一年级上海牛津英语1BM1U1练习题 下载本文

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Class________ Name__________ No. _____ 家长签名__________

复习内容概要,请家长和学生仔细阅读要求并认真完成,加油! 1.听读课本P2~5的单词和句子,理解词义和句意,能熟练朗读P3,P4。


3.能用学过的句子与他人进行对话:What do you see? I see a/an … 正确抄写P2四个动物单词,每个抄一行四遍,中文一遍,一定要




frog 青蛙 bird 鸟

rabbit 兔子 jump 跳

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bee 蜜蜂 fly 飞

butterfly 蝴蝶 I am a bird. 我是一只鸟。

run 跑 white 白色

What do you see? 你看见什么?I see a frog. 我看见一只青蛙。 What can it do?它会干什么? It can jump. 它会跳。 What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? It’s green. 它是绿色的。

1B M1U1练习 name ___________ 家长签名 ___________ 一、读一读,连一连,把单词和图片配对,再把小动物画完。

frog bee rabbit bird · · · ·

· · · ·


1It’s yellow and black. It’s small. It’s busy(忙碌).It likes flowers. It can fly.

What is it?

tiger ( ) bee ( ) 2It’s brown(咖啡色). It’s small. It likes bananas. It can jump. What is it?

bird ( ) monkey ( )

3It’s white. It’s small. It can see with the red eyes. It can hear with the

long(长的) ears. It can jump. What is it?

rabbit ( ) panda ( )


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It’s Spring! (春天到了)I see some animals in the park(公园). Look at the bird. It’s blue. It can fly in the sky. Flying very high. t’s white. It can run very fast. I love it.

There are four bees on the flower. They are small and yellow. ‘Croak, croak’ I hear a frog. It’s green and small. It can swim(游泳).

It loves to eat harmful insects (害虫). So it’s good. 1. The bird can fly very high. ( ) 2. The rabbit is green. ( ) 3. The rabbit can run. ( )

4. There are five small and yellow bees on the flower. ( )

5. The frog is green and good. ( )

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