
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/20 22:41:53星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


94. Jenny is an university student, and she is an honest girl. A B C D

95. It took fifteen minutes for her realize that she had spelled my name incorrectly. A B C D 96. Let’s give the patient the hand. The car is waiting for us outside the school. A B C D 97. Every means have been tried but without much success. A B C D

98. No sooner he had entered the room than the telephone rang. A B C D 99. It was in the classroom which we had class meeting yesterday. A B C D

100. No one knows that the experiment will succeed or not. A B C D

Part Ⅵ Writing (1×20 points)

Directions: For this part, you’re required to write a composition with at least 120 words based on the following picture. Please entitle and write it on the Answer Sheet.

Happiness in My Mind


1--5 CBAAD 6--10 DCABB 11--15 BBCCA 16--20 BDADA 21--25 BDABB 26--30 ABABA 31--35 DDABB 36--40 ADBDB 41--45 ACBDB 46--50 ACBAC 51--55 DCBBC 56--60 CAADA 61--65 AAACD 66--70 CBABB 71--75 DCACD 76--80 DBCBA 81.This beautiful and clean city has left a deep impression upon foreign tourists. 82.They checked in the best hotel in the city.

83.Teachers should pay more attention to the students’ differences. 84.It’s impolite to enter a room without knocking at the door first. 85.Do you fasten the safety belt when driving? 86.我想约见史密斯大夫。

87.与其说他是个音乐家,不如说他是个诗人。 88.好教师总是鼓励学生独立思考。 89.你能保证把这台电脑还给我吗? 90.典型的英国绅士总是带着一把雨伞。

91.A 改为usual 92.B 改为engaged 93.B 改为such 94.A 改为a

95.B 改为 to realize 96.B 改为 a 97.A 改为 has 98.B 改为 had he 99.C 改为 that 100.C 改为 whether 作文 略

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