内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/3 20:08:08星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
P1: Do we have to hold short of hotel? Confirm
ATC: Yes, you do. unless you can come out of the plane and open all those closed taxiways and finish the construction over there otherwise hold short to hotel
[Yes, you do. 这样就可以了, 简单点, 可以使用 Affirm : Affirm, hold short of hotel due to TWY construction in progress]
P1: OK...
AirChina 981 到达
ATC: AirChina 981, make right turn here at Juliette, join Alpha, hold short of Mike Alpha. Air China 981: right on Juliette, hold sh... taxi Alpha, hold November. can we taxi now? ATC: make right turn here at Juliette, join Alpha, hold short of Mike Alpha. AirChina 981 Air China 981: roger, join right Juliette, join Alpha, hold short to November
ATC: OK, I\ Air China 981: OK, hold short of Mike Alpha, 981.
[这里体现了机组英文不行. 因为这个错误, 好象机组有点紧张. 但ATC并没有预料的, 至少我看来是这样的, 在语气语速语言上没有任何调节] ATC: have they cleared you into the ramp?
Air China 981: Roger, ramp to the .. ramp, Air China 981
[机组误解成 Cleared into the ramp. 个人觉得机组在Pick up words, 而且很紧张.] ATC: OK, they had cleared you into the ramp?
[看一下这个问题, 我完全可以理解成管制告诉我已经得到机坪许可. 因为他前面加了OK/ \语气是疑问还是陈述, 可能在无线电中并不明显. ATC: Air China 981, Ground. Air China 981, Kennedy Ground. Air China 981: 981, go ahead
ATC: have you been cleared into the ramp? Air China 981: OK, cleared to the ramp
[ATC方面: 应该直接否决: Negative, 然后换一种方式问, 比如 Verify your ramp clearance. 机组方面: 这里也体现机组的英语能力不行, 还是没听明白, 那为什么不要求ATC speak slower呢?]
ATC: No, that was a question! have the ramp people cleared you into the ramp? [越问越复杂, ATC尽可以说 Ramp taxi Not Approved] Air China 981: roger to the gate, AirChina 981 [这里比较无语了]
ATC: I\try it again, it\hold your position,传奇私服外挂, this is a question. have your been cleared into your gate? Air China 981: OK. we hold here.
ATC: Ok, how about the question? have they cleared you into gate
Air China 981: Tower.. Ground.. AirChina981, we are ..gate No.3 is open.. taxi to the northern. ATC: Air China 981, taxi to the ramp Air China 981: roger, taxi to the ramp
过了一会儿,国航981降落了,要通过J,A,MA线路滑行 中心: 国航981,右转到J,进入A,在MA等待
国航981:右转到J,等...,进入A,停在N... 我们能滑行了吗? 中心: 右转到J,进入A,在MA等待。国航981 国航981:国航981,右转到J,进入A,在N等待
中心: 好吧,我再说一遍,在MA等待,\,MA,不是N 国航981:好,在MA等待,981
中心: 国航981,道口允许进入了吗? 国航981:知道,道口到...道口
中心: 好的,道口允许进入了吗? 中心: 国航981,这是地面管制中心
中心: 国航981,这是肯尼迪机场地面管制中心 国航981:981,正在滑行
中心: 道口允许进入了吗? 国航981:好的,道口允许进入
中心: 不,这是问你的问题,道口的人允许你进入登机口了吗? 国航981:知道了,去登机口
中心: 我试着再说一遍,这是问你的问题,停下别动,这是问你的问题,你得到进入登机口的许可了吗?
中心: 好,回答这个问题,他们允许你进入登机口了吗?
国航981:塔台...地面控制中心,国航981,我们...3号门是开放的...向北滑行 中心: 国航981,滑向道口。 国航981:知道,滑向道口。