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产品手册PRODUCTS MANUAL 北京首钢冷轧薄板有限公司BEIJING SHOUGANG COLD ROLLING CO.,LTD. 封 面 文 字 (内) 公司概况INTRODUCTION 优秀的品质…EXCELLENT QUALITY… 更高的效率…MORE EFFICIENT… 一流的服务…BEST SERVICES… 目录INDEX 1. 公司概况INTRODUCTION 2. 生产工艺流程PROCESS FLOWCHARTS 3. 生产设备介绍FACILITIES 4. 主要产品介绍MAIN PRODUCTS INTRODUCTION 4.1. 可供给的产品牌号STEEL GRADE 4.2. 冷轧连续退火产品介绍CONTINUOUS ANNEALING PRODUCTS 4.3. 热镀锌产品介绍CONTINUOUS GALVANIZING PRODUCTS 5. 产品的供货范围和形式SCOPE OF SUPPLY 5.1. 可制造的产品范围MANUFACTURABLE PRODUCTS 5.2. 产品的供货形式STATE OF SUPPLIED PRODUCTS 5.3. 表面处理参数范围PAROMETERS OF SURFACE TREATMENT 5.4. 产品的卷重范围SCOPE OF PRODUCTS WEIGHT 5.5. 冷轧退火钢卷的重量换算WEIGHT CACULATION OF ANNEALING COILS 6. 产品的包装和存储PACKAGING AND STORAGE 6.1. 包装样式PACKAGING 6.2. 储存要求STORAGE REQUIREMENTS 北京首钢冷轧薄板有限公司坐落于北京绿色国际港—顺义区李桥镇,毗邻首都国际机场,占地面积73万平方米,是一家具有国际先进生产水平的现代化冷轧带钢生产厂。公司的生产机组包括:浅槽紊流酸洗—五机架全六辊CVCPLUS轧机联合机组、连续退火机组、连续热镀锌机组(两条)、重卷检查机组(两条)、半机械化钢卷包装机组(两条)。 BEIJING SHOUGANG COLD ROLLING CO., LTD. Located near the capital international airport of LIQIAO TOWN,SHUNYI DISTRICT-the green international port, which has 730 000 square meters floor space, is a modernized cold rolling factory that reaches advanced standards ,The manufacture unit includes one continuous pickling line coupled to 5-stand tandem cold mill, one continuous annealing line, two continuous galvanizing lines, two re-reeling lines, two semi-automatic packing lines. 第1页 公司产品定位于国内外钢材市场急需的汽车板、家电板和高档建筑板,年生产规模为150万吨,其中冷轧连续退火产品70万吨,热镀锌产品80万吨。成品具有规格多、宽度大、表面光洁、钢质纯净、板形平直、性能稳定等特点。 The enterprise products is going to serve for manufacturing of automobile, household appliance and high level building plate which are needed eagerly in steel market all over the world, the total production capacity is million tons per year, including million tons Annealed cold rolling strips and million tons Hot-dip galvanized strips. There are many advantages of our products like abundant sizes, broad widths, clean surface, pure steel, flat shape, stable mechanical properties and so on. 公司拥有装备世界先进检验设备的检化验中心,为供应出高质量的冷轧带钢产品做出了有力保障。我公司的冷轧连退产品、热镀锌产品均按照国内及国际先进企业内控标准组织生产,产品可按照首钢企业标准Q/SGZGS及国际标准(如DIN, EN, JIS and ASTM)供货。 The testing center of our company which has world-class level equipments provides guarantees for the high qualities of cold-rolling strips. Annealed cold rolling strips and Hot-dip galvanized strips are manufactured under advanced standards home and abroad, products could be supplied according to Shougang enterprise standards Q/SGZGS and international standards (as DIN, EN, JIS and ASTM). 第2-3页 生产工艺流程图PROCESS FLOWCHARTS 酸洗连轧工艺流程图Process flowcharts of The Pickling Line & Tandem Cold Mill. 开卷 Paying-off ;切头尾 Cropping;焊接 Welding;拉矫 Leveling;浅槽紊流酸洗 Turbulent Pickling in Shallow Tank;漂洗 Rinsing;烘干 Drying;切边 Side Trimming;表面检查 Surface Inspecting;五机架CVC连轧 5-Stand Tandem Rolling;飞剪 Shearing with Flying Crank Shear;卷曲 Reeling。 连续退火工艺流程图Process flowcharts of Annealing Line 开卷 Paying-off ;切头尾 Cropping;焊接 Welding;清洗 Degreasing;烘干 Drying;连续退火 Continuous Annealing;平整 Skin-Passing;表面检查 Surface Inspecting;卷曲 Reeling。 热镀锌工艺流程图Process flowcharts of Hot-dip Galvanizing Line 开卷 Paying-off ;切头尾 Cropping;焊接 Welding;清洗 Degreasing;烘干 Drying;连续退火 Continuous Annealing;热镀锌 Hot-dip Galvanizing;光整 Skin-Passing;拉矫 Leveling;后处理 Post Treatment;切边 Side Trimming;表面检查 Surface Inspecting;卷曲 Reeling 第4-5页 生产设备介绍FACILITIES 酸洗冷轧生产线The Pickling Line & Tandem Cold Mill 酸洗冷轧生产线采用世界一流的生产设备,成套引进了德国SMS-DEMAG公司的酸洗—冷轧联合机组和日本TMEIC公司的大功率激光焊机。 The PLTCM line has world first-class equipments, including all line of the coupled Pickling Line-Tandem Cold Mills from German enterprise SMS-DEMAG and high power laser welder from Japanese enterprise TMEIC. 酸洗机组采用世界上最先进的浅槽紊流盐酸酸洗工艺,并且配有酸洗工艺控制模型。酸液从酸槽两端喷入,在酸洗槽内形成很强的紊流。浅槽紊流酸洗工艺技术先进、时间短、效果好、节约能源,酸洗后带钢表面洁净、光亮。 The Pickling Line adopts the most advanced technique-Turbulence Pickling Technology with pickling process model in the world. The acid spurts from two sides of the acid tank and form strong acid turbulence in the tank. There are many advantages of the Turbulence Pickling Technology as short time, better