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中职组职业英语技能赛项教学设计格式模版 Professional English Skills Competition for Guangdong Vocational School Teachers (May 26-27,2013) Teaching Plan Contestant No. 06 Topic Unit 5 Book 3 (Higher Education Press) Type of Lesson Listening & Speaking Time 45 mins Majoring in Logistics, Grade 2, vocational students have something in common. Advantages: 1. Characterized by energetic and sociable, more cooperative and sensible than we give them credit for. 2. Having gained basic knowledge after several years’ learning. Analysis of 3. Willing to take part in the diversified activities if they are interested the Students in. 4. Eager to learn more English knowledge to fit their future career. Disadvantages: 1. Lack self-confidence and having little communication skills because of the negative experience in the past. 2. Easily get bored and unmotivated. The material is excerpted from Unit 5, Book 3. The unit task is to be able to make a social practice plan after learning. Listening & Speaking is the first period of this unit, which mainly focuses on arousing students’ interest Analysis of on the topic. the Teaching 1. The topic about “Social practice” is close to vocational school students Material and will surely stimulate discussion and excite imaginative responses. 2. From the lesson, students will learn some words and expressions to talk about social practice. 3. The content designed from easy to difficult, from shallower to deeper will lead effective teaching and learning. Knowledge objective: 1. To identify and understand the new words: wrap, packages, assembly line, plastic, seal, etc. 2. To learn the words expressing sequence of social practice: First…, after that…, finally…. Ability objective: Teaching Objective 1. To be able to express job sequence and give directions by using the expressions. 2. To develop students’ listening and speaking competence. Emotion objective: 1. To foster students’ awareness of cooperation and competition. 2. To help students to find the usage and fun of learning English, so that they will learn it actively. 3. To help students to establish a good attitude towards their future career. Teaching Focus Teaching Difficulties Teaching Method Learning Strategy Learn the new words and expressions of expressing social practice as well as describing sequence and giving directions. Connect the language knowledge with the real life to expressing sequence in social practice by using what they have learned. ESA(Engage-study-activate) teaching sequence, Communicative teaching, Task-based teaching, Situational teaching Cooperative learning(Pair work, group work) Individual learning, Teaching Aids Computer, PPT, pictures, clips of paper Teaching Procedures Steps/ (Time) Step1 Lead in (Engage) ( 6 mins) Activity 1. Brainstorming can we take part in? Social practice (2) Present some pictures of social practice to arouse more discussion. 2. Interview your classmates Purpose 1. Recalling students’ create opportunities for them to think, to speak and to share. And it will get them engages as well as becoming interested in the (1) As a vocational student, what social practice experience can easily Have you taken part in some social practice? Share topic. your experience. 2. Conducting a survey can Classmate A Classmate B when where What do you do provoke conversation and opinion exchange. It provides a warm variety of interaction. Step2 Listening (Study) ( 16 mins) Step3 Speaking (Study & 1. Pre-listening 1) Video appreciation * Play a video to introduce a kind of social practice: Working as packagers on the assembly line. 2) Perdition 1. Video can lead to topic directly and draw their attention easily to get an initial impression on the topic. 2. Some related new words * Show them the pictures to ask them to describe are presented in the the pictures, and then elicit some new words, like meaning context for better assembly line, wrap, doll, etc. the sequence of packing the dolls. understanding and remove 3. Giving hints before listening can set up expectations and the active process of listening is ready to begin. 2. While listening 1) Listening for a gist 1. Listening for a general comprehension * Ask students to predict what they are doing and the vocabulary barrier. Activate) ( 20 mins) Play the tape for the first time and ask students helps students to get a to find out: What are the students going to do? first understanding of the 2) Listening for specific information: (1) Listen and order: Put the pictures in right order according to the working sequence. Giving directions------get a doll from the line into box and seal it (2) Listen and complete: Help ZhangMing finish the memo according to the tape. Memo Memo First task: go to ____________to learn how 3. Post listening to warp the dolls Do you think it’s an easy job? First group: _____________ Second group:______________ Third group:__________________ dialogue. 2. Different listening tasks are designed to check students’ comprehension 3. Chart making can train students learning strategy of taking notes while listening. 4. Make students respond not only to the language but also the content. and dress it up----wrap it in a plastic bag----put of the text. 1. Presentation 1. The activity can make the 1) Game: Jigsaw reading (Group work) reading more dynamic. The Rules: With the book closed, divide students in competition game can to groups of 6. Each student will get 2 lines of motivate students to take the dialogue. The task is to put the dialogue in part in the teaching the right order and paste them on a paper. activity actively. 2. The abilities of Random order Right order analyzing, discovering are trained during the group work. Help the students to get a deeper impression on the teaching material. 2) Compare their version with the original one by listening to the tape again or opening the book. 3) Underline the words or expressions with partner: What should we do first? First,… then… After that, Finally… 4) Choral repetition Ask students to read the dialogue together and get familiar with the useful expressions. 2. Controlled practice ( Pair work) 1. This practice helps Ask and answer questions with the help of sample students to practice what dialogue, then change roles. they learned in an easy way. It helps them to establish A: What should we do first? confidence. B: First, you should ______________. 2. Such practice makes them Then ______________ stick closely to the A: What’s next? sample, also guides their B: After that, ________________ own efforts. Finally_______________ That’s all. Cards: