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内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/29 0:15:04星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

1. 开幕词

Ladies and Gentlemen, Your responsibility today is great. The Fourth WTO Ministerial Conference coincides with a difficult period where several countries have seen their economies undergoing recession and slowdown. You will be the focus of attention until a ministerial declaration satisfactory to all parties is issued; a declaration launching a fresh round of trade negotiations in Doha that reinforces confidence in the Organization, gives a strong impetus to trade exchanges, and at the same time gives a stimulus to the world economy. The world is looking forward to a new round that would give prominence to development, consolidate the principles of justice and equity in the multilateral trade system, and open wide the market for the commodities of less developed countries and contribute to the flourishing of their economies. A successful meeting will demonstrate that all nations, rich and poor alike, are working together for a better and more just world. It will show that cooperation and mutual understanding are the way to solve our problems.

2. 开幕词


3. 欢迎词

Welcome Speech at the 2007 ChinlCT by Franck Nazikian,President of ChinlCT Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to welcome you to ChinICT 2007 as a member of our community. For the second time in China,the most promising private ICT companies not only from China but also from Europe get together to express their talents.

Whether you are an investor,a journalist,a key executive,a prominent official or a

seasoned entrepreneur,I am convinced you will develop some fruitful relationships during the event.

With world—class keynote speeches,the most innovative companies and interactive

roundtable discussions,you will also benefit from valuable information to help you tackle new business opportunities. Considering the quality of this year’s selection of companies and the outstanding response we have been receiving from our Chinese and European sponsors and partners throughout the organization of this multicultural event,I am confident this conference will be again a great success for a11 of US、and will keep oil setting the standard for ICT innovation dialogue between China and Europe. A great future is ahead for ChinICT 2007 top innovators and their partners.I am looking forward to hearing about their success.

Thank you for your attention!

4. 欢迎词

(Li Hongzhi,the general manager of Feiyue Company,delivers a speech in the reception of an American delegation.) 女士们、先生们:




5. 答谢辞

(The general manager of the American delegation delivers a speech in the reception.) Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Li:

Thank you for your nice welcome and reception. It has been a long cherished hope of mine to visit China someday. I am fortunate to have this rare chance today. I feel especially honored to be given this opportunity to meet such nice and friendly people like you. For us,this event represents the start of a new area.I’m sure my stay here will be a fruitful and enjoyable one.

1 would 1ike to thank you once again.And from today,let’s begin to work together. I’m confident that we will see great success in the decades to come!

So I'd,like to invite you to join me in my toast to the success of our cooperation.

6 大会发言

It is great honor and pleasure to speak on this occasion before the distinguished people of the travel industry in China and other countries of the world…

I sincerely wish this great country will not only become a good and attractive destination,but some day your billion people country will become an originating country as well,since mutual visits are the real aim and object of tourism and it will bring people to people closer and promote peace in the world. Thank you.

7. 开幕词




我预祝本次大会圆满成功,并祝各位身体健康,在中国过得愉快。 谢谢各位。

8. 闭幕词

A Closing speech at the science & Technology Conference Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our conference has lasted three days. It has achieved tremendous success. Eighteen scientists and scholars at the conference. Many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively atmosphere. I benefited greatly by attending this conference. Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. They must in turn serve the needs of all the people and work for the interest of world peace. Any nation or country must learn from the strong points of other countries or nations., form their advanced science and technology. Science involves Herculean efforts and grueling toi;. At the same time, it calls for creativeness and imagination. Let’s join hands and explore the boundless universe in quest of the never-ending truth of science.

Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for you still greater achievements in your career of science.

9. 大会通知 参展报名通知 女士们、先生们:




1. 女士们、先生们:


Now, I declare the conference closed. Thank you.



一次成功举行的会议将会展示,所有的国家,无论是贫穷还是富有,正在为建立一个更加美好和公正的世界携手努力。也同时说明,合作和互信才是解决问题的途径。 2.

Today, we meet here to exchange views on cooperative partnership in a wide range of areas on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. This meeting is one of pioneering endeavor and historic significance,one that reflects our common desire for exchange and cooperation, and for mutual understanding and trust. I am deeply convinced that this meeting will exert a positive impact on our bilateral and multilateral relations and besides, that a frequent exchange of visits between the top government officials of the two countries is beneficial not only to the improvement of our relations, but also to the peace and stability of the Asian-Pacific region and the world as a whole. I wish to take this opportunity to express my heart-felt thanks to the host of this meeting. Finally, please allow me to propose a toast. To the success of the meeting, Ganbei!

3. 2007年中欧信息通信高科技峰会欢迎辞 (Franck Nazikian,ChinlCT总裁) 尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:


这是第二次在中国举办这样的盛会,不仅有中国的,还有来自欧洲的许多最具潜力的ICT公司聚集在此展示他们 的才华。




在chInIcT2007的顶尖创新者和合作伙伴的面前,正呈现出一个无限广阔的成功未来,我期待着这样的成功到来! 谢谢大家! 4.

(飞跃公司的总经理李宏之在接待美国一代袁团的欢迎宴上的致辞。) Ladies and Gentlemen:

On behalf of our company,I would like to say how delighted we are to receive you.It’s a great honor to have the presence of the general manager and his delegation here tonight.

As you know,our company is one of the biggest names and has a long tradition.But we cannot afford to depend on tradition alone.We need new ideas,new knowledge。and new insights which our cooperation can bring US.That’s why we value the cooperation between us so much.I hope that

through our joint efforts,the future trade between us will expand even further,and I hope that you will enjoy your stay in China.

To the end, may I ask you to raise your glasses for a toast.Let’s drink to the friendship between us,to our mutual cooperation and to your good health.

5. 美国代表团的总经理在欢迎宴上的致辞 女士们,先生们 李先生

感谢你们的热情欢迎和盛情接待。多年以来,我一直梦想能到中国访问,如今非常幸运的获得了这次难得的机会,能有这样的机会见到像你们这样亲切友善的人,倍感荣幸。而对我们双方而言,这代表着一个新纪元的开始。我深信这次中国之行将会是令人愉快而又富有成果的。 我想再次表达我的谢意。从今天起,让我们开始携手合作。我相信在不久的将来我们将目睹巨大的成功。

现在我想请各位为我们的合作成功、为在座诸位的健康共同举杯,干杯! 6

能在这里面对中国及世界各国旅游界尊贵的朋友们讲话,使我感到极为荣幸。 …

我衷心地希望,这一伟大的国家将来不但成为一个很好的具有吸引力的目的地,而且有一天,你们拥有十亿人民的国家也将成为一个旅游出发国。互相访问是旅游业真正的目的和目标,它会使我们的人民更接近,它会促进世界和平。 谢谢各位。 7.

Distinguished guests ant]delegates, Dear friends:

It is my honor to declare the commencement of the first China International Tourism Conference. On behalf of the Chinese Government and the people, and in my own name,I express my warm congratulations to the Conference and my heartfelt welcome to all the guests and delegates …

Ladies,Gentleman and Friends,during this Conference we shall get together to exchange experience. After the Conference, some of you will visit other parts of China. I sincerely hope that you will give your valuable comments and suggestions on tourism in China.

1 wish the Conference a great success and wish you good health and a happy.Stay in China. Thank you.

8. 科学技术大会闭幕词 女士们,先生们



9. A Notice for Registering an Exhibition Dear Sir or Madam,

Franlin Ltd. Is glad to announce that it will hold an exhibition at the San Diego Mseum on Saturday 17th Sepetember and Sunday 18ty September. This rate will only be avaiable “on the door”, and will be $40 for one day only. Those who wish to attend bith days will still be able to buy a both a standard Conference and Exhibition entry for $75, which will be good for both day’s events and can also be bought in advance.

The opening hours for the day session will be Saturday, 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., and Sunday, 9;00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. if you are interested, please visit our web page, fill in the

registration form and send it back to us before 20th August. We look forward to seeing you! We will announce further details on exhibitions, and speakers for our conference program, within next week, so watch this space!

祝诸位女士们、先生们在自己的科学事业中取得更大的成就。 现在我宣布本次会议顺利闭幕。谢谢大家。