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天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/ 手把手教您解答托福听力组织结构题 如何攻克托福听力组织结构题?在今天的文章中,天道留学小编为正在进行托福听力备考的考生们,就如何攻克组织结构题进行解答。如果您对这种托福听力题型同样不是特别擅长的话,相信之后小编准备的文章一定可以帮到你!
托福听力是先听音再看题,因此我们要根据题干关键词,定位回我们自己的笔记、或者定位回我们对听力材料的记忆来找答案。这样的做法同样适用于组织结构题,要想把组织结构题作对首先要在听音过程中注意教授所作的比较; 第二要看当教授提到一些看似离题的内容时,考生要明确教授想表达的观点是什么。
在托福听力的组织结构题中经常利用一个例子进行考察,考察为什么要提到某个例子。因此考生在备考过程中要明白,例子是帮助证明自己的观点或者是通过例子推出结论这两种情况。 案例解析
例1:TPO11 lecture 2
Why does the woman refer to visiting her grandparents? (why does refer/mention??是托福听力组织结构题的标志)
A. To explain why she is interested in residential architecture B. To explain why she knows a lot about the history of Cape Cod C. To explain why she is familiar with Cape Cod houses D. To explain why she enjoys visiting rural New England 本道题目所对应的原文为:
Professor: Good! Of course for a Cape Cod house, it might be even more accurate to say that form also follows climate. Who knows what the climate’s like on Cape Cod? Bob: Cold in the winter.
sue:and whenever I visit my grandparents, it’s really wet. It’s usually either raining or showing or foggy, and windy too,I guess because it's so exposed to the ocean?
天道教育带您走向成功留学之道! 天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/ 通过学生与教授之间的一问一答,教授提的问题,仍然是与 Cape Cod houses 相关的话题。可以看出sue提到自己的grandparents,it’s really wet是为了例证自己的也知道Cape Cod house,然后又通过后面raining or showing or foggy, and windy,表明sue经历过这些天气,因此sue说到grandparents是为了说明自己对Cape Cod houses很熟悉。从本道题目中可以看出,女士说到的例子是为了证明自己的是了解和熟悉的。 例2:TPO11 lecture 2
Why does the professor mention shrub expansion into other environments, such as semiarid grasslands?
A. To suggest that new shrub land may not convert back to tundra B. To explain how shrub land can expand in warm climate
C. To cite a similarity between the types of shrubs in semiarid grassland and tundra environments
D. To explain how a biological loop can cause shrub expansion
通过题目中的关键词shrub expansion into other environments 可以定位原文为 Female student: it'll change back to tundra.
Lecturer: Well, shrub expansion has occurred in other environments, like semiarid grassland, and tall grass prairies. And shrub expansion in these environments does seem to persist, almost to the point of causing a shift. Once is established, shrub land thrives. 女生说 shrub land 会变回 tundra.教授解释说不会,shrub land will thrive once environment established,一旦扎根土壤,灌木林地就会生长茂盛。教授提到shrub expansion into other environments, such as semiarid grasslands就是为了否定学生的观点,然后用例子来支持自己的观点,并且通过例子说明灌木丛不会回到苔原的状态,而是在特定的环境中生长茂盛。
天道教育带您走向成功留学之道! 天道留学http://tiandaoedu.com/ 缺乏引导,学习方法不对,效率低下 缺乏学习计划,容易走弯路 缺乏阶段性检测和分析,屡考不过 容易受外界影响,注意力不易集中 没有体系,学过知识记不住