计算机科学和技术专业中英文课程描述 下载本文

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南京大学课程描述 Course Description Nanjing University

学生姓名: Name:

学号:0000000000000 Student ID.: 00000000000

专业:计算机科学与技术(计算机科学与技术方向) Specialty: Computer Science and Technology

学期 1-1 Term 1-1


Mao Zedong Thoughts and the Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory System Introduction 学分6.0 Credit: 6.0 学时: 48 Hours: 48 课程内容:是一门思想政治理论课,其主要任务是帮助学生学习毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系的基本内容,帮助学生理解毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系是马克思主义的基本原理与中国实际相结合的两次伟大的理论成果。内容包括:马克思主义中国化的历史进程和理论成果、马克思主义中国化理论成果的精髓、新民主主义革命理论、社会主义改造理论、社会主义的本质和根本任务、社会主义初级阶段理论等等。

Content: This is an ideological and political course which helps students to learn the basic contents of MAO Zedong Thoughts and the Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory System, and understand that is great theoretical achievements in the integration of basic principle of Marxism and Chinese reality. This course introduces historical progressing, theoretical achievement and essentials of Sinicization of Marxism, new-democratic revolution theory, socialism nature and ultimate goal, as well as theory of the socialism primary stage

大学英语(一) College English 1 学分:4.0 Credit: 4.0 学时:64 Hours: 64


Content: The course based on model essays, covering listening, speaking,



reading and writing, combined with vocabulary and grammar explanations, aimed at improving students' English ability in order to achieve the level of CET four.


Engineering Mathematics 1 Calculus 学分:5.0 Credit: 5.0 学时:96 Hours: 96 课程内容:《工程数学(1)微积分》,内容包括函数与极限、导数与微分、不定积分与定积分、级数、空间解析几何、偏微分学、重积分、曲线积分、曲面积分理论和广义积分,着眼于基本概念、基本原理和基本方法,强调直观性和应用背景 Content: The Calculus includes function, limit, derivative, differential, indefinite integral, definite integral, series, space analytical geometry, differential calculus, multiple integral, curved line calculus, surface integral and improper integral. This course focuses on basic concept, principle and method, and pays attention to intuition and application background.


Physical Education(1) 学分: 1.0 Credit:1.0 学时: 32 Hours: 32 课程内容:全面地阐述了体育运动与健康的基本理论知识,如体育运动对人体生理和心理活动的影响、运动损伤的预防与处理、一些常见疾病的预防、运动处方的制定等,并对一些基本的体育技能作了详尽的描述,使学生在了解基本理论的基础上,能科学地进行体育锻炼,提高自己的运动能力,掌握常见运动创伤的处置方法。

Content: This course introduces basic theories on sports and health including influences of sports in people's physiology and psychology status, prevention and resolution in case of sports injury, prevention from regular illness, formulation of sports prescription. It also introduces basic sports skills to help students launch exercise scientifically, improve sports ability and to handle regular sports injury.


Program Design Fundamental (C Language) 学分4.0 Credit: 4.0 学时: 96



Hours: 96

课程内容:以标准C为框架,以Visual C++6.0为编程环境,按照紧扣基础和面向应用的原则,介绍了C语言程序设计的基本规范、思路和方法。从培养学生的实际编程能力出发,注重实例教学和实践练习,突出重点讲解和难点分析.

Content: Framed by Standard C, within the Visual C++6.0 programming environment, this course introduces the basic standard, ideas and method of C language programming according to the foundation and application principle. Starting from cultivating the practical programming ability, it pays attention to the case study and practice exercise, especially on the analysis of key points.


Digital Logic and Digital System Experiment 学分:4.0 Credit: 4.0 学时:48 Hours: 48 课程内容:配合数字逻辑及数字系统课程,以实验的方式培养学生分析和设计数字电路系统的动手能力。

Content: Cooperated with digital logic and digital system, this course cultivates students’ operational ability in analyzing and designing digital circuit system by experiment.


Digital Logic and Digital System 学分:4.0 Credit: 4.0 学时:48 Hours: 48 课程内容:本课程的教学目的是使学生掌握数字逻辑与系统的基本工作原理、基本分析方法和基本应用技能,使学生能够对各种基本逻辑单元进行分析和设计,学会使用标准的集成电路和可编程逻辑器件,并初步具备根据实际要求应用这些单元和器件构成简单数字电子系统的能力,为后续专业课程的学习奠定坚实的基础。

Content: This course enables students to acquire the digital logic and system basic operating principle, analysis method and application skills. It helps students to analyze and design various basic logic units, learn to use standard integratedcircuit and programmable logic device. According to practical needs, the students can apply such units and device to constitute simple digital electronic system; so that to laid solid foundation for further specialty study.


Introduction to Computer
