五年级英语下册期中考试题 下载本文

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( )7. Ju_ _ (六月) A. ly B. ne C. en ( )8. sp_ _t (运动) A. ar B. er C. or

( )9. th_ _d (第三) A. :__________

ir B. or C. ar ( )10. p_ _no (钢琴) A. ie B. ai C. ia 三、找出不同类别的一项填在括号


( )1. A. spring B. winter C. fall D.


( )1. wh_ _ (什么时候) A. en B. in C. on ( )2. sk_ _e (滑冰) A. it B. at C. ia ( )3. n_ _t (下一个) A. ai B. xa C. ex


( )2. A. hot B. cold C. skate D. cool ( )3. A. math B. teacher C. music D. English

( )4. A. fruit B.

grape C. apple D.

( )4. be_ _ (最) A. st


B. sd C. ts

( )5. A. fifth B.

( )5. c_ _sin (堂兄弟) A.

ninth C. four D.

oa B. au C. ou


( )6. f_ _st (第一) A.

( )6. A. uncle B.

or B. ir C. er

aunt C. grandma D. chart


( )7. A. May B. July C. John D. October

( )8. A. tell B. three C. eight D. five

( )9. A. watch B. dinner C. breakfast D. lunch

( )10. A. she B. you C. her D. we 四、英汉互译。(10分)

1.get up ______________ 2.eat breakfast _______________ 3.

课 4.晨练 5.

人 6.go to bed _________________ 7.National

Day 8. 去购物 9.Army

Day 10.爬山 五、按要求填空。(10分)

1. two(序数词)___________ 2.one(序数词) ___________

3. January(缩写)__________ 4.August(缩写) 5. twentieth(缩写)_________ 6.March the eighth(缩写)_______ 7. Dec.(完全形式)___________ 8.do not(缩写) ____________ 9. Second(基数词)_____________ 10.that’s(完全形式) ___________ 六、选择合适的单词填空。(7分) What Which When Can

Where Who Why 1.________________I ask you some question?

2.________________do you get up ? 3.________________do you do on

the weekend ?

4.________________season do you

like ?

5.________________are you from ?

6.________________do you like

summer ?



English teacher ? 七、选择填空。(20分)

( )1. Is _______ birthday in June ?

A. your B.


you C. she ( )2. When is New Year’Day ?

A . April 1st B . January 1st C. July 1st ( )3. What’s the date ? A. Tuesday B. November C. May 4th ( )4.-What are you doing ?


A. I’m read a book . B. I can make a birthday card.

C. I’m sending grandpa an

e-card .

( )5.I don’t like winter , ________ .

A. too B. either C. also ( )6.A: _____do you have lunch ? B: At noon . A. How B. What C. When ( )7.______she have a computer ?

A. Does B. Do C. Dos ( )8. Who ____ a birthday in

October ?

A. have B. has C. had ( )9.- _____is Children’s day ?

- It’s in June . A. When B. What C. Which ( )10.There _____three

birthdays in June .

A. is B.

are C. am ( )11.How birthdays are

there in February?

A. much B.

many C. old ( )12.When do you go

home? A.


B. at C. 不填

( )13. do you do on the


A. When B.

What C. How ( )14. season do you like