口译基础教程对话练习答案 仲伟合

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should adapt to the local practices wherever you are. ? ? ? ?


I’ve worked in six different countries at HSBC. The underlying values have been the same, but the way we’ve gone about business has been totally different.



Journalist: As HSBC has employees from many different cultures around the world working in some fundamentally different businesses, could you briefly talk about the challenges you face in managing the human resources of an organization with such diversity?

Bond: It’s a fantastic question because all business is about people. What we try to do is to make sure the fixed core values that we have are understood universally. But after that, we believe in the diversity of cultures. For example, we have interesting systems in the Middle East. I’ve come back from a trip to the Middle East.

Bond: 这是个很棒的问题,因为一切商业活动都离不开人。我们要确保在世界各地的员工都能理解我们固定的核心价值观。但是除此之外,我们相信文化的多样性。比如说,我们在中东的体制就很有趣。

Our colleagues there are different, they work different days, they have different food and they have time for prayer. I think the whole basis you have to have is respect for other peoples’ cultures and other peoples’ points of views, as long as it doesn’t infringe on what we think the essential characteristics of running a successful financial services company are, such as integrity and teamwork.


Journalist: What would you say is the secret of your success? 记者:你觉得成功的秘诀是什么?

Bond: 说实话,是运气。如果我不是出生在1941年,我要么太老,要么太年轻,当不了董事长。我在职业生涯中遇到过困难时刻。

Bond: Luck, if you want an honest answer. If I hadn’t been born in 1941, I’d have been too old to be chairman or too young to be chairman. I’ve had difficult times in my career.






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So I would have to say truthfully that luck or serendipity, call it what you will, is the secret.

Journalist: Let me put it in another way. Do you believe that some of your characteristics also contribute to you success? Do you believe that successful people have at least some characteristics in common?


Bond: 我想大部分进入像汇丰公司的人都精力充沛,充满好奇。我总爱不停地提问,以至于会惹怒我的上司。这些人的情商也很高。当今世界要想成功离不开情商。 Bond: I think most of the people who will get on an organization like HSBC have a high energy level, a lot curiosity. I never stopped asking questions, to the irritation of many of mu senior people. I think they have emotional intelligence. In today’s world you need emotional intelligence to be successful.


So curiosity, high energy, emotional intelligence would be some of the characteristics that I think you’ll find in most people who get to the top. I think that’s what my view would be, but different companies would have different views, I’m sure.

Journalist: For students who will soon graduate from university, what advice do you have for them in terms of their career decision-making? What sort of things should they be thinking upon graduation?


Bond: 如果我可以从头开始,我会选择自己创业。我不会说我要选择进入大公司。如果我具备企业家的天赋,我就会努力争取实现。不过如果你选择加入公司,

Bond: I think if I were starting over, I’d try to do something on my own. I don’t think I can stand here and say that I’d go for a big corporate life. I think if I had the talent to be an entrepreneur, that’s what I’d have to go at. But if you’re going to join a company, 就要十分注意它是否是言行一致的高品质公司。所有的公司都在目标宣言里声称顾客至上,这样的公司到处都是。

then you need to pay huge attention to joining a quality company that really does do what it says it does. They all have mission statements saying we put our clients first, and you can see them littered all over corporate worlds.


But find one that really does, and work for a quality organization. I think that will never comprise your values or comprise what you believe in or ask you to do anything that you feel uncomfortable with. And have fun, choose something that’s going to be fun Dialogue Two

A TV interview between a Chinese news anchor and Howard Schultz, chairman of Starbucks.


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Anchor: If you love office, you can’t be strange to Starbucks, a leading global coffee retailer that originates from Seattle, the United States , with some 9000 coffee houses around the globe.


It came to China in 2000, and now its stores can be found in corners of many Chinese cities. Today we have Howard Schultz, the Chairman of Starbuck with us as he is on the trip to China. Nice to have you here Mr. Schultz.

2000年星巴克来到了中国,如今它已经出现在中国很多城市的街头巷尾了。今天我们请到了星巴克公司的董事长Howard Schultz先生,他正好到中国来出差。很高兴您能来参加我们的节目,Schultz先生。 Howard Schultz: 你好!很高兴来到这里。

Howard Schultz:Nice to meet you and I’m glad to be here.

Anchor: I was very impressed when I heard about your ambitious expansion plans: you are opening up to 1800 new stores next year, 1300 in the United States and 500 abroad. Are they too many? Is the speed too fast?

主持人:Schultz先生,我知道,您有着非常雄心勃勃的发展计划,您将会在明年开张1800家新店,美国有1300家,其他国家有500家。这会不会太多了,太快了? Howard Schultz: 一点也不会。看看我们公司的发展历史就会发现,过去20 年来我们一直在增长,我们增长的特点是我们一直先于增长曲线进行投资。我们每天开张五家新店。

Howard Schultz: Well, not at all. I mean, if you go back to the history of the company, you will see that we have been a growth company for the last 20 years and the hallmark of that growth has been our ability to invest ahead of the growth curve. That’s exactly what we’ve been doing. We’re opening 5 new stores a day. 我们每周为4000万顾客服务,去年国际部分的营业收入增长了79%。我们现在正在享受过去几年来的投资受益。

We are serving 40 million customers a week, and our international business had a 79% increase in operating income last year. We are in a position right now to really capitalize on the investments we’ve made over the last couple of years.


We are very optimistic about the balance of the year, and specifically what is going on internationally and in China.

Anchor: Are you satisfied with Starbucks’ development in China? What are the differences between your stores in China and their counterparts in the United States?


Howard Schultz: 我们把中国视作是发展最快的海外市场。我们已经在中国开了140家咖啡店,和美国店的设计非常相似。我们约80%的美国顾客是将咖啡打包带走,而超过80%的中国顾客则在店内享用,并且会待很长的时间,享受店内环境。 Howard Schultz:We view China as the fastest growing market for our product outside the United States. We already have 140 Chinese stores designed much like their American counterparts. About 80%of the Chinese customers have our coffee in the store and stay very long enjoying the environment.

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The store that that we’ve opened here are large in size, so Starbucks has become the third place between home and work, an extension of people’s lives.

Anchor: Chinese citizens have much lower levels of income and consumption than American people.


Even in big cities, the average wage is no higher than $100 a week. How do you get people that are making $100 a week to spend $5 on a cup of coffee?


Howard Schultz: 这些来星巴克消费的顾客收入可不止这么多。我从一个有趣的角度来谈谈吧。

Howard Schultz:Well, the customers who are coming to Starbucks are making more than that. But let me put it in perspective for you that I think is interesting.


I am told that over 300 million Chinese people are using a cell phone every day. And when you think about the fact that they have leapfrogged traditional technology, and many of those people never had access to a telephone at home. It demonstrates the adoption that they have to new technology and Western type opportunities. 许多人的可支配收入和购买力都要远远超过平均水平。

There are a large, large group of people with disposable income and purchasing power much greater than the average level.

Anchor: Starbucks is a company that prides itself on the image of being environmentally friendly. Do you find your values and guiding principles being understood here in China? 主持人:星巴克引以为豪的企业形象是注重环保,善待员工。您觉得您的价值观和指导原则在中国能被理解,能被接受吗?

Howard Schultz: 这是个很重要也问得很好的问题。我与政府官员见面时所感受到的是非常开放和理解的态度。中国官员希望看到像星巴克这样兼顾盈利和扇形的公司在中国取得成功。 Howard Schultz:I think that is a very important and right question. What I saw during the meeting I had with government officials was a very strong level of openness and understanding that a business like Starbucks which has built itself on its balance between profitability and benevolence is the kind of business they would like to see succeed in China.


What I mean by that specifically is that the Chinese government is very interest, I think, in opening up the doors to Western companies and Western brands, especially those companies that are very respectful of the heritage and tradition of how this country was built. We’ve demonstrated a willingness to understand your way of thinking and your way of life.

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Unit 5

Dialogue One

司仪:晚宴已经准备好了,请大家入座,每 个人都座位上都有座位卡,上面有各人的名字。(主宾请入座)

Master of ceremony: The banquet is ready, shall we go into the dinning hall and sit at table? You will find your name card on the table in front of you. (Hosts and guests take their seats) 黄省长:史密斯省长,史密斯夫人,欢迎您们访问广州,贵省与广东省一直有着密切的联系,去年两省更是建立了姐妹省的关系,让我们为两省间的友谊干杯!

Governor Huang: Governor Smith, Mrs. Smith, welcome to Guangzhou. Your province and Guangzhou has always enjoyed a close relationship. Last year, we became Sister Provinces. Here I propose, let’s drink to the friendship between our two provinces!

Governor Smith: Governor Huang, thank you very much for inviting us to this beautiful dinner, I feel much honored. This is my second visit to Guangdong and I feel that we are old friends already. I want to propose a toast to our host! Thank you for your hospitality. Let’s drink to the great province—— Guangdong! Cheers!



Governor Huang: Since the establishment of the relationship of sister provinces, people of the two provinces have enjoyed friendly relations and the bilateral trade has increased greatly. I believe your visit this time will further promote our friendship. Wish you a very pleasant visit. Governor Smith: Thank you! It’s a very precious trip to me. I am very impressed with the rapid growth of Guangdong since my last visit here. I visited the New Baiyun International Airport and the Metro Station yesterday, which are among the best in the world. It’s very amazing.



What we would be most proud of is the foundation that we’ve built in here is very, very strong because the values and guiding principles of our company are the same as they are in America.

Anchor: all right. This will conclude our interview today. Thank you very much, Mr. Schultz.

Howard Schultz: 我很乐意!也感谢您让我参加这个节目。

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