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2011 National English Contest for

College students (Level C-Preliminary)

Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)

Part Two Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks )

There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four

choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the

answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

31. After four days of talks, we are glad to announce that the union and management have reached an______. The agreement is fair and benefits both sides.

A. accord B. accomplishment C. identity D. undertaking

32. As the clerk______prepared my milk shake, I wondered how long she had been

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working there ,mindlessly making ice cream treats in a set order of steps.

A. logically B. methodically C. graphically D. synthetically

33. As a boy he wanted to be a fireman. As a high school student, he thought he'd like to become a teacher. Now he______to be nothing more than a janitor.

A. Assumes B. Prescribes C. Aspires D. Presumes

34. Regardless of what caused it, I an

grateful that have finally reached a point in my life_______I can appreciate my

strengths, accept my weaknesses and try to be comfortable with everything in between.

A. Why B. Where C. Which D. What

35. ______information provided by members of the public, the police would have a much move difficult job.

A. Supposing B. Provided the C.

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If it were not for D. On condition that

36. Peter Brown was a painstaking

writer;______, he once spent half a day on the composition of a single sentence.

A. On the other hand B. Nevertheless C. Moreover D. For example 37.----What an I going to do about a present for Carol?

----You______some flowers.

A. Might have sent her B. Must have sent her C. Could send her D. Would send her

38. Without the air holding in some of the sun's heat, the earth______cold at night, too cold for us to live on.

A. Will be freezing B. Would be freezing C. An be frozen D. Would be frozen

39. The students in our university

each______an English dictionary. That is to say, each of the students in our

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