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北京林业大学2006-2007学年第二学期 普通语言学(A)考试答案及评分标准
I. 多项选择题。(25分) 评分标准: 1) 每题1分。
2) 如果答案为一个选项,则答对给1分,答错不给分;
3) 如果答案为两个选项,则答对一个给0.5分,答对两个给1分;
4) 如果答案为3个选项,则答对两个给0.5分,答对三个给1分,只答对一个或没有答对不给分。
5) 凡有一个错误答案则不给分。 答案:
1. B 6. C 11. BD 16. AD 21. AD 2. ACD 7. BCD 12. C 17. CD 22. ACD 3. B 8. A 13. ABD 18. BCD 23. ABC 4. C 9. CD 14. D 19. CD 24. ACD 5. A 10. BCD 15. BC 20. ABD 25. D II. 正误辨析题。(15分) 评分标准: 1) 每题1分。
2) 判断正确给1分,判断错误不给分。 答案: 1. F 6. F 11. F 2. T 7. T 12. F 3. F 8. F 13. T 4. F 9. T 14. F 5. T 10. F 15. F 学习资料分享
III. 解词。(20分) 评分标准: 1) 每题5分。
2) 拼写错误、语法错误、用词错误、语法错误每处扣1分。因拼写错误、语法错误或用词错误造成与原文意思不符,每处扣2分。
3) 内容比答案少按比例扣分,内容多于答案但没有概念性的错误不扣分。内容多于答案但有概念性错误(如举例不当)酌情扣1-2分。 参考答案和分值:
1. approximant: This is an articulation in which one articulator is close to another, but without the vocal tract being narrowed to such an extent that a turbulent airstream is produced. The gap between the articulators is therefore larger than for a fricative and no turbulence (friction) is generated. In English, this class of sounds include [w, r, j]. As [j] and [w] can also be analyzed as vowels, it is an important point to note that this category overlaps with that of vowel.
2. lexical words: Lexical words are those which have mainly work for referring to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. They carry the main content of a language so they are also known as ‘content words’. 3. the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: a hypothesis developed by Benjamin Lee Whorf on his and Edward Sapir’s anthropological research and experience with Hopi, an American Indian language. It suggests that ‘our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently, different languages may probably express speakers’ unique ways of understanding the world’. Following this argument, two important points could be captured in this theory. On the one hand, language may determine our thinking patterns; on the other, similarity between languages is relative. The greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be. For this reason, this hypothesis has alternatively been referred to as linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity—a view which “was first expounded by the German ethnologist, Wilhelm von Humboldt”.
4. synecdoche: A kind of figurative language which refers to using the name of part of an object to talk about the whole thing, and vice versa. For example, hands in They were short of hands at harvest time means workers, labourers or helpers.
IV. 问答题。(40分) 评分标准: 1) 每题20分。
2) 拼写错误、语法错误、用词错误、语法错误每处扣1分。因拼写错误、语法错误或用词错误造成与原文意思不符,每处扣2分。
3) 内容比答案少按采分点扣分,内容点多于答案但没有概念性的错误不扣分。内容点多于答案但有概念性错误酌情扣分,举例不当每处扣2分,概念或阐述性错误每处扣5分。 参考答案:
1. 见《语言学教程》第三版2.4.1。 2. 见《语言学教程》第三版8.2.1。 3. 见《语言学教程》第三版11.2.3。
4. 分析方法见《语言学教程》第三版9.3,罗米欧和朱莉叶的这段对话采用的是十四行诗的形式写成,说明莎士比亚娴熟地掌握了商籁体诗的写作技巧。本题要求学生掌握诗歌分析的方法,能够运用诗歌分析的术语对诗歌中的特殊语言现象进行细致的分析。 答案要点和分值:
1) Information about the poem: Shakespeare and his four tragedies, esp. Romeo and Juliet, sonnet in his drama (4)
2) Form: layout (3 quatrains and a couplet = sonnet), number of lines (14), length of lines (10 syllables) (6)
3) Sound patterning: metre (iambic pentametre), rhymes (ababcacadedeff), other forms of sound patterning (eg alliteration) (6)
4) Language: figurative use of language, syntax, punctuation, register, intertextual allusion etc. (4)
5. 本题要求学生理解赫德逊《社会语言学》第二版序言中的一段话,对语言中的性别歧视问题进行讨论。 答案要点和分值:
1) Richard Hudson and his Sociolinguistics (2)
2) The study of sociolinguistics and major sociolinguistic concerns (5) 3) Sexism as a sociolinguistic issue (5) 4) Examples of linguistic sexism (5)
5) Discussion of Hudson’s own linguistic sexism (3)