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Part II Structure (15 minutes) 16.The service there was ____ poor that we went to another restaurant down the street. A. so B. such C. very D. too

17. It was soon after the economic crisis _____ sales of e-business started to grow. A. why B. how C. where D. that

18. ______ we receive your application, we’ll send you an e-mail to confirm it. A. Once B. Whatever C. Whether D. However

19. Make a list of what you have to do and put the items ______ order of importance. A. on B. in C. for D. about 20.When you have filled in the form, keep the top part and send _____ part to the bank. A. others B. other C. the other D. the others 21. All our: spare parts are guaranteed if you have your car ______ with us each year.

A. serviced B. be servicing C. to service D. servicing 22.We are confident that we ___ our export sales by 15 percent by the end of this year.

A. increase B. had increased C. would increase D. will have increased 23. If you leave your preparation ______ the last minute, you’ll reduce your chances of passing the exam.

A. at B. with C. over D. until 24. Only after we really understand your business _____________ a suitable insurance program for you.

A. can we recommend B. we can recommend

C. recommend we can D. recommend can we 25.The course comes in three books of case studies, ___________ a variety of business activities in different parts of the world.

A. being covered B. covering C. cover D. covered 26. He asked the applicant to have her cell phone (turn) _____ off during the interview.

27. We hope to bring together all the parties (direct) ______ involved in the conflict.

28.We shall continue to give full and (act) ________ support to the United Nations. 29. Budgeting is an important part of the (manage) _________control process in any organization. 30.We’re pleased to announce that your (apply) ___ for membership has been accepted. 31. Both teachers and parents believe that young children should (teach) ______ road safety rules to avoid accidents.

32. Young volunteers enjoy (help) ______ the senior citizens in their everyday life.

33.At the end of yesterday’s interview, she (offer) ______ the position advertised in the newspaper.

34. We’ve agreed (transfer) ______ part of our business to a new owner.

35.The company offers a variety of roles (suit) ______ for the goals, backgrounds and talents of its employees.

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Task 1

Jack Welch is among the famous CEOs because his management style is taught at business schools throughout the country. He has been with the General Electric Company (GE) since 1960. Having taken GE with a market value of about $12 billion, Jack Welch turned it into one of the largest and most admired companies in the world, with a market value of about $500 billion, when he stepped down as its CEO 20 years later, in 2000.

As Jack Welch wrote in a letter to shareholders: “In the old culture, managers got their power from secret knowledge: profit margins, market share, and all that... In the new economy, the role of the leader is to express a vision, and put it into practice. That calls for open, caring relations with every employee, and face-to-face communication. People who can’t convincingly (有说服力的) express a vision won’t be successful. But those who can will become even more open——because success builds up self-confidence.”

Welch believed that great business leaders have to: · possess large amounts of energy, and

· know how to use that energy to motivate others. Welch moves from meeting to meeting, conveying that message—and many more others as well, some of which have become his trademarks:

· Business is simple.

· Don’t make it complicated. · Face reality.

· Don’t be afraid of change. · Use the brains of your workers.

36. According to the first paragraph, Jack Welch, as a CEO, is famous for his ______. A. technical knowledge B. overseas experience C. family background D. management style

37. When Jack Welch took charge of the company, it had a market Value of about ____. A. $12 billion B. $20 billion C. $500 billion D. $2000 billion

38. According to Jack Welch, the relations between the employer and employees should be ______.

A. personal and friendly B. casual and natural C. open and caring D. strict and formal

39. In the sentence \some of which have become his trademarks\the word \

A. product brands B. speaking manner

C. advertising strategy D. special characteristics 40. This passage is mainly about ______.

A. relations between the employer and employees

B. Jack Welch’s view of business management C. development history of GE company D. courses taught in business schools Task 2

From: Linda Smith To: Clarice Ryan

Subject: Report on Employees’ Use of Time

Clarice, I agree that waste of work time is a serious issue. The Human Resources Department recently surveyed the employees. They are wasting nearly two hours per day.

Here are my ideas to reduce this waste. First we need to agree on what are the Most important behaviors to stop. For example, look at activity No.1 in the table below. Many people are doing this; however, it is the most difficult to stop. I recommend that we focus on activities No. 2, 4, and 5.

Making phone calls shows the largest difference between men and women. Women do this much more than men. We should ask all employees to limit these calls. They should return non-urgent messages at their lunch break.

For No. 4, we should focus on the younger age group. We will tell them that we are going to check their work accounts for personal messages. For No. 5, we can ask managers to watch this more carefully. Perhaps activity No. 3 should continue. This allows employees to know each other and it can increase their motivation. The managers will know if someone is spending too much time talking and not enough time working.

Are you available tomorrow? I’d like to meet with you to discuss our next step.

Time Spent on Non-work-related Activities Activities 1. Going online 2. Making personal phone calls 3. Talking to colleagues 4. Writing personal e-mails 5. Taking long breaks 85% 55% 60% 45% 30% Men 83% 80% 70% 45% 20% Women *Percentage (%) of employees who do this three times per week or more. 41. What problem does the writer find from the survey by the Human Resources Department? A. Working conditions are to be improved. B. Some employees need re-training.

C. Employees lack motivation. D. Much work time is wasted. 42. The greatest difference between men and women in the non-work-related activities is ______. A. taking long breaks B. making phone calls C. talking with colleagues D. sending non-urgent messages 43. The employees are advised to return non-urgent messages ______. A. after work B. back at home

C. before office hours D. during their Lunch break

44.The table shows that the non-work-related activities employees most often do was ________. A. going online B. talking with each other C. writing personal emails D. making personal phone calls

45. Why does the writer suggest that activity No.3 should continue?