值?一般生产上多用哪种不育类型?如何利用?

36、母性影响和细胞质遗传的共同特征是什么? 37、简述孢子体不育与配子体不育的区别。

38、Contrast the DNA associated with mitochondria and chloroplasts. 39、自交的遗传效应: 40、回交的遗传效应 41、杂种优势基本特点 42、杂种优势的遗传机理
