高中非谓语动词讲义(无答案) 下载本文

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学员编号: 年 级:高 三 课时数:3课时 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英 语 学科教师:王玉 授课主题 授课类型 星级 教学目的 非谓语动词 C:非谓语动词 T:同步练习 T:能力提升 ★★ 掌握非谓语动词用法 ★★ ★★★ 授课日期及时段 时态语态思路回顾 时间状语 in the past three years by the end of last month in the future just now five days ago five days before/earlier 时态 动词形式/结构 被动语态结构 C-非谓语动词 什么是谓语动词?? 1

什么是非谓语动词?? 非谓语动词的分类: ① ② ③ 非谓语动词用法: 1. 主语:to do , doing 2. 宾语:to do , doing 3. 表语:to do , doing , done 4. 定语:to do , doing , done 5. 状语:to do , doing , done 6. 补语:to do , doing , done 一. 作主语: 1. doing做主语表示经常的事情,to do做主语表示具体的这一次。 Playing with tiger is dangerous. To play with tiger will be dangerous. 2

2. it作形式主语 no use ①It is/was no good worth ②It is +adj+for sb+to do sth(important/difficult/easy.....) It is +adj+of+sb+to do sth(nice/kind/foolish/clever....) eg:It is worth making an apointment before you go. It is necessary for us to have breakfast in the morning. 补充: It + be + n + to do sth It +takes/took+sb some time+to do sth 3. 疑问词+不定式做主语 When to leave hasn’t been decided. doing sth Whether to leave or not hasn’t been decided. 二. 作宾语: 1. 动词:用动名词做宾语的:consider, suggest/advice, look forward to, admit, /put off, avoid, miss, keep/keep on, practice, finish, enjoy/appreciate, forbid, imagine, risk, can’t help mind, allow, permit, be used to, be accustomed to, lead to, devote to, stick to, get down to, pay attention to, can’t stand, give up, feel like, thank you for, apologize for, be busy (in), have difficulty (in), have a good/wonderful/hard time (in). eg:He didn’t risk losing the good opportunity. 3