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3 Rewrite the sentences using see . 1 In 1987 there was a major stock market crash. 1987 saw a major stock market crash.
2 The early 1980s was a period of steady economic growth. The early 1980s saw a period of steady economic growth. 3 Long hair made a brief return in the 1990s. The 1990s saw a brief return to long hair.
4 On the first day of the sales there were hundreds of people queuing in the streets. The first day of the sales saw hundreds of people queuing in the streets.
5 There was great technological change during our grandparents‘ generation. Our grandparents‘ generation saw a great technological change. turn out to be
4 Rewrite the sentences using turn out to be . 1 I thought the ring was made of gold, but in the end it proved to be silver. I thought the ring was made of gold, but it turned out to be silver.
2 She looked like my cousin, but she was actually a complete stranger. She looked like my cousin, but she turned out to be a complete stranger.
3 The house needed a lot of work doing on it, but it proved to be a good investment. The house needed a lot of work doing on it, but it turned out to be a good investment. 4 I saw smoke rising from the building, but it was a false alarm.
I saw smoke rising from the building, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
5 I didn‘t want to move to England, but in the end it proved to be a wise decision. I didn‘t want to move to England, but it turned out to be a wise decision.
5 Read the explanations of the words. Answer the questions. 1 hint A hint can be something you say to show your feelings without saying directly what they are, a small amount of something, or a piece of advice.
(a) If someone has a hint of a smile on their face, what do you see? You see just a small sign of a smile but not a proper smile.
(b) What helpful hints would you give someone starting their own business?
I‘d suggest that they need to have a clear focus on what the business is about and exactly how it will work, eg the person should identify a niche in the market that the new business can fill.
(c) If you drop a hint about what you would like for your birthday, do you ask for it directly? No, of course not! You just find a way to join in with a normal conversation and say something about what you would like.
2 range This word can mean a number of things of the same general type, the distance or limits of something, or to move freely.
(a) What can you find in a shop which stocks a wide range of products? You can find products of all kinds, a good variety of them.
(b) What would be the best thing to do if you were within range of someone with a gun? Run quickly away out of range if there is time; if not, take shelter. (c) Which is the biggest mountain range in China?
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Well, the Himalayas are the highest, but the Tian Shan or Kunlun mountain ranges are longer. (d) What have hens which lay free-range eggs been able to do?
They have been able to run and walk around freely, compared to hens which are kept in small cages or containers.
3 reflect This word can mean to be a sign of a situation, or to think carefully about something. (a) Whose image is reflected if you look in a mirror?
Your own image is reflected back to you when you look in a mirror.
(b) Do you believe that the state of the economy can be reflected in the height of hemlines? I wouldn‘t have believed it before I read the passage, but I believe it now! (c) Do you ever reflect on the mistakes you make in English?
Yes, I do try to reflect on them because I know such reflection is a good way to improve my English. 4 rise This word can mean an increase in number, amount or value, or the achievement of success or power.
(a) Why was there a sharp rise in unemployment in the West in the 1930s?
The sharp rise in unemployment was due to the stock market crash and the financial crisis. (b) What do you know about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire?
I know that over several hundred years the Roman Empire expanded, but after a time it then
declined over a long period. There‘s a famous book called The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. (c) Do you live in a high-rise block of flats?
I know that a lot of people in cities in China do live in large apartment blocks which have many floors, maybe 15 or 20 or more, but I live in a flat in a much smaller house of just three floors. (d) What are the different factors which give rise to new fashions?
Fashion designers produce innovations and new styles. There are changes in the economic situation so that people may spend more or less on clothes; also new materials and colours become available, and people get different ideas about what to wear when they travel to other places or watch films and TV.
6 Translate the paragraph into Chinese.
Sometimes the hemline indicator, as it‘s called, can even precede and predict a change in the mood of the stock market long before it actually happens. In September 2007, at the New York fashion shows, which were displaying their styles for spring 2008, the trend was for much longer dresses and skirts, many to mid-calf or even down to the ankles. Some people felt this showed that the hemline indicator was no longer reliable, and that designers no longer dictated what people would wear. During the London and New York fashion shows in September 2008, hemlines continued to drop. But sure
enough, in the fall of 2008, the stock market indexes fell dramatically when the banking crisis hit the US, Europe and then the rest of the world. Hemlines were no longer following the stock market – they were showing the way and indicating future economic trends. 有时候,所谓的裙摆指标甚至能事先早早就预告股市的变化。2007年9月,纽约时装展展示了2008年春季流行风格,潮流转向了长衣、长裙,许多裙摆降至小腿中线,甚至到了脚踝。有人觉得,这表明裙摆指标靠不住了,或者服装设计师不再左右着装的趋势了。在2008年9月的伦敦和纽约时装展中,裙摆继续下降。果然,2008年秋天金融危机袭击美欧,波及全球,股指急跌。此时,裙摆不再被动追随股市升跌,而是引领潮流,预示未来的经济趋势了。(? 第一句原文复杂,但译成中文较简单。最后一句译文加词,加上―被动‖可起强调作用,让本句的意思更明确。) 7 Translate the paragraphs into English.
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然而,多年的学校生活让学生在内心里对随处可见的校服产生了抵触情绪,校服毕竟压制了个性的表达。为了弥补这种损失,学生常常会在周末穿流行的休闲装。直到上了大学,他们才会享受真正的着装自由,而服装上的无序与大学培养创造力、鼓励自由表达思想及展露才华密切相关。可惜这样的好景不会太长,经过一段相对短暂的自由之后,他们在毕业工作之后将再次经历着装规范的压力。(hard and fast; there is no doubt that; currency; correlation; backlash; ubiquitous; compensate for;anarchy; obtain; revive)
Translation of the passages Active reading (1) 时装潮流50年
1960 至2010 年间的时装史存在着两个不可忽略或不可低估的不变因素:一是无处不在的牛仔裤,二是女装裙摆的升降。
牛仔裤是用粗斜纹布做的,早在16 世纪末法国就有了这种布料。直到19 世纪中叶,李维·施特劳斯发现在加州淘金热中劳动的矿工很需要用这种耐用布料做成的牛仔裤,他还用铆钉来加固裤子。直到1950 年代,蓝色粗斜纹布做的牛仔裤一直只是流行的工装,但是后来牛仔裤变成了青春、新思想、反叛及个性的标志。1950 年代末,李维·施特劳斯公司开始向欧亚出口蓝色牛仔裤。年轻人趋之若鹜,视其为美国活力四射的、随意的生活方式的象征。
1960 年代时装史上一个最重要的发展就是英国时装设计师玛丽·匡特发明的超短裙。由于匡特在―摇摆伦敦‖的中心地带工作,超短裙很快就风行全球。当法国杰出的时装设计师库雷热把超短裙变成一件高级时装时,超短裙得到了人们更多的尊敬。但是,如果只有长筒袜而没有发明裤袜的话,超短裙是不可能在全球流行的,因为裙摆的上升会让人看见长筒袜的袜口。
60 年代中、70 年代初的嬉皮士运动影响了牛仔裤的设计,牛仔裤的裤腿发展成了扩张的―喇叭形‖。到了70 年代中期,随着经济的恶化,裙摆降低到了小腿中部和脚踝部,而牛仔裤则不再是清一色的蓝色了。
80 年代中期兴起了几种风格各异的服装。―权威装‖以雅致的套装为特色,带肩垫的上衣配及膝短裙,受到新近得势的女士的欢迎。毫不奇怪,当经济不稳定的时候,人们不想在穿着上太冒险。男士则流行以电视剧 ―迈阿密风云‖命名的―迈阿密风云‖式样的时装,名牌短外套配时髦的T 恤,留着有型的短胡子——长三、四天的样子。和往常一样,粗斜纹布仍然受到年轻人的欢迎。尤其是重金属音乐迷,爱穿漂白的、撕开裂口的牛仔裤及牛仔衫。
在1987 年全球股市崩盘之前,裙摆也开始逐渐地上升起来。 美国在80 年代末兴起了一种较为保守的风格,称为―学院风‖。男士穿拉尔夫·劳伦和布鲁克斯兄弟品牌的经典服装,衣领带纽扣的衬衫、斜纹棉布裤、平底便鞋,脖子上随意系着一件毛衣。他们也穿牛仔裤,但是必须
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90 年代随着世界经济的再次复苏,年轻人的时装也变得更加大胆起来了。靴子、匡威或耐克运动鞋都很流行,但是流行颜色变成了橄榄绿和米灰色。头发要么留得很长,要么是染成蓝色、绿色或红色的短刺头。帽衫、棒球帽及松垮型牛仔裤在街上随处可见。松垮型牛仔裤往往穿得很低,松松垮垮地挂在臀部上。
2000 年1 月纽约的科技股市崩盘。和往常一样,裙摆也下降了,正如一位评论家所说的,―循规蹈矩、一本正经的式样开始流行了,裙摆必须过膝。‖ 但仅仅过了一年,股市开始复苏,超短迷你裙又回来了,裙摆比多年以来的都要高。
有时候,所谓的裙摆标志甚至能够在事情发生之前早早地预告股票牛市和熊市的更替。2007 年9月的纽约时装展展示了2008 年春季流行式样,潮流转向了长衣、长裙,裙摆降至小腿中线,甚至到了脚踝。有人觉得这表明裙摆标志靠不住了,要不就是服装设计师已经丧失了对时装的主宰权。2008年9 月,在伦敦和纽约时装展中,裙摆继续下降。果然,2008 年秋天金融危机袭击美欧,波及全球,股指急剧下跌。这时,裙摆不再被动地追随股市升跌,而是引领潮流,预示未来的经济趋势了。
在整个这段时期内,时装的风格多种多样,它们的诞生往往起因于人们希望归属于某种亚文化、与之认同的愿望。但是,这个时期不变因素是粗斜纹布和裙摆。影响力最大的当属19 世纪加利福尼亚州的一个服装制造商以及1960 年代工作在―摇摆伦敦‖的一位年轻的时装设计师。 Active reading (2) 生态珠宝:海洋玻璃
没有什么硬性的的规定说明玻璃碎块要在海水中放多长时间才能被正式称为海洋玻璃,但可以肯定的是,年代越久远,玻璃就越光滑、越奇特。50 岁的考恩解释说:―完美的海洋玻璃没有棱角。它们的棱角经海水多年的拍打已经磨平了,它们也从大块玻璃变成了小巧精美的宝石。玻璃的颜色也能道出它们的年龄,如果你发现红色或琥珀色的海洋玻璃,你找到的可能就是几百年前的玻璃——我们已经不再生产这种玻璃了。‖
90 年代末,她设计的产品在伦敦的利博提百货店出售。如今,你可能在美术馆里看到她的作品,但是她主要做订单产品,她设计的产品从脚链到订婚戒指无所不包。
在立志成为珠宝商之前,考恩从20 岁到40 岁都从事新闻报道及音乐管理工作。她在祖国南非开普敦的砂砾海滩散步时偶然发现几颗海洋玻璃,并注意到它们在海水的塑造下呈现各种不同的形状。她从此开始收集海洋玻璃,把它们存放在一个大玻璃柜里,放在工作室显眼的位
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她最喜欢的寻宝地——也是许多收藏者的寻宝地——是英国达勒姆县的锡厄姆海滩。那儿是维多利亚玻璃厂的所在地,该厂于1921 年关闭。有成千上万公吨的玻璃撒落到海上,并在过去的一个世纪里被海浪打磨抛光,为考恩提供了大量的原材料。
考恩说,―人的过失行为被转变成积极的东西,这真是太好了。‖ 虽然在19 世纪没有人思考过向大海倾倒玻璃的后果,但这件事最后演变成了一个完美的过程:玻璃最终破碎了,变成了沙子。如今,对玻璃废料的负责任的态度是尽量重新利用废旧玻璃,这确实有很大的好处,但却宣告了海洋玻璃时代的终结。考恩说,―这是一个机遇:海洋玻璃资源最终会枯竭,将来有一天,它们会比钻石还珍贵。‖
供货的减少加上需求的增加使海洋玻璃生意非常兴隆。以前人们曾经免费向珠宝商提供自己的收藏,现在它们在EBay 上能卖到成百上千英镑。就连年轻的收藏者也深知它们潜在的价值。最近一位15 岁的女孩把她的收藏卖给考恩,想挣点钱参加学校组织的旅游。考恩说:―我付给她的钱比它的实际价值高多了,她把它拍得很漂亮。‖
海洋玻璃的减少似乎让人觉得应该恢复(往海里)倾倒玻璃的旧习,但考恩绝不宽恕这样的做 法。―有人跟我说?为什么不往海里倒玻璃以保证未来原材料的供应,或打磨新玻璃让它看上去像旧玻璃?‘这可不是我干的事。这样做会失去神秘感。我喜欢的是。每块海洋玻璃的背后都有一个故事,你可以想象它曾经的样子,它走过的地方以及它的年龄。每个人都会在同一块玻璃上看到不同的故事。‖
50 年后,塑料可能是被海浪冲上岸的唯一的东西了,但考恩坚信艺术家会想办法给它们派上用场。她说,―已经有珠宝商开始使用熔化塑料了,人们会找到富有创造性的方法来利用一切现有的资源。‖
Unit 4
Active reading (1)
The Credit Card Trap
Culture points
A charity shop is a shop that sells clothes, books and other goods given by people in order to raise money for a charity (an organization that exists to help people in need).
Credit rating refers to information about someone that a bank or shop uses for deciding whether to lend them money or give them credit. With a higher credit rating, you can borrow more money or have a higher limit on a cash card etc. Language points
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