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过夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。 while many nations, including the united states, have hosted both the summer and winter games, no single city had been able to persuade i.o.c. voters that it had the requisite infrastructure, financial resources and climate necessary to pull off such

a double. 虽然包括美国在内的很多国家都同时举办过夏季和冬季奥运会,但没有哪个城市曾说服

ioc投票者相信,它拥有举办这两种赛事必不可少的基础设施、财力资源和气候条件。 中国张家口,当地民众在广场上排练庆祝北京赢得申奥的舞蹈。 jason lee/reuters

中国张家口,当地民众在广场上排练庆祝北京赢得申奥的舞蹈。 beijing, it should be noted, did not necessarily do that, either, but it won over the delegates with an elaborate plan that uses some well-known venues from the summer games, including the bird’s nest stadium and the water cube arena, in addition to relying on an elaborate artificial snow-making operation to account for the fact that its surrounding region has few mountains and, generally, fewer inches of actual snow. 需要指出的是,北京也未必具备所有这些条件,但它以一份周密的计划书赢得了代表们的信任。这份计划书显示,除了依靠人工造雪来解决北京周边地区山脉少且降雪相对匮乏这

样一个现实问题,他们将重复利用北京夏季奥运会的一些知名场馆,包括鸟巢和水立方。 而且,北京显示,要把2022年奥运会当作催化剂,帮助中国北方地区的3亿人口发展对

冬 季运动的兴趣,此前,他们中的大多数人较少展开相关运动。中国已经创建了一个特别项目,据说要花费约3000万美元(约合1.86亿人民币)培养在中国发展历史比较短的运动

项目的运动员,比如北欧混合式滑雪、无舵雪橇、有舵雪橇和钢架雪橇运动。 “summer or winter games, they all represent the olympic ideals,” yao ming, the former n.b.a. star who retired in 2011, said at a news conference before the vote.

“it’s the right time, the perfect time, for the olympics to return to beijing.” 不管是夏季还是冬季奥运会,它都代表着奥林匹克的体育精神,2011年退役的前nba球员姚明在ioc进行投票之前的一个新闻发布会上说道。他还表示,奥林匹克重回北京,现在

正是时候,这个时机再好不过。 beijing plans to stage the so-called city events — hockey, figure skating and speed skating — downtown, while the sliding and skiing events will be held at venues in yanqing and zhangjiakou, about 40 and 90 miles outside beijing. a planned high-speed rail line to zhangjiakou is supposed to cut travel time to less than an hour, though chinese organizers — no doubt wary of the i.o.c.’s renewed sensitivity to skyrocketing olympic budgets — have said repeatedly that the rail project should

be seen as separate from the olympic bid. 北京计划在市区举办冰球、花样滑冰和速度滑冰这几项所谓的城市项目,而将雪橇和滑雪项目放在延庆和张家口的一些场馆举行,这些场馆分别位于北京以外40和90英里(后者约合145公里)远的地方。一个计划中的高铁项目将使北京和张家口两地的路程缩小到1小时之内,尽管中国主办方已经反复表示,这个高铁项目应该被视为独立于冬奥之外的建设项

目。他们显然知道ioc再度对奥运会预算飞涨比较敏感,十分警惕自己有此嫌疑。 无论如何,北京的冬奥会的运作都必然涉及在两个距离相当远的不同场馆集中地举办赛事。而在另一边,阿拉木图此前一直试图将自己定位为北京策略的对立面。它暗示北京的策


都指出自己的城市特征是小巧紧凑,还反复强调其周边山峦上覆盖着天然积雪。 阿拉木图主办方表示,他们的所有场地都在18英里半径范围内,而70%的必备场馆在ioc

投票之前都已存在,这使得他们举办冬奥会的基础设施预算总计只有大约60亿美元。北京 的预算预计要大得多,尽管主办方反复申明,其合并成本为30亿美元,而这一数字没有

包含那条高铁线路和其他一些项目的造价。 举办奥运会的费用已经成为ioc主席托马斯·巴赫(thomas bach)一再谈起的话题。他提出的主要计划之一《奥林匹克2020议程》(olympic agenda 2020)实质上是对申奥程序的一次全面改革。它的目标是迫使申办城市降低基础设施费用——由此也增加潜在申办城市数量,

同时促使它们在被真正纳入考虑范畴之前能满足基本的人权状况要求。 this election was the final one before the rules of the agenda 2020 program take effect, and many critics of the bidding process noted that it was, in many ways, a fitting coda. bidding for the winter olympics, which are both significantly smaller and less popular than the summer games, has always been difficult, but this race was

particularly rocky. 这次申奥活动是《奥林匹克2020议程》计划生效之前的最后一届,很多对这次申办过程提出批评的人士指出,它在很多方面都可以说是一个恰当的结尾。冬奥会规模较小,也没有

夏季奥运会那么受欢迎,申办这一赛事总是比较困难,但这次角逐显得尤为波折。 four european cities, including winter havens like oslo and stockholm, pulled out of the race after initially expressing interest; all cited various political or financial concerns, as well as soft public support. those departures left behind only

two viable candidates, both of which came with question marks. 包括曾经举办过冬奥会的奥斯陆和斯德哥尔摩在内,有四个欧洲城市最初曾对申办表示出兴趣,但在之后退出了这次竞争,他们都列举了各种政治和财务方面的原因,以及疲软的公众支持。这四个城市退出后,只留下两个具备可行性的候选城市,而它们都有让人存疑之处。

the global political concerns with china’s government are well known, and minky worden, the global initiatives director at human rights watch, said the current human rights situation in china might best be described as “the worst crackdown in the post-1989 period across the board.” there was also concern over beijing’s environmental situation, as air pollution has continued to be a problem and some experts have questioned how the proposed snow-making operation would affect the

region ecologically. 众所周知,全世界都对中国政府存在政治方面的顾虑。人权观察组织(human rights watch)全球倡导总监胡丹(minky worden)认为,中国目前的人权状况可以最贴切地描述为,“自1989年以来最严厉的全盘打压局面。”此外,人们还有对北京环境状况的担忧,那里的空气污染依然是个问题,有些专家已经开始质疑,申奥计划提出的造雪措施会如何影响这一地区的生态

环境。 almaty, too, would have presented its own political and human rights issues. a former soviet republic, kazakhstan has been led by the same president, nursultan nazarbayev, since 1989 and only gained its independence in 1991. government-imposed limitations on free speech and freedom of assembly through arrests and violence, as well as exhaustive media censorship, are just some of the restrictions faced by kazakh

citizens, according to local activists.

阿拉木图也有它的政治和人权问题。作为一个直到1991年才赢得独立的前苏联加盟共和国,哈萨克斯坦自1989年以来一直由同一个总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫(nursultan nazarbayev)领导。当地活动人士表示,政府通过逮捕和武力手段限制言论自由和集会自由,

对媒体报道实行严格审查,而这些只是哈萨克斯坦公民所受限制的一部分。 mr. bach’s agenda 2020 plan would, hypothetically, make these sorts of problems more germane to future bidding votes, but it was not clear what sort of role — if

any — human rights concerns played in friday’s decision. 按说,巴赫制定的《奥林匹克2020议程》将会进一步加强这类问题与未来奥运活动申请城市中标资格的相关性,但我们并不清楚,周五的这次投票是否考虑了人权问题,或者它在

多大程度上对这类问题予以考虑。 最终,投票人选择了二者中更为人知的城市。尽管北京冬奥会有人造雪计划,但它依然采用了“纯洁的冰雪,激情的约会”的申办口号。在花费至少400亿美元举办的夏季奥运会

过去八年之后,这一口号似乎颇能引起共鸣。 北京申奥活动高级顾问魏纪中在投票前接受新华社采访时表示,中国是个可靠的合作伙

伴,因为我们总能兑现自己的诺言,2008年北京夏季奥运会就是个完美的例证。 he added: “if the i.o.c. award the 2022 games to beijing, we will keep our promise, too.”


明申奥演讲_姚明申奥英语发言稿 2016姚明申奥演讲_姚明申奥英语发言稿 作为中国篮球的代表,姚明在2016年冬奥会申奥陈述上代表发言,在陈述演讲中,他用英语表达我们中国人在冬季都参与体育项目,同时表达对2022年北京冬奥会的期望。下面是

第一公文网小编整理的姚明申奥演讲 姚明申奥演讲中文 中国人人都参与冬季体育项目,包括我。 你们也许不认为篮球是冬季项目,因为它不在冰上和雪上比赛。但世界上大部分地区的

篮球赛季都在冬天,所以你也可以把篮球看成是冬季项目。 北京2016年奥运会,我作为中国国家篮球队的一员,在五棵松体育馆参加了比赛。按照北京2022的申办规划,五棵松体育馆将承办冰球比赛。我期待着在冰雪覆盖的五棵松体育馆

见证奥运征程的新篇章。 在那儿,我们也许会见到宋安东,他出生在北京,从小就开始打冰球,前不久被北美职业

冰球联盟选中。他渴望着进入中国国家队,参加在北京举办的2022年冬奥会。 在中国,奥运和残奥运动员已经成为青年人的榜样,激励着数以百万计的年轻人参与体

育。下面,我想请冰雪项目的奥运伙伴告诉你们更多的故事。 姚明申奥英语发言稿 姚明申奥演讲视频: 相关推荐:

冬奥会申办陈述演讲词篇三:普京申冬奥会演讲英文版 it is a great honor for me to address you today and to present the bid of sochi

to host the olympic winter games in 2014. the bid has enthusiastic support of the whole of russia. we pledge to make the stay of olympians and paralimpians, spectators, journalists,

guests in sochi a safe, enjoyable and memorable experience. sochi is a unique place. on the seashore you can enjoy a fine spring day. but