内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/29 1:53:22星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
? Guest: This structure indeed facilitates the setting up and dismantling of the stand.
However, can this structure sustain that weight?
? 答:这种结构的确方便了布展和撤展的过程。但是,这样的结构能承重吗?
? 赵颖:展厅具备超强承重。首层、二层展厅每平方米设计荷载能力分别高达5吨和
? Zhao: Yes, it surely can. The weight for each square meter to bear is five tons and 1.5 tons
for the ground floor and the second floor. Besides, there are opening entrances and exits in both of the south and north sides, therefore the exhibition halls can be united for exhibition as well as separated.
? Guest: I have been to the Canton Fair several times. I remember you used to hold the Fair
in a different exhibition complex. Is the old venue of Canton Fair still in use?
? 答:我曾数次参观过广交会,我记得它原来是在另一个展馆举办。广交会的旧馆还
? 赵颖:我们现在还在用广交会的旧馆。不过呢,现在重心正在慢慢向琶洲展馆转移,
? Zhao: The old venue is still in use. However, the focus has been shifting to Pazhou
Complex. It has become the major venue of Canton Fair. But we are going to use both of the two venues in both of the two sessions of Canton Fair this year.
? Guest: Can you give us some details on the Liuhua Complex as it has been the core of the
Canton Fair for more than four decades. It has already become a very famous venue all over the world. ? 答:你能再给我在具体介绍一下流花展馆的情况吗?这个展馆在过去的40年中一直
? 赵颖:没有问题,我将给大家一份流花馆的小册子,里面有很多具体的信息。以上
? Zhao: Sure, I will find a brochure of Liuhua Complex for you where you can get a lot of
information. So much for the brief introduction to the Pazhou Complex, do you have any questions?
? Guest: Not at this moment. ? 答:暂时没有。
? 赵颖:那么请大家跟我们参观,我们也可以一边参观,一边随时回答大家提出的问
? Zhao: I’d like to show you around the venue. And I’m willing to answer any questions
you may ask while we are touring the fair. ? Guest: Thank you very much. ? 答:非常感谢!
Unit 3
? 参展商:您好!我是美华镜业公司的出口部经理王鹏。这是我们的产品目录。
? Exhibitor: Hello! I’m Wang Peng, manager of Export Department of Huamei Mirror Co.,
ltd. This is our products catalogue.
? Buyer: Thank you! (Exchange of business card) ? 买家:谢谢!(交换名片)
? 参展商:目录上主要是我们05年的产品系列。如果您对最新的产品感兴趣的话,我
? Exhibitor: This catalogue mainly has the products of 2005. If you are interested in our
latest products, I can e-mail you this year’s catalogue.
? Buyer: That would be very nice. Actually I want to know the major export markets of
your products.
? 买家:十分感谢。我想知道你们产品的主要出口市场是哪些?
? 参展商:我公司的产品主要出口到美加、日本、欧盟等地区。美国是我们最大的出
? Exhibitor: We mainly export to the U.S., Canada, Japan and European Union countries.
U.S. is our largest export market, which takes up 55% of the total export value of the company last year.
? Buyer: Your exhibits are very attractive. The designs are very original. I’m sure many of
the exhibits here will find a ready market in my country. Are you a manufacturer yourself or just a trading company?
? 买家:你们的展品十分吸引人,设计也十分独特,相信在我的国家一定大有市场。
? 参展商:我们是一家生产商,在深圳和东莞都有自己的工厂,同时我公司也拥有进
? Exhibitor: Our company is a manufacturer itself. We’ve got two factories in Shenzhen and
Dongguan. At the same time, our company has the import and export license and we’ve set up representative office in Hong Kong.
? Guest: That’s very impressive. I wonder whether you have a price list of your products. ? 买家:听起来很不错啊。请问你们有没有产品价格表。
? 参展商:我们没有固定的价格表,如果您对哪个产品感兴趣,我可以提供给您一个
? Exhibitor: We don’t have a fixed price list. If you are interested in a certain item, I can
offer you a price for reference. The point is, the more you order, the more preferential price you can have.
? Guest: What is the minimum quantity if I want to place an order? ? 买家:如果我想订货的话,最低的订货量是多少? ? 参展商:5000件。 ? Exhibitor: 5 000 pieces. ? Buyer: FOB where? ? 买家:在哪儿发货呢?
? 参展商:香港,因为这样在成本上更加合理一些,而且我们在香港也设有办事处。 ? Exhibitor: From Hong Kong where we can manage the cost more reasonably. In assition,
we’ve got a representative office in Hong Kong.
? Buyer: I am interested in the rectangular mirror with model No.SH203 in the catalogue.
Do you have a sample on display? ? 买家:我对产品目录里SH203型号的方镜很感兴趣,请问你们展会上有没有样品呢? ? 参展商:非常遗憾,我们没有把这个型号带来这届展会。但是您可以去参观我们的
? Exhibitor: I’m sorry that we haven’t brought this item to the exhibition. However, you
can visit our factory sometime. Then you can have a better understanding of our products. Our Dongguan factory is very close to Guangzhou, which only takes 40 minutes’ drive from here.
? Buyer: I think that’s a very good idea. However, I’m leaving in three days. Is it possible
to arrange a visit tomorrow?
? 买家:我认为这是个很好的主意。但是,我三天后就要回国了,不知可否安排在明
? 参展商:没有问题。我会尽快安排,当一切安排妥当后我会电话通知您。
? Exhibitor: No problem. I’ll see to it soon. I’ll call you once we’ve made the arrangement. ? Buyer: That’s very nice of you. Thank you very much! See you tomorrow! Enjoy the
? 买家:真是太好了,非常感谢!明天见!祝您一切愉快! ? 参展商:谢谢!明天见!
? Exhibitor: Thanks! See you tomorrow!
? Buyer: That’s very nice of you. Thank you very much! See you tomorrow! Enjoy the
? 买家:真是太好了,非常感谢!明天见!祝您一切愉快! ? 参展商:谢谢!明天见!
? Exhibitor: Thanks! See you tomorrow!
Dialogue 2
? A meeting between Quebec provincial and Trade Delegation headed by Mr. Johnson and
Mr. Zhang, a senior official from the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province
Zhang: Today, the Quebec Provincial Economic and Trade Delegation arrived at Guangdong. I feel much delegated. Please allow me, on behalf of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong province, to extend our warm welcome to our distinguish guests.
Johnson: Thank you for your warm welcome. This is my second visit to Guangdong , and my fellow delegates and I are amazed to find that so many changes have taken place here in the last 3 years.
Johnson: 非常感谢您的欢迎。这是我第二次来广东,我和我的团员们都十分惊讶看到广东过去3年里发生了这么多的变化。
Zhang : 是的,广东省是中国改革开放的试验田,也是中国经济发展最活跃的地区。现在,广东省国内生产总值占中国大陆的九分之一,进口贸易总额占三分之一,累计吸收外资占四分之一。
Zhang: yes, Guangdong is the pioneer of china’s reform and opening-up, as well as the most dynamic region in terms of economic development. The total GDP of Guangdong accounts for
one ninth of that of Chinese Mainland; total import and export trade volume accounts for one third of the national total; total foreign investment attracted takes up quarter of that of the Mainland,
Johnson: That’s so impressive. No wonder Guangdong is a magnet for foreign direct investment.
Johnson: 这很了不起。难怪广东是国外的直接投资的热土。
Zhang: 是的,加拿大企业在广东的投资也很令人瞩目。从1979到2005年,广东共有来自加拿大的直接投资项目675宗,实际投资金额6.76亿美元。
Zhang: right. And equally impressive is the investment in Guangdong from Canadian businesses. From 1979 to 2005, a total of 675 direct investment projects in Guangdong came from Canada, with actual investment amounting to us$676million.
Johnson: I am proud that Canada has played an active role in this aspect. This is a two-way process as well, with more and more enterprises from Guangdong investing and setting up businesses in Canada.
Johnson: 我对加拿大起的积极作用感到十分自豪。同时这也是一个双向的过程。越来越多的广东企业也在加拿大投资开业。
Zhang: 没错。到2005年8月,广东在加拿大设立各类企业或者代表处9家,累计投资金额192万美元。虽然同你们在故那广东的投资比起来,这个数字很小,但是,我相信,以后我们会有越来越多的双向投资。
Zhang :that’s true. Up to August 2005, Guangdong has established 9 enterprises and representative offices in Canada, with a total of US&1.92 million. Compared to our Canadian counterparts, these figures are quite insignificant, but I believe we will surely have more and more two-way investment in the future,
Johnson: I have no doubt about that. We’ve already seen number of well-performing enterprises from Guangdong establish their production and sales network in Canada, and I believe our economic cooperation has huge potential.
Johnson: 我完全相信。我们已经看到有不少广东优秀的企业在加拿大建立起生产和销售网络。我相信我们经济合作潜力巨大。
Zhang :今年十月,广东省将在加拿大温哥华举办2005粤港—加拿大经济技术贸易合作交流会,我真诚的希望你们也能出席这次盛会。
Zhang :In October this year, our province is to hold the “Hong Kong-Guangdong-Canadian business forum 2005” in Vancouver, Canada. I hereby invite all of you to take part in this grand event.
Johnson: I will pay close attention to this event, and hopefully we can see each other at the time.
Zhang :那就这么定了。我祝你们在广东过的愉快。如果遇到什么困难就告诉我们,我们
Zhang : it’s a deal then. I wish you have a pleasant stay in Guangzhou. Should you encounter any difficulty, please do not hesitate to inform us. we will try our best to help you out.
Johnson: that’s very kind of you. I believe this visit will be a most smooth and memorable one.
Unit 4
? Dialogue One
? An interview between a journalist and HSBC Group Chairman John Bond. ? 记者:作为汇丰集团的董事长,您主要的职责是什么?您在企业中起到怎样的作用? ? Journalist: What is your primary job as the Chairman of HSBC? What is the special role
that you play in this enterprise?
? Bond: I think we have a team that has managed the business very successfully. ? Bond: 我认为我们的团队让我们的公司非常的成功。
? So my job is to think what will the world look like in 25 years’ time. How do we position
HSBC to be well-positioned for the future? My job is to get the company ready for that. And I also believe that every business should have a main board director responsible for corporate security, and that’s me. So that we don’t get complacent,
? 我的职责就是思考25年后世界会变成怎样?汇丰如何做好准备迎接未来?我的职责
? Because the world’s changing very fast, our competitors are changing. I think
complacency and a sense of we’ve always been number one is the biggest risk that any corporation faces.
? 因为当今世界变化极快,我们的竞争对手也在变化。得意自满以及自以为永远第一
? 记者:在西方,很多人认为全球经济是以美国或者欧洲为中心来发展变化的。
? Journalist: In the west, many people perceive the global economy changing in very
America-centric or Europe-centric terms.
? 您刚才谈到,世界经济应该面向亚洲重新调整。您认为全球化是否会给世界各地的
? As you described just now, the rebalancing of global economy should be carried out
towards Asia. Do you see any fundamental impact exerted by the global economy on different cultures around the world?
? Bond: I think each country will develop its economy in the way that suits particular
history, its particular culture, and its own people.
? Bond: 我认为每个国家的经济发展都应当与其各自的历史、文化和人民相适应。 ? We don’t see a homogeneous culture of the world. I think you have to adapt, and you