2016中考英语 考点跟踪突破21 九年级 Units 13-14

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考点跟踪突破21 九年级 Units 13~14


1.—How much is the dress?

—It __A__ me 400 yuan.(2015,铜仁)

A.cost B.spent C.took D.paid 2.The number of the volunteers __A__ 100 now.And a small number of them ________ already gone to the workplace.(2015,临潼)

A.is;have B.are;have C.is;are D.is;has

3.—The group of boys and girls __A__ to study in college this morning,full of nice dreams.

—I believe their dreams can come true one day.(2015,荆州) A.set off B.fell off C.put off D.kept off 4.They walked home last night because they couldn't __C__ to take a taxi.(2015,重庆)

A.leave B.buy C.afford D.allow

5.We should thank the man.He always does what he can __B__ us.(2015,眉山) A.helps B.to help C.help D.helping

6.Mom,I'm very __A__ for all your love.(2015,河北) A.thankful B.careful C.useful D.helpful

7.—The organization Wild Aid is __D__ to protect wild animals. —It has done a lot so far.(2015,宜昌) A.cheered up B.picked up C.taken up D.set up

8.Playing computer games too often __B__ our eyes.(2015,太白模拟) A.is helpful to B.is harmful to C.is good for D.is thirsty for 9.—Many teenagers put mobile gaming __C__ other things and spend too much time on it.(2015,宜昌)

—That's really bad. A.up to B.as for

C.ahead of D.along with

10.As a teacher,I love being with my students.You can't imagine how much they __A__ knowledge!(2015,神木模拟)

A.are thirsty for B.are famous for C.are good for D.are late for 二、完形填空。(2015,白银)

People usually check whether their keys,purses and phones are with them before going out,but many people in China now have one more important thing to take—a mask (口罩).They hope it can protect them __1__ terrible air.

Many cities in China saw a lot of foggy days in April.In Beijing,there were eight days in April full of smog.It is dirty air __2__ looks like a mixture of fog and smoke.The smoke is mainly from cars and factories in cities.Poor air is bad for people's health,__3__ for children and old people.They fell ill easily and the __4__

were full of people.They had problems with their noses and lungs.

So it's necessary __5__ people from doing so many bad things to the environment.For example,people should use cars less and __6__ burn lots of coal and gas.Government needs to take measures to make factories stop pouring __7__ waste air into the sky.

Three students from No.4 High School in Beijing __8__ a report to advise how to protect the environment.They suggested __9__ people should plant more trees and set off fewer fireworks for celebration.

We hope more people will join us in __10__ a difference.In this way,the blue skies will certainly return for good.

(B)1.A.in B.from C.for D.at (A)2.A.that B./ C.who D.whom

(C)3.A.lucky B.especial C.especially D.luckily (D)4.A.schools B.gardens C.zoos D.hospitals (C)5.A.stop B.stopping C.to stop D.stopped (B)6.A.needn't B.shouldn't C.should D.can (C)7.A.too many B.many too C.too much D.much too (A)8.A.wrote B.writes

C.are writing D.will write

(C)9.A.which B.where C.that D.what (D)10.A.make B.to make C.made D.making 三、阅读理解。(2015,荆州)

The message was short.I read it three times:“Hey,Mom,can I come to see you guys?” I wrote back:“Yes!” He said he hoped to make it in time for dinner.

I made a quick run to the market,put sheets on the guest bed and set the TV to record the Warriors' game,so if traffic was awful,he wouldn't have to miss the first half.Then I began cooking,cleaning,watching the clock and listening for his footsteps coming up the walk.

It's called waiting.I'm good at it.When he was a newborn,I'd wait for him to go to sleep.Soon then I'd stand by his bed waiting for him to wake up.I waited,as he learned to do things like walking,talking and feeding himself;throwing a ball,riding a bike and reading a book.

I waited for him to start preschool,primary school,middle school and college. I waited with dread for him to start driving.And I waited up every time he came home late.

I wait for my son to grow up,but that doesn't mean the waiting game is over.It never really ends.

Mothers wait for all kinds of reasons—good news or bad,happiness or heartache.But the waiting is soon forgotten,usually,the minute a long awaited child walks through the door.

My boy will be here soon.But if he's late,I can wait.I'm good at it.And he's worth it.I will always leave a light on for him.

1.After knowing her son would come home,which of the following activities did

she do?__C__

a.Shopping. b.Cooking. c.Cleaning. d.Watching the Warriors' game. A.bc B.ad C.abc D.bcd

2.What does the underlined word “dread” mean?__D__ A.激动 B.骄傲 C.厌恶 D.害怕

3.Which of the following about the writer is TRUE according to the reading?__D__

A.Luckily,her son never makes her wait long.

B.She has experienced all kinds of feelings while waiting for her son to do things.

C.When her son went to college,her waiting ended.

D.Waiting for her son is often boring,but once her son arrives she forgets about it.

4.Which do you think would be the best title for the reading?__A__ A.Worth waiting for.

B.Being patient is difficult. C.Learn to be a mother. D.Visit your mother often. 四、完成句子。

1.那家工厂五年前关闭了。(2015,天津) That factory closed_down five years ago. 2.我们一到学校就会交作业。(2015,苏州)

We will hand in our homework as_soon_as we get to school. 3.你最好不要在公园里采花。(2015,苏州) You'd better not_pick flowers in the park.

4.我想知道你是怎样和汤姆保持联系的。(2015,苏州) I wonder how you keep_in_touch_with Tom.


Some works of art in this museum were_stolen last week. 五、补全对话。(2015,绵阳)

A:Hi,Ryan.I want to have a class party.1.__C__

B:Sure.I can help you.So when shall we have the party? A:2.__A__

B:No,today is too early.If we have it today,half the class won't come. A:OK,let's have it tomorrow then. B:Hmm...There's a test the day after tomorrow.Students will leave early to study for the test.3.__F__

A:OK,let's have it on Saturday afternoon.4.__D__

B:No,I don't think we should watch a video.Some students will be bored.Let's play party games.

A:5.__E__ Can you organize the party games?

B:Sure,I can do that.And can you make some food for us? A:Yes,no problem.

A.Let's have it today after class.

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