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Islands The Truth
君法学12-1 1213020112
My name is Chris D.Nebe.
I'm the creator of the MYSTERIOUS CHINA series. 今天我要谈到钓鱼岛的问题。
Today,l'd like to address the issue of the Diaoyu Islands. 这片岛屿最近成为了太平洋争端的一个导火索。
These islands has recently become a catalyst for the Pacific aggression. 钓鱼岛争端是帝国殖民主义残留的余孽之一。
The Diaoyu Islands conflict is one those disturbing relics of those imperial colonialism
which continue on Africa,the Middle East and Asia to this day. 钓鱼岛争端起源于1895年甲午战争后日本帝国将钓鱼岛吞并。
In this particular case,it is Imperial Japan which in 1895 after the first Sino-Japanese war,annexed the Diaoyu Islands. 钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国的领土。
These islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times
要了解钓鱼岛问题就要回顾中日两国的历史,本片将按照年代顺序一一讲述。 The issue of the Diaoyu Islands is best understood in the context of the comprehensive history between China and Japan,which will be adressed chronological order. 虽然这段历史充满灾难有时令人恐惧,我们仍希望通过本片促进两国之间的和解。
While much of this is disastrous and at times horrifying,the purpose of this film is to encourage reconciliation.
第一部分 PART 1
China an Japan share a close history.
However,Japan first attempts military conquest of China over 1,000 years ago. 中日在地理位置上仅隔着一个狭窄的日本海。
Geographically separated by only a narrow stretch of ocean. 中国对日本文化的影响颇深。
China has strongly influenced the Japanese culture.
Despite introducing Zen Buddhism,the arts of writing,philosophy,architecture and law to Japan.
The relations between the countries have been tragic since time immemorial. 史料记载中日首次争端发生在公元663年。
The first recorded conflict between China and Japan took place in 663 A.D. 中国唐朝时,中日发生了白江村战役,日本发起进攻被中国击溃。
During the Tang Dynasty in the battle of Baekgang in which Japan attacked and was defeated by China.
This set the stage for future tensions. 中日海上贸易一直占据很重要的地位。
Maritime trade between China and Japan has always been important. 浙江省的宁波港和杭州港在那时与日本有着最密切的贸易往来。
The ports in Ningbo and Hangzhou in Zhejiang provine had the most direct commercial links with Japan.
然而,不止对于中国和朝鲜,甚至日本来说日本海盗都一直是个问题。 Japanese pirates were a constant problem not only for Chinese and Korean traders,but for the Japanese as well. 同时,日本国内也是内战连连。
At that time,Japan was also ravaged by civil wars.
Subsequently,the Ming Dynasty which ruled from 1358 to 1644 decreed the Ningbo was the only port where Japanese-Chinese trading could took place. 丰臣秀吉是日本统一的三位英杰之一。
Toyotomi Hideyoshi was one of the great unifiers of Japan.
He wanted to conquer China,when Korea,at that time,a vassal tate of China refused to permit Japan passage through that territory. 丰臣秀吉于侵略朝鲜,并最终于1592年进入满洲 。
Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Korea and eventually Manchuria in 1592. 但是因为朝鲜游击队的持续打击,日本不能保证他们的补给线通畅。 But the Japanese were unable to keep their supply lines open because Korean guerrilla forces continued disrupting them. 直到1593年,日本人被迫接受现实。
subsequently,the Japanese were forced to accept the truth in 1593. 四年后,丰臣秀吉再次发动侵略。
In lasted about 4 years after which the Yoshi once again attacked. 这一次中朝都做好了充分的准备,再次挫败日本。
This time the Chinese and Koreans were well-prepared and again defeated Japan. 挫败的日本军队从朝鲜半岛撤退,沿途的城市都被摧毁,百姓都被屠杀。
The frustrated Japanese troops retreated from the Korean peninsula,obliterating cities and slaughtering civilians as they went.
In 1633,in order to once-for-all ward off foreign influences in Japan,the Tokugawa Shogunate decided to abolish all international trade and have no more direct links with the outside world.
In China,defending Hideyoshi second invation had drained the treasury of the Ming Dynasty and left the vulnerable against the Manchus who eventually ended the Ming Dynasty and established the Qing Dynasty in 1644.
第二部分 PART 2