高考英语第一轮复习 高三UNIT 15-UNIT 16(附答案) 下载本文

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Unit 15-Unit 16




1.(2001年上海)Alice trusts you;only you can ______her to give up the foolish idea. A.suggest B.attract C.tempt D.persuade

解析: suggest和attract不能用不定式作宾补;tempt意为“诱使、诱惑”,用在此处不妥;persuade与句意相符。故选D。


2.It is not right for you to ______ fifty dollars from my salary without any good reason.You should give it back to me.

A.bring down B.keep back C.raise D.turn down 解析: bring down意为“使下降,使倒下”;keep back意为“扣下,隐瞒”;turn down意为“拒不采纳;把……调小”;raise与后文句意不符;keep back符合句意和语境,故选B。


3.(2003年上海)The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ______ the helplessness of the crew at sea.

A.added to B.resulted from C.turned out D.made up

解析: 本题考查在特定语境中对短语动词的辨异和使用能力。add to“增加,加剧”;result from“来自于,是……的结果”;turn out“结果是”;make up“杜撰,编造”。全句意思为:“轮船的引擎出了故障,恶劣的天气更使船员们感到无助。”


4.The teacher read the passage ______ us and then went on ______the meaning to us. A.to;with B.for;explaining C.to;to explain D.for;to explain 答案:C

5.Let’s go to some places of interest,which are famous ______ their mountains. A.for B.as C.by D.of 解析: 参见【疑难突破】3。 答案:A

6.He had mastered five foreign languages ______ forty. A.at the age of B.at C.by the age of D.when

解析: by the age of 作“……岁之前”讲,强调到某一时间点为止的结果,常常和完成时连用。at the age of作“在……岁时”讲,是个时间点,强调某一时刻的情况或动作,常和一般时态连用。


7.On the day before the party,Mr Smith told his men to ______ no effort to make sure the guests enjoy themselves.

A.share B.make C.spend D.spare 解析: spare no effort to do sth.意为“不遗余力做某事”。


8.You could have ______ yourself an unnecessary trip by phoning in advance. A.spared B.separated C.missed D.freed 解析:全句意为“如果事先打个电话,你本来能够省去不必要的一趟”。 答案:A

9.—Our new teacher’s English is difficult for me to ______. —Why don’t you ask your brother ______ help? A.understand;with B.follow;for C.speak;for D.pick up;by

解析:解本题时应该首先从第二个空入手。依据ask sb.for排除A、D两项。对我来说老师的英语只能是听得懂或听不懂,不能是speak,排除C。


10.(2004年北京市朝阳区二模题)—When did he leave the classroom? —He left______you turned back to write on the blackboard. A.the minute B.the time C.until D.before 答案:A

11.—Do you think the rain will affect the results of the football game?

—Well,the players are used to such rainy weather,so it shouldn’t make any ______ to them. A.difficulty B.difference C.trouble D.good 答案:B

12.—Ann will be sent abroad very soon.

—She never dreams of ______ such a chance. A.being B.there be C.there to D.there being


答案:D 13.(2004年北京市西城区抽样测试,23)The scientists are now trying to discover what use could be ______ such material.

A.made out B.made up C.made of D.made from 解析:本题考查make use of的被动形式。 答案:C

14.(2005年北京市东城区目标检测题)The seller would sell the skirt for fifty dollars,but the customer ______ only half the price.

A.asked B.charged C.sold D.offered 解析:参见【典例剖析】例2。 答案:D

15.(2005年北京市东城区目标检测题)—Why didn’t you try your best to get on the bus? —I tried to,but ______ I could,it started moving. A.until B.when C.before D.after

解析:参见“必背句型1”。 答案:C

16.—What do you think made Celia so happy? —______a prize in the recent competition. A.As she won B.Won C.Winning D.Because of winning 解析:选项是对问句中what的回答,故选C。动名词短语作主语,补全为:I think winning a prize in the recent competition made Celia so happy.


17.—How do youth volunteers become confident and mature?

—______ their local or national community,or an international project. A.Serving B.Because of serving C.To serve D.By serving 解析:选项是针对问句中方式状语how的回答。故选D。 答案:D

18.I have two elder brothers,______ in the army for ten years. A.the elder of whom served B.the older of whom has served C.the older of which served D.the elder one has served



19.Yang Liwei was surrounded by the audience ______ he stepped off the stage. A.until B.through C.now that D.immediately 答案:D

20.—Do you know what Tom does all day?

— I know he spends at least as much time watching TV as he ______ his lessons. A.is doing B.does C.spends to do D.does doing 解析:本题考查spend time (in) doing sth.结构。在状语从句中,does代替spends。故选D。





The purpose of a letter of application(求职信)is to help you to “sell” yourself.It should state

21 the job you want,and should tell what your abilities are and what you have 22 .It should be simple,human,personal and brief without 23 any necessary fact. In writing such a letter,keep in 24 what a possible employer is most 25 to want to know about,therefore,the opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. 26 the first few sentences fail to 27 the reader’s attention,the rest of the letter may not be 28 at