2018最新试题资料-2018年中考英语模拟试卷(赣州市章贡区带答案) 下载本文

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5 c inute al B nl a quarter’s al c nl half an hur’s al 14 hat is n the crner?

A A cffee shp B A htel c The traffic lights 15 here can the an get a cup f cffee? A In the z B n Green Street c In the par 请听第4段材料,回答第16至18小题。 16 hat da is it tda? A Tuesda B ednesda c Thursda 17 H uch did the an spend n the P4? A $14 B $ 40 c $ 41

18 hat can e learn fr the versatin? A The an ants t repair the P4 B The an desn’t get his ne bac c The an is ver friendl t the an 请听第5段材料,回答第19至22小题。

19 H ld as David hen he ent t the iddle schl? A 12 B 13 c 14

ear-ld sn ant t g t the cert, h uch d the have t pa fr the ticets?

A 1s-gd influence n the Aerican teenagers re than 2,000 high schl teachers t an nline surve

40 percent f the teachers said the Inter and digital search tls have had a “stl gd” use fr their students’ research habits and sills But 35 percent agreed that these technlgies “ae the students nt have enugh attentin” And 25 percent said the technlgies “d little t help the in curses”

ud Buchanan is a directr f the Natinal riting Prect s Buchanan sas digital research tls are helping students learn re, and learn faster Teachers reall lie these tls, because the are as t ae se f learning exciting ung peple en using these tls And the gal is t help the bee creative students f eaningful r, and nt ust that ind f cpist

But ne prble the surve fund is that an students dn’t have a gd understanding f h t use the digital nledge ell In ther rds, the trust t uch f the infratin ud, Buchanan sas these students, have nt develped the sills the need t tell hether the nline infratin is gd r bad

Anther prble the surve fund is sething that ight nt see lie a prble, at all, being-able t quicl find infratin nline Teachers sa the capacit f their students t r hard t find ansers is being eaer The sa students depend t uch n search engines (引擎) and d nt ae enugh use f printed bs r research, librarians

Besides, an teachers are als rried abut the prble that the Inter aes it eas fr students t cp r dne b thers, instead f using their n abilities

68 H an teachers thin the tls are gd fr students accrding t the surve?

A5 BAAcc 6—8 cBA 9—10 cA 11—12 AB 13—15 BBA 16—18 cBc 17~45 ADABB 46—50 AABDA

51 studing 52 hile 53 seties 54 sething 55 hard 56 ean 57 ith 58 duties 59 thanful 60 hat

四、61-63 DcB 64—67 DDBA 68—71BBAD 72—75 BDBD 76—80 DABFG 五、81—85BEDGA 六、

Dear ac,

I’ glad t get ur letter

I ade a surve abut the nn brea f the students in ur class 70% students tae a nap after lunch The ften have a nap at he fr abut 30 inutes The thin it is gd fr the t stud better in the afternn and evening

hile ther 30% students dn’t have a nn brea The d their her r read bs in the classr r librar The thin the can save tie t stud better

In pinin, e ust have a nn brea ever da e can rest ur brain and save energ t stud better

urs Li Lei

5 c