宁夏贺兰一中2011-2012学年高一上学期第三次月考英语考试试题 下载本文

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Ⅰ. 单项选择(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 1. -------I’m taking a trip to England. ------- .

A. Congratulations! B. Take care. C. Have a nice trip. D. Best wishes. 2. ------ Mary is fond of music, but she never shows any interest in painting . ------____ __. A. So is it with Jane C. Neither does Jane

B. So it is with Jane D. So is Jane

3. While _________ , he stopped to talk with me at times.

A. work B. working C. worked D. works

4. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem _______ they themselves couldn’t. A. once

B. then

C. while

D. if

5. He never told others what great difficulty he had _____his family. A. supported B. supporting C. to support D. for supporting 6. He _________all his important thoughts in his diary. A. set down

B. set off

C. set up

D. set on

7. It’s the third time he _________with her in a week. A. had quarreled A. add; add up different reasons. A. were, was A. If; give away A. when

B. was, were

C. was, was

D. were, were

D. Once; give up

10. ________ he is determined to do something, no one is able to persuade him to________.

B. Although; give in C. As long as; give out

C. that

11. It wasn’t until we had sat down to eat______ we got back to the subject of Tom Holliday.

B. what

D. which

12. The man insisted that the person ______ to prison immediately.

B. quarreled

C. has quarreled

D. quarreling

8. Please ________ the numbers and I’m sure they will________ more than 1,000.

B. add up; add up

C. add up; add up to D. add to; add up

9. The number of people invited_______ fifty, but a number of them_______ absent for

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A. was sent B. sent

C. should send

D. be sent

13. We don’t need to do extra work this evening. The day’s work was almost ______ now. A. at the end A. hurt

B. at an end

C. in the end

C. injured C. whom

D. by the end

D. destroyed D. that

14. In that big fire all their houses were______, so they had to build new ones.

B. harmed

15. I’ve read all the books ______you gave me. A. which

B. whose

16. On hearing the news that her son had won the game , she laughter. A. burst out B. burst with C. burst into D. burst upon 17. She’s having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn’t know whom to ____. A. deal with A. to

B. turn to


look for

D. talk about

18. They are the students ______ whom our teachers are thinking highly.

B. about

C. on

D. of

19. Tom said they really enjoyed the English corner ____ they could speak English freely

without worrying about making mistakes.

A. which B. where C. that D. what 20. I borrowed several books from the library, ____ are about English study. A. two of them mistake. A. generous

B. nervous C. warm-hearted D. out-going

B. as if C. in case D. in order that

22. He heard a loud noise, and it sounded ____ a train had been going under his house. A. even if

23. ------- Tom, you are smoking again?

------- It’s none of your business.

A. So what? B. How come? C. Why not? D. What for? 24. Mr. Brown said he me the next week.

A. will see B. had seen C. saw D. would see 25. He rushed out of the room I could say a word.

A. before B. until C. after D. when Ⅱ. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

The Sun

All life on the earth depends 26 the sun. The sun gives us food 27 clothing

B. and two of which C. two of which

D. two of what

21. Our English teacher is such a(n) ____ person that he won’t blame you for such a small

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materials. It even gives us coal(煤), 28 .The sun also makes day and 29 .

The sun 30 half the earth at a time. It is day on the 31 side. 32 night on the dark side of the earth. 33 every part of the earth 34 from day to night during every 24 hours.

A sunny day in winter is 35 a sunny day in summer. This is 36 the summer day is longer; 37 has a longer time to warm up and the sun shines 38 directly on the earth. In winter. 39 is short, there is less time for everything to get 40 and the sun doesn’t shine more directly on the earth.

Land, just like the 41 , warms up more quickly than water 42 is also loses its heat more quickly. So 43 a hot sunny summer’s day on the beach, you can feel how hot the sand gets. The water is cool 44 the feet when you go in.

The sun makes our earth beautiful. It gives us light. It keeps us warm. It makes things

B.to B.but

C.at C.and C.nor C.night

D.in D.yet

45 .We can not live without the sun. 26.A.on 27.A.or

28.A.either 29.A.weather 30.A.light 31.A.light 32.A.It’s

B.neither B.day-time B.lights



C.lighted C.lighting C.It has


D.lights D.It D.A most D.turns

B.lighted B.Its

33.A.Most 34.A.comes

B.The most B.walks

C.Almost C.flies

35.A.as well as B.colder than C.more colder than D.colder as 36.A.because




37.A.everything B.all thing 38.A.much 39.A.the day 40.A.warmest 41.A.sand 42.A.and 43.A.in


C.something D.nothing C.more

D.so D.the noon

B.the night B.warm B.sea B.but B.at

C.the morning C.warmer C.earth C.or C.on

D.much warm

D.trees D.while D.for

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