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27、按FOB术语签订的合同,采用程租船运输的大宗货物,应在合同中具体订明( )。

A.装船费由谁负担 B.卸货费由谁负担 C.运费由谁负担 D.保险费由谁负担

28、按CIF术语成交的合同,货物在运输途中因火灾被焚,应由:( ) A.卖方负担货物损失

B.卖方负责请求保险公司赔偿 C.买方负责请求保险公司赔偿 D.买卖双方共同负担

29、按CIF成交,卖方对货物的所有权:( ) A.随运输单据交给买方时转移 B.随货物风险转移至买方时转移 C.随货物实际交给买方时转移 D.随货物交给承运人时转移

30、就卖方承担的费用而言,费用从高到低的排列应该是:( ) A.FOB、CFR、CIF B.CIF、CFR、FOB C.FOB、CIF、CFR D.CIF、FOB、CFR


1、采用凭样品成交时,为了争取国外客户,应选择质量最好的样品给对方,以达成交易。( )

2、在出口贸易中,表达品质的方法多种多样,为了明确责任,最好采用既凭样品又凭规格买卖的方法。( )

3、某外商来电要我方提供大豆,按含油量18%,含水分14%,不完全粒7%,杂质1%的规格订立合同。对此,在一般情况下,我方可以接受。( )

4、为了适应国际市场的需要,我出口贸易中,应争取按买方样品达成交易。( ) 5、回样又称对等样品,指卖方收到买方来样后,做一个复制品寄交对方。( )

6、按买方来样,我方复制一个样品寄交买方确认,这个样品即为复样。( ) 7、ISO 14 000是国际标准化组织推出的重量管理和重量保证系列标准。( )

8、On FOB term basis, Seller A prepared the goods at the stipulated time,

meanwhile , Buyer B informed A of the name of vessel and the date of shipment ,when the goods is lifted to the ship, it fell down on the deck, then the buyer shall take responsibility of the loss.( )

9、交货数量的机动幅度可由卖方选择也可由买方选择,不论由何方选择,每次装货均不得超过承运人宣布的船舶装载量。( )

10、若卖方交付货物的品质在约定的品质机动幅度或品质公差范围内,除非买卖双方另有规定,一般不另行增减价格。( )

11、“Warsaw-Oxford Rules1932” is made out by International Law Institute

for CFR .( )

12、“Incoterms” is made out by International Chamber of Commerce (国际商会). ( )


14、出口人完成装运后,凭以向船公司换取已装船提单的单据是mate′s receipt. 15、采用班轮运送货物时如果运费计收标准为“AV”,则表示按商品价格计收。

16、某出口商品每件净重30千克,毛重34千克,体积每件40厘米×30厘米×20厘米。如果班轮运价计费标准为W/M 10级,则船公司计收运费时应按体积计收。

17、在定程租船方式下,我国对装卸费的收取采用较为普遍的办法是船方负担装卸费。 18、我国出口到朝鲜的石油,一般采用的运输方式是管道运输。 19、班轮运输特点的是定线、定港、定期和相对固定的运费率。




(1)1000箱货物由于船舶触礁而被水浸; (2)600箱货物由于船舶搁浅而遭水渍; (3)船底因触礁而受损; (4)船底因搁浅而受损; (5) 拖船费用;



2、A foreign trade company exported 1000 sets of typewriters. The L/C

stipulated that partial shipment was prohibited. But nonetheless, when the consignments were gathering at the port for shipment, the seller found that 45 sets of goods got problem in packing and quality. Since it was an emergency and in order to assure of the quality, the exporter believed that according to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary credits, even if it doesn’t allow the partial shipment, there is a more-or-less clause by 5%. Eventually, the seller loaded 955 sets virtually whereas the goods were rejected by the negotiating bank.

Question: Please explain the dishonor reasons of the negotiating bank with UCP600.

An exporter company in China entered into a transaction with a Russian company, stating in L/C: soybean net weight of 100 kilograms per bag, 1000 bags, a total of 100 metric tons. However, after the goods arrived in Russia, the customs discovered the soybean net weight of 94 kilograms per bag, 1000 bags, a total of 94 tons. At that time, the market price was falling. So by the reason of the discrepancies between the document and the cargo, the Russian company asked for 5% price reduction, otherwise he would reject the goods.

Question: Are Russian side’s requests reasonable? Why?

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