2019高考英语专题复习强调结构和省略(附答案) 下载本文

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I. 考点分析 一、强调结构

It was + 被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+who, whom,that

1.一般说来,被强调部分指人时用who,whom指物时用that(但that亦可指人) 2..当要强调的主语是人称代词时,既可用主格形式,也可用宾格形式。 It was I who… It was me that… 但宾格形式多用于非正式英语

3.that 或之后动词的人称和数要与它前面被强调的名词或代词一致。(即人称和数要与原句中的一致)

4.强调句中的时态通常只有两种,一般现在时和一般过去时。原句谓语动词是一般过去时,过去完成时和过去进行 时时,用It was…,其余时态用It is…但也有一些较复杂的形式,主要是情态动词may/might/must +动词原形,或者情态动词may/might/must +have +动词过去分词。偶尔也有用将来时的情况 5. 关于强调句的几点注意事项:

1) 强调句可用陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和感叹句来表达。 ---It is for this that we have delayed so long? 我们就是为了这个才耽搁这么久的。 ---Who it was that left the door open? 究竟是谁把门开着的?

---What a beautiful picture it was that Mary painted! 玛丽画的是一副多么美丽的图画! 2) 强调句还可做宾语从句

---John told me that it was because he was ill that he decided to return .

约翰告诉我,他是因为生病才决定返回的。 ---I wonder who it was that left the door open. 我真纳闷,究竟是谁把门开着的。 3)强调句即可用肯定式,也可用否定式

---It was not Peter that made the mistake. 犯下这个错误的不是彼得。

---It was not Jim but John that I saw yesterday. 我昨天看见的不是杰姆,而是约翰。 ---It is not a novel but a play that he is writing. 他在写的不是小说,而是剧本

4)在强调部分中,还可包含一个强调性副词 如only/particularly/also等,可进一步加强语气 ---It was only/particularly/also John who protested.

5)强调词it和先行词it 的区别:可用恢复原句来判别,即是把It is (was)… that取消,剩下的仍能组成一个完整的句子,就是强调句型,否则就不是。 ----It is there that accidents often happen. It is… that…

There accidents often happen. 这个强调句强调的是地点状语there

----It is clear that not all boys like football.

去掉It is …that…

Clear not all boys like football.

剩下的句子不完整,因此不是强调句,而是由作先行词it引导的一个主语从句 eg: ----John wore his best suit to the dance last night. 约翰昨晚穿者他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会我们即可用强调结构来强调句中的主语、宾语和状语:

It was John who (that) wore his best suit to the dance last night. 是约翰昨晚穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会的。(强调主语)

. It was his best suit (that) John wore to the dance last night. 约翰昨晚是穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会 的。(强调宾语)

It was last night (that)John wore his best suit to the dance.(强调状语last night) 约翰是昨晚穿着他最好的衣参加晚会的。

It was to the dance that John wore his best suit last night(to the dance)约翰昨晚穿着他最好的一套衣服是去参加舞会的 (强调状语to the dance)

6)强调结构亦可强调短语从句如例(5)即强调短语to the dance又如:

I suspected it was on her orders you were bringing him here.我怀疑你是遵照她得吩咐要把她带到这儿来的。(强调短语on her orders) 7)强调结构亦可强调某些状语从句,如:

---It was because I wanted to buy a dictionary that I went to town yesterday我昨天是由于想买一本字典而进城的 (强调because从句)

---It is only when you nearly lose someone that you become fully conscious of how much you value them.只有当你差一点失掉某人时,你才会充分意识到你是多么重视他(强调only when引导的从句)

8)在强调结构中的who从句中,who也常用做宾语 ,如:

It must be your mother who you are thinking of.你在想的一定是你的母亲。(who常代之以在正式文体中亦可用whom)