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form a correct market expectation. Third, the establishment of the Shanghai Head Office will enable the central bank to timely respond to abnormal fluctuation of the market, which will contribute to the stable operation of the market. 问: It is speculated by some media that the established of PBC Shanghai Office indicates that central bank intends to set up an organizational structure as well as decision-making and operation systems similar to those of the Federal Reserve System of the United States.
问: 有一些国内媒体猜测,央行成立上海总部意在建立美联储的组织结构以及政策决策和市场操作模式,
Moreover, some professionals think that the PBC Shanghai Head Office will play a role similar to that of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. What are you comments on this?
答: 人民银行设立上海总部有借鉴纽约联邦储备银行经验的成分,但是由于中美两国国政体制、历史文化等方面的差异,人民银行上海总部的设立有适合我国自己国情的特点。
答: It’s true that in establishing the PBC Shanghai Head Office, we have drawn experiences from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Nevertheless, given that China and the United States differ in political systems, traditions and cultures, the PBC Shanghai Head Office has been established taking into account China’s specific situation.
As an integral part of the PBC Headquarters, the PBC Shanghai Head Office will perform its functions under the guidance and authorization of the PBC Head quarters.
我们的目标是:尽快把上海总部建设成为总行公开市场的操作平台、金融市场运行监测的平台、对外交往的重要窗口和一部分金融服务与研究和开发业务的中心。 Our goal is to build the Shanghai Head Office into a platform for the open market operations and the cooperation, and a center for some financial services and related research and development work.
问: To provide better services to the market, how will PBC Shanghai Head Office improve its capacity for monitoring and managing the market?
问: 那么,围绕着提高金融市场服务,上海总部如何进一步提高市场监测管理的水平?
And what roles will it play in promoting the development of the money market, the foreign exchange market and the innovation of financial products? 对推动货币市场、外汇市场发展和金融产品创新会起到哪些作用?
答:One of the important roles of the PBC is regulating the inter-bank money market and
foreign exchange market. After transferring its function of monitoring and managing the financial markets to the Shanghai Head Office, thus getting closer contacts with the markets, the PBC will be able to better understand the need of the market, and formulate and revise relevant rules accordingly. It will also be able to conduct real-time and on-site monitoring of market transactions, and intervene in the market as necessary. Moreover, closer contacts with the markets will facilitate the timely collection of market data, which will enable the central bank to formulate and implement monetary policy more effectively.
? 在推动市场发展和产品创新方面,我们将采取以下措施:一是逐渐放宽市场准入,
将银行间市场逐步发展成为统一,完善的公开市场。二是鼓励市场不断推出新的交易方式,鼓励市场参与者使用新的交易方式。 ? As for promoting market development and product innovation, we will take the following
measures. First, we will lower the requirement for market entry with a view to build the inter-bank market into a unified and well-developed market. Second, steps will be taken to encourage the adoption of new ways of trading.
? 三是鼓励市场不断推出新的交易产品,包括期货,期权,远期,掉期等各种交易工
? Third, the development of new products, including futures, options, forwards and swaps,
will be encouraged to enable market participants to better hedge market risks. Fourth, to better serve market participants, the PBC will make continuous efforts to improve market regulations and rules to guide market development.
? 问:2004年7月,胡锦涛总书记的上海之行,特别强调了上海要服务全国,提出要
? 问:In a visit to Shanghai in July 2004, President Hu Jintao stressed the importance of
Shanghai in serving the whole country, and called for efforts to develop Shanghai into an international economic, financial, trade and transportation center. How do you see the relationship between the establishment of the PBC Shanghai Head Office and development of the Shanghai international financial center?
? 答:建设上海国际金融中心,是党中央 国务院作出的一项重大战略决策.早在上
世纪90年代初,小平通知就曾说过:"中国在金融方面取得国际地位,首位要靠上海".1992年江泽民同志在党的十四大报告种提出"加快把上海建成国际经济 金融 贸易中心之一,带动长江三角洲和整个长江流域地区经济的新飞跃". ? 答:To build Shanghai into an international financial center is an important strategic
decision made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Mr. Deng Xiaoping pointed out in the early 1990s that China must rely on the development of Shanghai to raise its international status in financial affairs. In 1992, Mr. Jiang Zemin pointed out in the report of the 14th CPC National Congress that accelerated efforts should be made to build Shanghai into an international economic, financial and trade center to promote the economic development of Yangtze River Delta and the whole Yangtze River valley.
? 2004年7月,胡锦到总书记在上海视察时,强调要继续推进上海成为国际经济
金融 贸易 航运中心的建设.国际经验表明,中央银行总部的设立与国际金融中心的发展存在着互动关系.
? In a visit to Shanghai in July 2004, President Hu Jintao called for continued efforts to
develop Shanghai into an international economic, financial, trade and transportation center. ? International experiences show that the establishment of central bank headquarters and
the development of international financial centers beneficially promote each other.
? 历史上国际金融中心的兴起,通常是在主要商贸中心 交通枢纽 首都和中央银行
总部所在地.阿姆斯特丹,伦敦,东京,香港,新加坡,纽约国际金融中心地位的形成就是最佳的例子.法兰克福尽管不是一个港口城市,但在战后能取代柏林成为德国的金融中心,原因之一就是德国央行--德意志银行坐落在那里。 ?
International financial centers have emerged in places where trade and transportation activities are centered and where the country’s capital and is central band are located. The emergence of Amsterdam, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore and New York as international financial centers is an excellent example. Although Frankfurt is not a port city, it finally replaced Berlin as Germany’s financial center, partly because the central band of Germany, the Deutsche Bundersbank, is located there. 现在,欧洲中央银行的总部又设在了法兰克福,作为欧洲单一货币成员国实施货币政策和从事银行间资金清算与结算的中心,这进一步巩固了法兰克福作为欧洲大陆国际金融中心的地位。苏黎世与法兰克福类似,尽管苏黎世并非瑞士首都,但它能成为国际金融中心,是因为最早的瑞士银行设在那里。
The European Central Bank has also been established in Frankfurt, conducting unified monetary policy and inter-bank fund clearance and settlement within Europe. This has in turn strengthened Frankfurt’s state as an international financial Switzerland; it has developed into an international financial center partly because the central bank was initially located there.
The establishment of the PBC Shanghai Head Office is expected to produce similar effects. On the one hand, by improving monetary policy operation and providing better services to the market, we expect that more domestic and foreign financial institutions will move some of their businesses or departments to Shanghai and more professionals will be attracted to work in Shanghai. On the other hand, with expanded exchange and cooperation of the PBC Shanghai Head Office with other financial institutions, Shanghai is expected to play a larger role in the financial affairs in the Asian-Pacific region, which will help accelerate the development of Shanghai as an international financial center.
The establishment of the PBC Shanghai Head Office is expected to produce similar effects.
On the one hand, by improving monetary policy operation and providing better services to the market, we expect that more domestic and foreign financial institutions will move some of their businesses or departments to Shanghai and more professionals will be attracted to work in Shanghai. On the other hand, with expanded exchange and cooperation of the PBC Shanghai Head Office with other financial institutions, Shanghai is expected to play a larger role in the financial affairs in the Asian-Pacific region, which will help accelerate the development of Shanghai as an international financial center. 问:您能不能简单向我们介绍一下上海总部的组织架构? 答:好的,为保证职责的有效履行,上海总部将内设公开市场操作部,金融市场管理部,金融稳定部,调查统计研究部,国际部,金融服务部,外汇管理部7个业务部门。同时设立综合管理,人力资源管理以及纪检监察3个支持服务部。
问:Could you briefly describe the internal organizational structure of the PBC Shanghai Head Office? 答:The PBC Shanghai Head Office consists of 7 functional departments and 3 supporting departments to ensure the effective performance of duties. Functional departments include Open Market Operations Department, Financial Market Management Department, Financial Stability Department, Statistics and Research Department, International Department, Financial Services Department and Foreign Exchange Management Department. The 3 supporting departments are the General Management Department, Human Resources Management Department and Staff Disciplinary Department. 问:在组织框架搭建的过程中,上海总部与上海分行之间将如何实现有效整合?整合之后上海分行是否继续存在?整合的过程是否有一个具体的时间表?
问:In setting up the internal organizational structure, how will the PBC Shanghai Branch be consolidated effectively with the PBC Shanghai Head Office? Will the PBC Shanghai Branch still exist after the consolidation? And do you have a timetable for the consolidation?
答:According to the functions designated to the PBC Shanghai Head Office, it will be established based on the existing Shanghai Branch. To maintain business consistency, the PBC Shanghai Branch and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) establishment of the PBC Shanghai Head Office involves the transfer of some functions from the Headquarters, the restructuring of the PBC Shanghai Branch and the reallocation of staff, it will take some time, but the consolidation will proceed in a steady and orderly manner.
问:How will the PBC Shanghai Head Office and the Beijing Headquarters coordinate with
each other? 答:As I mentioned just now, as an integral part of the PBC Headquarters, the PBC Shanghai Head Office will perform its functions under the guidance and authorization of the PBC Headquarters. The Headquarters is mainly responsible for policy formulation and decision making, while the Shanghai Head Office will act as an operating center for implementing the policies. In terms of technology, remote office automation systems will be set up linking the Headquarters and the Shanghai Head Office. The application of modern telecommunication technologies will significantly shorten the time lag between the formulation and implementation of policies.
答:I must admit that I am still a new hand in the financial sector. Although the knowledge I learned in the university on finance and western economics is relevant to the work that I am currently engaged in, I still need to make efforts to recharge myself with new knowledge and to adapt to the new environment. I will try my best to shorten this break-in period. Of course, diversified academic background enables me to look upon issues from different perspectives. Establishing and strengthening the Shanghai Head Office is a new task for us. 社会主义市场经济体制的不断发展和完善,从客观上要求我国金融业实现质的突破,向国际一流水准看齐。为着这个目标,我个人以及上海总部的全体同事,一定会不遗余力地工作,力争为上海总部的建设,为中国金融业发展贡献自己的力量。
As China’s socialist market economic system further improves, we need to make breakthroughs in the financial sector, and bring the performance of China’s financial industry up to high international standards. To achieve these goals, I and all staff in the PBC Shanghai Head Office will spare no effort to contribute to the work of Shanghai Head Office and to the development of China’s financial industry.