内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/4 20:30:08星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
1. I‘d like to have the insurance ______ for 130% of the invoice value.
a. cover b. covered c. covering d. to cover
2. Your L/C calls for an insurance amount for 180% of the invoice value. ______, we
would request you to amend the insurance clause. a. The case is like this b. The case being it c. Such is the case d. Such being the case 3. Need we insure the shipment against Leakage Risk? Yes, you ______ .
a. must b. need c. should d. can
4. The Pacific Insurance Company ______ the liability if you had covered W.P.A. a. will take b. would have taken c. has taken d. is going to take
5. Lloyd‘s, an association of London underwriters, developed from a small seventeenth- century London coffee house, ______ underwriters at that time met to do business. a. that b. which c. where d. in that
6. We are pleased to confirm ______ the above goods against All Risks for $5,500. a. have arranged b. having assured c. to have ensured d. having insured
7. Damage ______ the goods was caused by heavy rain ______ transit. a. of, in b. to, in c. for, during d. on, during 8. PICC stands ______ the People‘s Insurance Company of ______ . a. for, Clause b. like, China c. by, Cargo d. for, China
9. On inspection of the consignment unloaded ______ the port of discharge, we found ten bundles ______ .
a. by, losing b. from, missed c. at, missing d. on, lost
10. We thank you for your letter of March 25, requesting us to effect insurance on the captioned goods for your ______.
a. cost b. amount c. account d. expense
11. Insurance is to be ______ by the buyer if a transaction is concluded on FOB or CFR
a. covered b. done c. made d. taken
12. Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buyer‘s account, ______ additional risks be covered.
a. if b. as c. must d. should.
III. Fill in the following blanks with the given words in their proper forms:
insure(-rance) assure satisfy(-faction, -factory) 1. We can _____ you of the reliability of the market information. 2. The quality of your goods has been found _____ in every respect.
3. _____ is to be covered by the seller on the subject article against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value. 4. We can _____ you that we will cooperate closely with you.
5. Only when our dealings with you have developed to the _____ of both parties can we consider other terms of
6. Please be _____ that we will revert to your enquiry as soon as possible. 7. We have _____ the shipment F.P.A. and against War Risk.
8. We _____ you that all your requirements can be _____ without question. 9. Carefulness will _____ you against further errors in packing. 10. I can _____ you that the prices we offer you are very favorable.
11. The packing must be strong enough to _____ the goods against damage in transit.
12. We are not _____ with the first shipment because the quality is not in strict accordance with that of the samples.
IV. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1. Please cover insurance on these goods against All Risks and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value. 2. If you desire us to insure against a special risk, an extra premium will have to be charged. 3. It is general practice that the insurance b covered in the same currency as in the letter of credit. 4. The extra premium will be refunded to you upon receipt of your debit note.
5. We have covered the goods with the People‘s Insurance Company of China against All Risks for US$ 5000. 6. Since our order was placed on CIF basis and you covered the insurance, we should appreciate it if you would file
the insurance claim with the insurers.
7. The insured should promptly submit an insurance claim to the insurer or its agent so as to provide the latter with
ample time to pursue recovery from the relative party in fault.
8. If you have an open policy with your insurance company we do not object to your covering insurance at your end
and in that case we will advise you of the particulars of the shipment as soon as we ship the goods.
9. Buyer‘s request for insurance to be covered up to the inland city can be accepted on condition that such extra
premium is for buyer‘s account.
10. The insurance clause in your LC requiring insurance certificate in US dollars is unacceptable, as the LC is in Hong
Kong Dollars.
11. We would like to have the coverage of WPA, including the warehouse-to-warehouse clause with a valid period of
60 days.
12. As our insurance company is a state-operated enterprise enjoying high prestige in settling claims promptly and
equitably, you are advised to do business with us on CIF basis and leave the insurance to be effected by us.
V. Put the following sentences into English: 1. 凡以FOB为条件的交易,其保险由买方负责。
2. 为了不因延期交货而受损失,我们已要求卖方在合同上注明罚款条款。 3. 保险费是按照包含的险别多少而定
4. CIF、CFR 和FOB 是我们外贸公司常用的价格条款。 5. 卖方应该按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险。
6. 如果你方要求按发票金额的130%投保,额外保险费将由你方负担。 7. 请将此批货投保水渍险,并告知保险费。
8. 请按我们要求办理保险,同时将装船通知告知我方。 9. 由于我方是按CIF价订货的,应由你方投保。
10. 我们一般对按CIF价格出售的货物向中国人民保险公司投保。
11. 我们很遗憾得知你方货物在途中严重受损,保险公司将按照投保险别赔偿损失。 12. 如果货物发生损坏,你方可凭检验报告与你处保险代理联系并提出保险索赔。
VI. Supply the missing words in the blanks of the message:
A contract of insurance, which is generally made in the form of an insurance p__1__, is one between a party who agrees to accept the risk ( the i__2__) and a party seeking protection from the risk ( the i__3__). In return for payment of a p__4__ the insurer agrees to pay the insured a stated sum ( or a proportion of it) should the event insured against happen.
There are a great many i__5__ companies in the world. Lloyd‘ is a famous organization incorporated in London in 1871. The People‘s Insurance Company of China (PICC), established in 1949, is the sole state-o__6__ insurance organization in China. It underwrites almost all kinds of insurance and has a__7__ in practically all main parts and regions the world over. Since the establishment of the PICC, it had become the practice of our foreign trade corporations to have their imports insured with the PICC. Insurance on China‘s exports may also be c__8__ here if the foreign buyers consider it advisable to do so. But never should the buyers be forced to accept CIF terms if they intend doing business on CFR basis with insurance at their discretion.
For CIF transaction, we usually e__9__ insurance for 110% of the i__10__ value against (risks) as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the PICC, that is to say, 110% is for CIF invoice value and 10% is to cover a reasonable profit and some expenses. Sometimes, buyers may request insurance to cover more than 110%. In such circumstances, the extra premium will be for buyer‘s a__11__.
VII. Read the following short passages or letters and then translate them into Chinese:
It is customary to insure goods sold for export against the perils of the journey. In international trade, the transportation of goods from the seller to the buyer is generally over a long distance by air, by land or by sea and has to go through the procedures of loading, unloading and storing. During this process it is quite possible that the goods will encounter various kinds of perils and sometimes suffer losses. In order to protect the goods against possible loss in case of such perils, the buyer or seller before the transportation of the goods usually applies to an insurance company for insurance covering the goods in transit.
Insurance policy is an official document evidencing the acceptance of the insurance covering by the insurer of the cargo under carriage during a specified voyage and also a formal contract concluded between the insurer and the insured. In the policy are stated the names of the insured, commodities and conveyance, the type of insurance cover, the amount insured, and detailed clauses concerning the rights and obligations of the two contracted parties, the insurer and the insured.
The insurance policy also serves as a foundation on which the insured makes any claims and the insurer handles them in case of the loss of or damage to the insured cargo. Besides, it is an indispensable shipping document required in negotiating for payment under CIF terms at the negotiating bank under a letter of credit.
(C) Dear Sirs, We‘ve received your letter of May 18th. As requested, we have faxed you an offer this morning for 100 metric tons of wool on the basis of CFR. As for the scope of coverage handled by The People‘s Insurance Company of China (PICC), we generally cover WPA and War Risk for 110% of the invoice value in absence of definite instructions from our clients. All Risks can also be arranged with slightly higher premium. We could arrange other risks according to our clients‘ requirements, but the extra premium should be borne by buyers. We hope the above information will meet your purpose. Yours faithfully, VIII. Translate the following letters into English:
(A) 敬启者: 事由:我方101号订单及你方45号销售合同项下的50台计算机 请查阅我方订购50台计算机的第101号订单。你方会发现此订单是按成本加运费订购的。 我们现在想在你地投保,故请按发票金额110%代我方对此货投保综合险。 收到你借方结帐单(debit note)后,我即将保险费汇付给你们。若你方愿意,亦可开具即期汇票,向我方收款。 谨上 (B) 敬启者: 事由:我方101号订单及你方45号销售合同项下的50台计算机 感谢你方9月30日函,要我方对标题货物代办保险。 现确认已按你方要求,为上述货物向中国人民保险公司投保了综合险,投保金额为 25 000美元。可望一两日内将保险单与保险费的借方结帐单一并寄你。 该批货物将装“东风”轮,约在下月10日前后启航。 谨上
Unit 14 I. Put the following Chinese into English:
用。。。包装 包装;包装容器 尺寸 毛重 净重 皮重 适航的 塑料袋 纸箱 箱 梱 罐,听 托盘 集装箱
散装 野蛮装卸 。。。的一部分 以 。。。方法(或方式) 国外市场 对。。。有吸引力 引人注意 提供信息 提供方便
II. Multiple choice:
1. We regret our inability to agree ______ your proposal to pack the goods ______
cardboard boxes, because transhipment has to be made at Hong Kong for the goods to be shipped to our port.
a. on, in b. to, in c. with, in d. to, by
2. The buyer suggested that the packing of this article ______ improved. a. was to be b. had to be c. would be d. be
3. Packing lists help ______ contents of packages, either for Customs purposes or for the importers.
a. identify b. be distinguished c. recognizing d. identification
4. Due to the fact ______ you urged quick delivery, we were not able to use our special packing.
a. which b. that c. when d. to which 5. Outer packing ______ stencilled with shipping marks. a. is not always b. may be c. must be d. is usually not
6. Our ladies‘ pyjamas are packed in cartons, each ______ 12 doz./sets. a. to contain b. contains c. contained d. containing
7. Please ship the goods in strong export packing to ensure good condition ______ arrival. a. in b. for c. on d. at
8. The loss was due to improper packing, ______ the suppliers should be responsible. a. for which b. to which c. in which d. which
9. It is important that the goods under Credit No.456 ______ packed in double gunny bags. a. will be b. shall be