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2013-2014学年度第二学期 六年级三科摸底试题(英语卷)

效题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分

无 一、选出不是同类的单词。(每个2分,共10分)

( ) 1. A. young B. old C. than D. tall 题( ) 2. A. squid B. lobster C. hand D. shark ( ) 3. A. meter B. each C. kilogram D. ton 号 考 答( ) 4. A. sing B. play C. seal D. think ( ) 5. A. wash B. visit C. weekend D. clean


内 1. how tall ___________ 2. 感冒 _________

名 姓 3. have a toothache __________ 4.去游泳 ___________

线5. have a good time __________ 6.头疼 ___________

7. have a cold ___________ 8. 发烧 ____________

封9. killer whale ___________ 10. 更小的 ___________


级 班 1.young (比较级) ___________ 2.funny (比较级) ___________

密3.foot(复数) ___________ 4.have (ing形式) ___________

5.long (反义词) ___________ 6. big(比较级) ___________

7.kg (完全形式) ___________ 8.centimeter (缩写)___________

9.与…相比较(英语形式)_________ 10.think(汉语意思)___________

四、单项选择 (20分) ( )1. You are 35___________.

A. kgs B. kg C. heavy ( )2. I’m 160cm ___________.

A. long B. tall C. heavy ( )3. My schoolbag is heavier than___________.

A. you B. your C. yours

( ) 4. I’m ___________than you.

A. stronger B. thin C. thiner ( )5. I’m 3___________ than you.

A. year old B. years older C. years old ( )6. How ___________are your feet? I wear size 19. A. big B. long C. heavy ( ) 7. How ___________is your pencil?

A. tall B. long C. longer ( )8. ___________ do you feel?

A. What B. how C. where

( )9. You’re taller than___________.

A. You B I C. me

( ) 10. My leg __________. I must see a doctor.

A. Hurt B. hurts C. hurting

五、 情景会话:根据情景选择句子。(10分)

( ) 1. 汤姆是160厘米高,塞拉是157厘米高, 可以说:

A. Tom is taller than Sarah.

B. Tom is shorter than Sarsh.

C. Tom is 3cm shorter than Sarah.


( ) 2. 百灵比迈克大两岁,可以说:

A. Bai Ling is 2 kg heavier than Mike. B. Bai Ling is two years bigger than Mike. C. Bai Ling is two years older than Mike.

( ) 3. 约翰有45公斤, 迈克有50公斤, 我们不能说:

A. Mike is stronger than John. B. Mike is thinner than John. C. Mike is 5kg heavier than John.

( ) 4. LiuYun’s ruler is 18 cm .

Chen Jie’s ruler is 4 cm shorter than Liu Yun’s. How long is Chen Jie’s ruler?

A. 14 cm B. 15 cm C. 16cm ( ) 5. Amy wear size 18. Zhang Peng wear size 16.

Whose feet are bigger? A. Amy’s feet are bigger. B. Zhang Peng’s feet are bigger. C. Their feet are same.


( )1.How heavy are you? A. I’m 12. ( )2.How old are you? B. I’m 45kg. ( )3.How long is your desk? C. Sarah is. ( )4.Who’s taller than you? D. It’s 90cm long. ( )5.How big are your feet? E.I wear Size 18.

七、Read and choose. 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上(每句2分,共10分)

Doctor: _________________, Mike? B: I feel sick.

Doctor: ___________________________? B: Yes, I have a headache. Doctor: Do you have a sore throat? B: Yes, _____________.

Doctor: Let me have a look. _____________________and say \ You have got a cold. Take some medicine and drink hot drinks. B: _____________________.

A: Do you have a headache? B: My throat is very sore. C: What’s the matter? D: You’re welcome. E: Thank you. F: Open your eyes. G: Open your mouth.


Hello ,I am a Chinese boy. My name is Wu Yifan. Now I’m happy to have a new pen pal. Her name is Susan .She is from Canada .She is 12.She is one year older than me, and 2cm taller than me .She likes going hiking, planting trees and flying kites. I like taking pictures, swimming and diving. We are in different countries. But we are good friends. ( ) 1. Susan is a Chinese girl. ( ) 2. Wu Yifan is 13 years old.

( ) 3. Wu Yifan likes swimming and diving. ( ) 4. They are good friends.

( ) 5. Wu Yifan is 2cm taller than Susan.