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leaves,often used as greens,and yellow flowers蒲公英(属)
15. Yet there had been something in the remark of the Australian. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes. One feels that even Mistress Quickly-a servant-is saying that Dr. Caius-her master-will lose his control and speak with the vigor of ordinary folk. If the King?s English is “English as it should be spoken,” the claim is often mocked by the underlings, when they say with a jeer “English as it should be spoke.” The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there.
15. 不过,那个澳大利亚人的解释也有一定道理。下层阶级在使用这一名词时总带着一点轻蔑pejorative、讥讽facetious的味道。我们会发现,就连Quickly这样一个婢女(servant佣人)也会说她的主子凯厄斯大夫管不住自己的舌头,而讲起平民百姓ordinary folk们所讲的那种粗话。如果说“标准英语”就是所谓“规范英语”,这种看法常常会受到下层人民的嘲笑mock讥讽jeer,他们有时故意开玩笑地把它称做“规反英语”。下层人民对于文华上的专制还是颇有(抵制rebellion反抗)心理的。 pejorative (adj.) : disparaging or derogatory轻蔑的;贬低的
facetious (adj.) : (usu derog通常作贬义)joking or trying to be jocular,esp.at an imappropriate time滑稽的;诙谐的;(尤指在不适当的时候)开玩笑的 例: a facetious young man 耍贫嘴的小伙子
underling (n.) : a person in a subordinate position;inferior disparaging(通常作蔑词)下属; jeer: n. Jeering remark; taunt揶揄的言语;嘲讽;
例: He ran off ,their jeers ringing in his ears.他一跑了之,耳边仍回响着他们的冷嘲热讽。 mock: (~ at sb/sth) make fun of,eap by mimicking him/it contemptuously; ridicule取笑(某人、某物);尤其指模仿嘲弄,愚弄 mocking smile,voice ,laugh 嘲弄的微笑、声音、大笑
9. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes. (para15) 下层阶级使用这个短语时,常
The phrase,the King?s English,has always been used disrespectfully
无礼地;不恭地and jokingly开玩笑地by the lower classes.(or: The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educated people.)
10. The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there. (para15)
There still exists in the working people,as in the early Saxon peasants,a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.
16. There is always a great danger, as Carlyle put it, that “words will harden into things for us.” Words are not themselves a reality, but only representations of it, and the King?s English, like the Anglo-French of the Normans, is a class representation of reality. Perhaps it is worth trying to speak it, but it should not be laid down as an edict, and made immune to change from below.
16. 正如卡莱尔所说,“对我们来说,词语会变成具体harden的事物”是一种始终存在的危险。词语本身并不是现实,它不过是现实的一种反应形式representation而已。标准英语和诺曼人的盎格鲁法语的性质一样,也只是一个阶段用来表达现实的一种形式。让人们学着去讲也许不错,但既不应该把它作为法令edict,也不应该使它完全不接受immune来自下层的改变。
edict (n.) : an official public proclamation or order issued by authority;decree法令;命令;布告 Immune:(adj.) : exempt from or protected against something disagreeable or harmful不受影响的;可避免的
harden: v. (cause sth to) become hare,strong,etc(使某物)变硬;变坚强,变鉴定
11. There is always a great danger, as Carlyle put it, that\harden into things for us.\ 正如卡莱尔提出的,“对我们而言,
There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent.For example,the word“dog”is a symbol representing a kind of animal.We mustn’t regard the word“dog”as being the animal itself.总是有一个很
17. I have an unending love affair with dictionaries-Auden once said that all a writer needs is a pen, plenty of paper and “the best dictionaries he can afford”-but I agree with the person who said that dictionaries are instruments of common sense. The King?s English is a model-a rich and instructive one-but it ought not to be an ultimatum. 17. 我一向对词典有着始终不渝的酷爱-奥登曾经说过,一支笔、够用的纸张“他所能弄
ultimatum (n.) : a final offer or demand,esp.by one of the parties engaged in negotiations,the rejection of which usually leads to a break in relations and unilateral action,the use of force etc.by the party issuing the ultimatum最后通牒 accept, reject, issue , deliver an ultimatum 几首、拒绝、发出、 送交最后通牒。
18. So we may return to my beginning. Even with the most educated and the most literate, the King?s English slips and slides in conversation. There is no worse conversation than the one who punctuates his words as he speaks as if he were writing, or even who tries to use words as if he were composing a piece of prose for print. When E. M. Forster writes of “the sinister corridor of our age,” we sit up at the vividness of the phrase, the force and even terror in the
image. But if E. M. Forster sat in our living room and said, “We are all following each other down the sinister corridor of our age,” we would be justified in asking him to leave.
sit up : (colloq.)to。become suddenly alert;be surprised or startled吃惊,警觉 例: I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up.我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来
Sinister: suggesting evil, or that sth bad may happen 邪恶的,险恶的。 A sinister motive,action, place 邪恶的动机,不详之处。
Corridor: n. Long narrow passage,from which doors open into rooms or compartments过道,走廊
18. 由此我们可以回到我先前的话题上。即便是那些学问再高、文学修养再好的人,他们所讲的标准英语在闲聊中也常常会离谱走调。要是有谁闲聊时也像做文章一样句逗分明,或像写一篇要发表的散文般咬文嚼字的话,那他说的话就一定极为倒人胃口。看到E.M.福斯特笔下写出“如今这个时代阴森恐怖的长廊”时,我们可以深刻体会到语言的生动、比喻的张力。但假若福斯特坐在我们的会客室里说“我们大家正一个接一个地步入这个时代阴森恐怖的长廊”时,我们肯定会让他离开。
19. Great authors are constantly being asked by foolish people to talk as they write. Other people may celebrate the lofty conversations in which the great minds are supposed to have indulged in the great salons of 18th century Paris, but one suspects that the great minds were gossiping and judging the quality of the food and the wine. Henault, then the great president of the First Chamber of the Paris Parlement, complained bitterly of the “terrible sauces” at the salons of Mme. Deffand, and went on to observe that the only difference between her cook and the supreme chef, Brinvilliers, lay in their intentions.
indulge (v.) : give way to one’s own desire尽情享受;从事于
Lofty : adj. Lofty ideas,beliefs,attitudes etc show high standards or high moral qualities- use this
to show approval.崇高的想法 Salon 沙龙
19. 常常会有一些愚人要求大文豪们在交谈时也像写文章一样字字珠玑,也有人对
20. The one place not to have dictionaries is in a sitting room or at a dining table. Look the thing up the next morning, but not in the middle of the conversation. Otherwise one will bind the conversation; one will not let it flow freely here and there. There would have been no conversation the other evening if we had been able to settle at once the meaning of “the King?s English.” We would never have gong to Australia, or leaped back in time to the Norman Conquest.
21. And there would have been nothing to think about the next morning. Perhaps above all, one would not have been engaged by interest in the musketeer who raised the subject, wondering more about her. The bother about teaching chimpanzees how to talk is that they will probably try to talk sense and so ruin all conversation.
(from The Washington Post, May 6, 1979)
21.而且,我们也就没有什么可以留到第二天去思考了。尤为重要的是,如果那个问题能做当场解决的话,人们就不会对于那位引出话题的“ 火枪手musketeer”发生兴趣了,也不会想多了解她的情况了。教黑猩猩chimpanzee说话之所以很困难,原因就在于它们往往可能尽是想着要讲出正经八百的话来,因而会使对话失去意趣。
musketeer (n.) : (formerly)a soldier armed with a musket火枪手
chimpanzee (n.) anthropoid ape of Africa,with black hair and large,outstanding ears(非洲)黑猩猩
engage:v. 从事于