新世纪大学英语视听说教程第三版3答案完整 下载本文

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2. Because she was going to visit him next month and plan her vacation. B. 1. T 2.F 3. T 4. T 5.F 6. F


A 1.With the cell phone, you can keep in touch with friends, family and co-workers everywhere you go.

2. You should stop at the side of the road before answering the call.

3.In meetings, movies, restaurants or any place where ringing phone might disturb people B. 1.right cell phone right company fit my monthly budget have the features voice dialing your hand off the steeling wheel keep your conversation private P113

B 1.convenient and save time 2.9% 3.3% 4.addicted to their cell phones 5.laws about cell phone usage 6.57% 7.while driving 8.34% P114

C 1.F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T B 2926 5348 6061 P119

1 2.download emergency privacy reach respect P120

A 2.True 3.False ;users,not never 4. False;sometimes unnecessary,not always necessary 5.True 6.False; less,not more 7.False; dislikes cell phones more than she likes them 8.False; minds, not doesn’t mind 9.True

B camera take a picture cell phones anybody you want privacy connect you with people Wherever you are at the most unexpected times P122

B b c b b c

C area code taxi line family reunion D 2.c a f b e

E 2.addicted especially the holidays noise pollution connect P124

A 4 6 1 2 3 5 B 2.c a b h d g f

C 1. She’s possibly taking to a friend,someone who has just arrived at the airport. 2. How to get a taxi from the airport to the restaurant. 3. Don’t use it in public.

D See what I mean? Hi,Dad!how’s it going Listen

I just got a new cell phone to give you the number They're so convenient addicted to hers. She's on it all the time I almost forgot. Here it is like in Got it

555-2324 Can you hold on a minute calling on the other line E 1. She want Mike tell his dad to come in September.

2. Because he doesn’t like sending messages. 3. He connected his parents using his cell phone.

4. The family feel happy.

5. Mike hated using cell phone in public places,but he do like that.

6. Roberto and Mike criticized the use of cell phone in public places,but they were guilty of dong just that. P127

A 2.Do you mind See what I mean can’t stand B was talking loudly on the cell phone. he can’t stand cell phones.

he avoids taking calls in public unless it’s very important. called to give Mike his new cell phone number. called on the other line.

ake a message for his dad,

couldn’t stand taking messages, so he connects his mother and father. was talking so loud on her phone earlier says to Mike,” Do you mind?”

said the same thing Roberto said,” I can’t stand cell phones—especially in public places.”

Unit 7


A 1 Taking pictures of nature not people,and usually outdoors. B 1. nature photography 2. several national parks 3. Mexico and Brazil 4. birds and animals

5. I haven’t put them in albums yet A Spencer: Olympic torch Greta: toy truck B 1. S 2. g 3. s 4. s 5. g 6. g

C 1.a torch carried it in the 1984 Olympic won his first race lost the second one

several thousand dollars keep it for now give it to a museum someday

a toy truck Germany neighbor gave it to him before he moved away the letter”e” made on it in good condition always keep it for her children P132

A a, c, d


C 1. Because his wife was afraid of the water and she’d never agree to her kids going scuba diving.

2. She might enjoy the full-service spa. P133

A 1. T F F F T T F F

B 1. T

2. F; There were more than two hundred teams in the Hawaii Adventure Race. 3. F; Adventure racing started a few years ago. 4. F; in it, People race non-stop, 24 hours a day. 5. T: 6. T;

7. F: it is held every year in a different country and environment 8. F: In the race, all team members must finish together.

C 1.500 2.climbing rope 3.horseback riding 4.speed and stamina 5.work and finish together P134

A 9 windsurfing renamed ice climbing California 1998 Asian X Games Spain 2002 Latin American X Games B 1. Asia, Canada, Europe, South America, the United States. 2. biking, skateboarding 3. skiing 4. vert

C 2. Most “X Gamers” are male, but there are a few women. 3. she’s not afraid of the guys. 4 . She has a boyfriend.

5. Fabiola has become famous in the skating world. 6. She comes from Brazil.

7. She has been skating for years. P142

1 2.hanging with friends doing arts and craft drawing playing video games making jewelry P143

A 2.b a c

B 1. Ever since I was little draw designs on it

give the jewelry to my friends as present puts my mind at ease lets me think about other things as opposed to I might be having P144

1 2.scuba diving tae kwon do horseback riding in-line skating A 2. False; fifteen, not ten

3. False; studying, not teaching (or teaching one year)

4. False; kung fu, not karate 5. True

B 1. Because it’s good exercise and vigorous.

2. Because it’s a lot more fun to her and enjoy the atmosphere P146

B 1, 2, and 5 are true.

3. False; practice is very important 4. False; it’s not easy

5. False; they do find something they can play

C 2.f a i c j h b g d

D 2.someday has trouble lately nowhere peace flute seriously tough stuck with P148

A 2. hated 3. months 4. enjoying it 5. a place 6. practice 7. difficult 8. she 9. simple

B Sentences 3,5,7 and 8 are true

2. false Claudia took flute lessons when she was a kid/child 4. false sometimes, not never 6. false difficult, not easy

D 1. I hope I get that good someday 2. if you stick with it

3. I’ve been playing since

4. How long did you say you’ve been playing the flute 5. Like I said 6.but i hated it

7. I’m really enjoying it this time 8. But like I told you

9. I’m not very good yet E 1. Practice makes perfect

2. I have trouble doing it at home 3.have both been studying a lot lately 4.keep telling me

5.there is nowhere for me to practice 6. That’s what we’re going to do 7.you can always come and play here 8. Ready to try one P150

A 1. Shall we? 2.when I was a kid 3.like I said B she hoped she would be that good some day

he had been playing since he was a teenager Practice makes perfect practicing at home

had been studying a lot lately they could practice together hadn’t played any of them

suggested a song she had been practicing he hadn’t played it for a long time Twinkle,Twinkle.little star

Unit 8


A: c d a b e

B: elegant pretty handsome attractive

C: d b a c P155

A: friends classmates teammates

B: 1. She doesn’t what to do when faces with Gabe. 2. Alex advice her should talk to Gabe first. P156:

A: False True False False B: 1.appeal to, pause risks to 2.it may lower their chances of getting the job 3.tattoos are permanent 4.no matter what the reasons there might be for getting a tattoo


A: all are unfavorable views B: 1.face to face 2.looks, personality, sincerity 3.All of their great qualities, the bad points 4.at your job 5.relaxed way, no pressure P158

A: going out with friends, a personal introduction, a matchmaking party, Internet dating, speed dating


1 2.b a d f e

A 1.interesting funny elegant romantic 2.tall handsome intelligent witty

3.smart funny caring

4.handsome intelligent honest trustworthy

5.communicative good listener responds to his needs B He likes nature.

1 online dating speeding dating singles’ event 2 2.d b a P167


C 2.attractive well-built romantic sincere personality intelligence looks D 2.a f g c d b P169

A 2.three had some engaged cute out to dinner himself at the movie B 2. b c d a

C 1. Those ads will never heil find a relationship. 2. It’s useful.

D Never give up Romantic handsome well-built looking for There’s no way he’s sincere Stop it intelligence Sounds like he might not be too cute

E 1.does sound terrible Let’s see other than into Feels like let’s go 2. Let them go to the movie. P172